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26-May-2010 - RuneScape Classic Temporarily Re-opening


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I'm still upset my stats went down to one... so I probably won't try this much.


I had some good level 70 stats back then :(


I know how you feel, was a pretty epic 3-hitter myself with 87 strength 1 defence and 60 attack ( used dbaxe ftw!)

Just letting you know that was impossible, with 1 Defence I mean.

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That sucks.


The day I plan to go members, this ends :evil:

Meh, but just read some of it: If I'm not members, then I cannot log into my Classic Account, which makes me more angry.

Guess I wasn't destined to play Rs Classic :mad:

Barrows Items: 1x Dharok's Platelegs, 1x Veracs's Plateskirt, 1x Dharok's Greataxe, 2x Torag's Platelegs, 1x Akrisae's War Mace, 1x Ahrim's Robeskirt, 3x Akrisae's Robetop, 1x Guthan's Warspear, 1x Akrisae's Robeskirt, 1x Torag's Helm, 2x Verac's Brassard, 1x Karil's Pistol Crossbow


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That's great for the members who haven't experienced RuneScape Classic before.


Cool, I can get my account classic enabled again. Haven't played classic since 2003 I guess (other than private servers, which are not really that interesting).


Should be nostaligic experience atleast. Remember when I started there was only like 4 servers few hundred players each. It sure has grown alot from that. :smile: I didn't even have other internet access than telephone connection on my computer, so I had to go to this "net corner" to play with friends. We had to book times from the list when we could play one hour after the school. Oh boy those were the times. Killing the darn wizards in the stone henge south of Varrock. That was probably the coolest place to hang on, with people having addy and mithril armours. I barely got myself bronze fulls and thought my charecter is cool now. Back in the days you couldn't see other peoples combat levels, so it was hard to know how good people were (other than seeing them wearing rune armours or hitting high). I also used to have bank loaded with rares which I sold somewhere in the 2003 before I quitted playing. Not very wise idea when I started playing again year or two after. :pray:


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This, and this alone, is the sole reason I've returned both to Runescape and this forum (though the community seems excellent as always).


As a player who left in early 2006, (though I have returned to FunOrb in 2009) the changes in the current game appear to have been for the worse (personal opinion, let's not get off topic :unsure: ). However, I'm certainly looking forward to the inevitable nostalgia :thumbsup: .

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playing in classic sucks. I am SO glad I moved onto rs2, when it came out I was thinking of staying in rsc. Goddamn it's awful in there, a veritable hell.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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There will be a few ppl playing for a few days, and after that it will just go back to being dead again.



i wonder if im going to make a suggestion about making runescape classic pking into rs2, you can only walk, you cant run before three rounds of combat, you can't bring newer items, and... the old style with magic and ranging.


basically the same [cabbage] with newer graphics, and no need to train all the boring classic skills all over again.



im not sure if the cb should be changed though, i like it as it is, almost.

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June the 1st -


As we did just over six months ago, we are delighted to offer everyone another opportunity to try RuneScape Classic for themselves! For two weeks starting from today, Classic will be open for new sign-ups from RuneScape members only.


If you log into Classic during this two-week period (using your normal username and password), you will continue to be able to do so after the two weeks are over. If, however, you do not, you will miss out on the chance to do so, so give it a try.


If your RuneScape account is already Classic-enabled (either from the last time we did this or from before that), then you do not have to log into Classic during these two weeks to keep it as such, but you are more than welcome to log in to say hello to those players new to Classic.


You can access RuneScape Classic here. New sign-ups should log into Classic worlds 2-6; Classic 1 is only accessible to those veteran Classic players who have stuck with it all the way through.


RuneScape Classic is the predecessor to the current RuneScape game. It was closed to new members over four years ago, but we want for players to be able to try out this important part of our history.


If you have any questions or wish to discuss this, please visit the Recent Updates thread in your forum community.


Mod Jack H

Tools Developer


Note: If you would prefer not to play through the RuneScape Classic tutorial, there is a button to allow you to skip it under the 'Spanner' menu in game.


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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classic sucks i hate being a nub i died to a [bleep]ing bear i wanted to fish but idk where the fish shop is how the [bleep] u make 10 gp to go accross alkarid



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classic sucks i hate being a nub i died to a [bleep]ing bear i wanted to fish but idk where the fish shop is how the [bleep] u make 10 gp to go accross alkarid




Ahhh. One of the nice things about RS Classic. Money is more limited. :P

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I think the "popularity" of RSC at the moment shows us that all those players claiming the good old days were better are actually a bunch of liars.


Pretty much what people rant about these days is what RSC offers them right now, no trade limits, real pk loots, no GE...


Go ahead, play it all you want! Stop filling our rants forums with insignificant trolling and play RSC today! Although you'll probably be alone in a month, have fun!



Follow the progress of top players and my weekly updates here: 200M in all Skills

Latest Milestones Chart update : page 602

Latest top 15 update : page 602

6 slowest skills chart : page 563

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i probably wont play, but i havent been able to play in a very long time.


but i seize the opportunity today and logged on. to my surprise.




i was kinda stoked i still have all my lvls from playing the original rs, to bad my banks plum empty.

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I think the "popularity" of RSC at the moment shows us that all those players claiming the good old days were better are actually a bunch of liars.


Pretty much what people rant about these days is what RSC offers them right now, no trade limits, real pk loots, no GE...


Go ahead, play it all you want! Stop filling our rants forums with insignificant trolling and play RSC today! Although you'll probably be alone in a month, have fun!


It is boring to play without a community. If more people were playing then more people would play...haha.


Even if both of the RSC worlds were filled, it wouldn't be enough to support the community the way it existed back when the game was thriving.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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I think the "popularity" of RSC at the moment shows us that all those players claiming the good old days were better are actually a bunch of liars.


Pretty much what people rant about these days is what RSC offers them right now, no trade limits, real pk loots, no GE...


Go ahead, play it all you want! Stop filling our rants forums with insignificant trolling and play RSC today! Although you'll probably be alone in a month, have fun!


It is boring to play without a community. If more people were playing then more people would play...haha.


Even if both of the RSC worlds were filled, it wouldn't be enough to support the community the way it existed back when the game was thriving.


There once was only 2 servers and people still view it as the golden age of the entire gaming history. I remember logging in RSC early mornings with 50-100 players on every worlds, again at a time people claim was the golden age of RS, not a wealthy community if you ask me.


I still call it hypocrisy from ranters though.



Follow the progress of top players and my weekly updates here: 200M in all Skills

Latest Milestones Chart update : page 602

Latest top 15 update : page 602

6 slowest skills chart : page 563

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