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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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The new Facebook layout. I want to see all updates chronologically, not ones you decide I'd like in a random order.


I'm pretty sure there's a button near the top right of your feed to change it from "top posts" to "recent posts"

Nope, they got rid of it in last night's update. At least top news was in order though.


Well, that' kind of stupid. Usually when I check Facebook, all the top news is from 20 hours ago.

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How does Facebook even know what news is more 'important' than others? Number of replies? Number of likes?


Anything but chronological order is simply stupid. It's like these forums sorting posts by number of post counts.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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How does Facebook even know what news is more 'important' than others? Number of replies? Number of likes?


Anything but chronological order is simply stupid. It's like these forums sorting posts by number of post counts.


No, I bet they do it based on your statistical likelihood to like/comment on a status, taking into account the poster, the subject, your past posting habits, etc.

PM me for fitocracy invite

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When drivers have the obsessive need to go excessively fast toward the puddles during a rain storm so they soak all pedestrians coming by.


This happened to me today after I was already soaked, not once, but twice. <_<


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Here's a new one I see emerging on Faceboob:


If I Type Like This People Will Think I'm Intelligent.



No, they don't.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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If I Type Like This People Will Think I'm Intelligent.



No, they don't.



Also, I just said it a page or two back, but it's becoming such a constant problem I need to say it again. When my earbuds are in, I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC, WHICH MEANS NOT WANTING A CONVERSATION. Same goes for books. For some reason lots of people fail to realize this.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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The fact that some people will just follow you around and never leave you alone, no matter how often you hint to them that you don't want to talk to them.

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Also, I just said it a page or two back, but it's becoming such a constant problem I need to say it again. When my earbuds are in, I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC, WHICH MEANS NOT WANTING A CONVERSATION. Same goes for books. For some reason lots of people fail to realize this.

I hate the beginning weeks of college cause you have a bunch of freshman idiots being all social and trying to get to know everyone. That's why I take a textbook, doesn't matter which one, and open it while I eat and look at it so it looks like I'm busy.


But, like you said, some people just don't get it.


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Not sure if anyone here has a lot of friends doing it, but it's another one related to Facebook. Quotes, actually I'd say Facebook quotes. You know the ones people write, often for cancer and such, and they ask us to pass. All I have is examples in French, so I won't search for an English one, but the fact that it's pretty much all that's new when I log onto Facebook, friends writing or sharing this kind of quote, gets old pretty fast.


On the other hand, Google+ looks like Facebook did 4 years ago, and I feel like I'm going to love using G+.

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Also, I just said it a page or two back, but it's becoming such a constant problem I need to say it again. When my earbuds are in, I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC, WHICH MEANS NOT WANTING A CONVERSATION. Same goes for books. For some reason lots of people fail to realize this.

I hate the beginning weeks of college cause you have a bunch of freshman idiots being all social and trying to get to know everyone. That's why I take a textbook, doesn't matter which one, and open it while I eat and look at it so it looks like I'm busy.


But, like you said, some people just don't get it.


I'm sorry if some people want to meet others when they get out of the hell hole known as high school.


I mean, don't be so cold.


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Also, I just said it a page or two back, but it's becoming such a constant problem I need to say it again. When my earbuds are in, I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC, WHICH MEANS NOT WANTING A CONVERSATION. Same goes for books. For some reason lots of people fail to realize this.

I hate the beginning weeks of college cause you have a bunch of freshman idiots being all social and trying to get to know everyone. That's why I take a textbook, doesn't matter which one, and open it while I eat and look at it so it looks like I'm busy.


But, like you said, some people just don't get it.


I'm sorry if some people want to meet others when they get out of the hell hole known as high school.


I mean, don't be so cold.


Yeah I mean they're just trying to meet other people.. What's wrong with that?



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Here's a new one I see emerging on Faceboob:


If I Type Like This People Will Think I'm Intelligent.



No, they don't.

I do that out of bad habit. :oops:


@Killerred, I do that with puddles but not to pedestrians. I just like watching the water get splashed up in general. :3


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Also, I just said it a page or two back, but it's becoming such a constant problem I need to say it again. When my earbuds are in, I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC, WHICH MEANS NOT WANTING A CONVERSATION. Same goes for books. For some reason lots of people fail to realize this.

I hate the beginning weeks of college cause you have a bunch of freshman idiots being all social and trying to get to know everyone. That's why I take a textbook, doesn't matter which one, and open it while I eat and look at it so it looks like I'm busy.


But, like you said, some people just don't get it.


I'm sorry if some people want to meet others when they get out of the hell hole known as high school.


I mean, don't be so cold.


Yeah I mean they're just trying to meet other people.. What's wrong with that?

My point is, they should go bug people who look like they want to be talked to. I don't care how much you want to make friends, there's dozens of other boisterous people sitting all around me; I'm the one looking at the textbook/listening to my iPod, I don't want to be bothered, it should be obvious.


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Also, I just said it a page or two back, but it's becoming such a constant problem I need to say it again. When my earbuds are in, I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC, WHICH MEANS NOT WANTING A CONVERSATION. Same goes for books. For some reason lots of people fail to realize this.

I hate the beginning weeks of college cause you have a bunch of freshman idiots being all social and trying to get to know everyone. That's why I take a textbook, doesn't matter which one, and open it while I eat and look at it so it looks like I'm busy.


But, like you said, some people just don't get it.


I've no problem if you don't want to be bothered, but my response was to when you said you hate freshmans trying to socialize.

I mean if they're bothering you when you're busy, then ya I'd get annoyed too, but if people getting together drives you crazy then idk...


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Also, I just said it a page or two back, but it's becoming such a constant problem I need to say it again. When my earbuds are in, I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC, WHICH MEANS NOT WANTING A CONVERSATION. Same goes for books. For some reason lots of people fail to realize this.

I hate the beginning weeks of college cause you have a bunch of freshman idiots being all social and trying to get to know everyone. That's why I take a textbook, doesn't matter which one, and open it while I eat and look at it so it looks like I'm busy.


But, like you said, some people just don't get it.


I've no problem if you don't want to be bothered, but my response was to when you said you hate freshmans trying to socialize.

I mean if they're bothering you when you're busy, then ya I'd get annoyed too, but if people getting together drives you crazy then idk...

You took the sentence out of context, though. I was replying to Dizzle's post about people of the like bothering him. I hate the beginning weeks because everyone is going around introducing themselves and I get caught up in that mix, whether I take steps to prevent it or not. You have to admit that the beginning weeks are more filled with this socializing than the rest of the year; this is why I hate them, because there's more of a chance of me being on the receiving end of this socializing.


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Frankly, my flatmates. This follows on from the conversation already, but I'm really not getting along with them. It's not so much a problem of getting along badly, just that we don't even talk. There's a pair of first year girls who are about as opposite of me as you can be. My friend Charlie who's in the room next to me, who's a lovely person, heard them talking the other night at 3am saying they didn't like her and thought she was rude. They've exchanged about 2 words with Charlie and all Charlie has ever done to them is tell them to quiet down a bit when they were being ridiculously loud at 4am ¬_¬ I'm not sure I'm going to be best buddies with these flatmates ¬_¬


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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