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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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Michael Bay.

Seriously? Transformers 3 was over the top I found, but I can't hate the man that brought us Bad Boys and Bad Boys II (and might bring us Bad Boys III one day).


Speaking of directors, M Night Shyamalan hasn't made anything I particularly care for. Signs might have been okay, but I don't like Mel Gibson at all, or anything he has been in (except as the voice of rocky in chicken run).

I can, transformers was okay, but everything else he's made Game->Movie adaption he has royally raped.


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This video is an approximate representation of what happens when Michael Bay acquires rights to certain brands that we all know and love.





In fact, this gem LittleKuriboh made has more of a plot than any of Michael BaySPLOSIONS!!!'s movies.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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So [bleep]ing pissed. I got a 24 on the ACT AGAIN..... [bleep]s sake and I thought I did much better this time. God [bleep]ing damn it.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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So [bleep]ing pissed. I got a 24 on the ACT AGAIN..... [bleep]s sake and I thought I did much better this time. God [bleep]ing damn it.

So far I'm chill with my 24.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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My score is 21 (only took the test once and that was it) and I hardly was taking the test seriously since it's mandatory in my state to take it once when in high school. I can see how annoyed one would get when they invest a good chunk of money with no change in results. In fact, it's the cost and feeling I would get a worse score since I've been out of school for nine or so months.


If I recalled, don't you have to fork up $40-50 for each attempt?

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I don't even think I'm going to take the ACT. In the west coast not many people take it, it's not required, and I'm very used to/decent at the SAT so I doubt I would do any better on the ACT. 209 PSAT = 2090 SAT


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My score is 21 (only took the test once and that was it) and I hardly was taking the test seriously since it's mandatory in my state to take it once when in high school. I can see how annoyed one would get when they invest a good chunk of money with no change in results. In fact, it's the cost and feeling I would get a worse score since I've been out of school for nine or so months.


If I recalled, don't you have to fork up $40-50 for each attempt?


Yes. I need to get at least a 30 or there's no way I can get into the university I want to get into.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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I'm just going to practice like crazy for the SAT since test scores would probably be my high point on my college applications. It's not very hard to study for the SAT, but it's a lot harder to get really good grades in 6 different classes that are very very difficult.


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1880 on my SAT. First time, no studying, good enough for me.

You should take it again. Not that 1880 isn't good, but I got an 1880 on my first try and I retook it (without any studying or anything) and got a 2060. Knowing what the test is like makes it much easier the second time.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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1880 on my SAT. First time, no studying, good enough for me.

You should take it again. Not that 1880 isn't good, but I got an 1880 on my first try and I retook it (without any studying or anything) and got a 2060. Knowing what the test is like makes it much easier the second time.

Eh, I'm at the end of my senior year. I've already gotten into the college that I want to and gotten whatever scholarships I could grab. Not much point in taking it again.

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Oh, well at that point, yeah, [bleep] it. I forgot you were a senior.


Also, on the topic of things that annoy me, my spacebar is not really working well.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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1880 on my SAT. First time, no studying, good enough for me.

You should take it again. Not that 1880 isn't good, but I got an 1880 on my first try and I retook it (without any studying or anything) and got a 2060. Knowing what the test is like makes it much easier the second time.


I knew what the test was like and it stayed the same with studying... [bleep] me.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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It's a little irritating when teenage mothers who are either constantly fighting with their boyfriend or having their boyfriend in jail are criticizing me for being in a long distance relationship. Because their relationships are going just so swimmingly... :roll:

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When a removal truck or large vehicle decides to park ON THE CORNER of a street, with only one way in and out the street. seriously, it's [bleep]ing stupid and an accident just waiting to happen.


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It's a little irritating when teenage mothers who are either constantly fighting with their boyfriend or having their boyfriend in jail are criticizing me for being in a long distance relationship. Because their relationships are going just so swimmingly... :roll:

That's hilarious. I believe the proper response is to roll around on the floor and laugh until you can't breathe.


When a removal truck or large vehicle decides to park ON THE CORNER of a street, with only one way in and out the street. seriously, it's [bleep]ing stupid and an accident just waiting to happen.

It's also illegal (here). Can't park within x distance of an intersection. Can't remember the number, works out to like 3 car lengths.

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@Lokie: I don't remember where I read it, but when you take a map you should be sure to not stretch it for too long (more than 30 mins), because otherwise you'll go into REM sleep and that'll make it more difficult to wake up and thus make you feel less refreshed than a short half hour power nap.


On a related note: waking up. I always have to force myself out of bed. On a free day that's not so bad (I'll just put on the radio while I'm waking up and take my time to get out of bed) but on a weekday, it's torture. And worse of all? It's scientifically proven that teenagers are biologically programmed to wake up later than adults.

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Unfortunately, I am a heavy sleeper and end up sleeping way longer than I expected. The only times I didn't break my "just 5 minutes" promise was during classes in school where I woke up at least 30 seconds before the 5 minutes were up. Weird bit is how I have never experienced a 10-hour sleep.


As for waking up in general, it's harder to do it when you get out of bed and feel really cold. It just makes retreating back into the sheets even more tempting than before and falling asleep is likely to occur within a few minutes. It doesn't annoy me, just sucks that it feels good.

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Unfortunately, I am a heavy sleeper and end up sleeping way longer than I expected. The only times I didn't break my "just 5 minutes" promise was during classes in school where I woke up at least 30 seconds before the 5 minutes were up. Weird bit is how I have never experienced a 10-hour sleep.


As for waking up in general, it's harder to do it when you get out of bed and feel really cold. It just makes retreating back into the sheets even more tempting than before and falling asleep is likely to occur within a few minutes. It doesn't annoy me, just sucks that it feels good.


The most I've done while not sick was probably ~14 hours or so if I remember correctly.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Unfortunately, I am a heavy sleeper and end up sleeping way longer than I expected. The only times I didn't break my "just 5 minutes" promise was during classes in school where I woke up at least 30 seconds before the 5 minutes were up. Weird bit is how I have never experienced a 10-hour sleep.


As for waking up in general, it's harder to do it when you get out of bed and feel really cold. It just makes retreating back into the sheets even more tempting than before and falling asleep is likely to occur within a few minutes. It doesn't annoy me, just sucks that it feels good.


The most I've done while not sick was probably ~14 hours or so if I remember correctly.


Straight or just waking up for a bit in between? Even when I was sick, I usually slept for 9 1/2 at most with 11-12 total hours in bed.

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