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What would you do if RS was real?


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lol i'd go steal some cakes then eat as many as i could lol, infinite cakes yum. i'd then go like do something crazy for the thrill because i live forever muhahahaha


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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id be glad people followed me for a change....even if they just wanted free stuff.













"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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I will stand at the window of the second floor of my cramped, dark little apothecary and telegrab everyone who passes by into my basement.








Then I will entangle them to a cold, metal pole and perform Blood Barrage on them to extract some blood sample and use them for my potions. After I have extracted about half of their blood supply, I will get out a Dragon Dagger and cut open their abdomen (without anesthetic), and slice pieces off their liver as a secondary ingredient for my potions, all the time with the soothing noise of blood-curdling screams ringing in my ears... Once the potion is finished, my victims should have the first taste...








PS. I specialise in painful, slow-acting poisons. The guy in my avatar gives you a good idea of what my victims look like when I'm starting on them.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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what id do is lagg alot run around trying to move saying "omfg ****ing lagg arggg"




or i would take out my ddp and posion random strangers and kill them




fun fun fun




and id keep making mini me's




thatd be fun








and id posion all the bankers and rob the bank




MY STUFF NOW N00bl37s!

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I will stand at the window of the second floor of my cramped, dark little apothecary and telegrab everyone who passes by into my basement.








Then I will entangle them to a cold, metal pole and perform Blood Barrage on them to extract some blood sample and use them for my potions. After I have extracted about half of their blood supply, I will get out a Dragon Dagger and cut open their abdomen (without anesthetic), and slice pieces off their liver as a secondary ingredient for my potions, all the time with the soothing noise of blood-curdling screams ringing in my ears... Once the potion is finished, my victims should have the first taste...








PS. I specialise in painful, slow-acting poisons. The guy in my avatar gives you a good idea of what my victims look like when I'm starting on them.




That is certainly sickening, and not what I would call appropriate for a "family" forum. Please control yourself in the future.

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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Was it that graphical? Deary me. I must be more apt at describing than I thought. Oh wells...








What do you mean by "family forums"?

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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i'd kill birds, never liked them, never will. there noisy, anoying, to scared to have a fun time with unles your chuking bread at them, and just anoying. lol i'l probably get flmaed for saying that but i just hate them. (i've wasted so many arows having fun in fishing guild owning them with range, if your gonna say "u n00b joo 24n'7 g0 1n 7h3r3 w17h 67 f1sh1/|/g!!!1!11" then dont cos i simply pot :D )


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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wow, runescape in ways resembles the dark ages just much is taken out because well the dark ages were very very barbaric times.








Now, sure ok, so if u were in the dark ages today ud kill ppl for no reason and all this yeah ok.








But see, our minds have evolved and we have learned morals.








So if you really want to expirience runescape first hand, go back to the dark ages by building yourself a time machine, take whips and cannons with you.








morals didnt sudenly appear one day, some guy didnt jump out of a bath and run around naked going "i've found morality!" morals changed. 200 years ago slave keeping was fine and totaly moral. We must remeber morals are not intrinisic in thier goodness, they are rules that we as a society lay out for our selves, and by following these rules we may get along better. In the dark ages they did not kill people for no reason, there was usualy some slight reason, and if you were a king at that time (take Cnut) then people realy believed that you had God's ordinance, and that you were only answerable to god - see the anointment of saul in the old testament (soem where in samule). I personaly am not christian, but a lot of christan morailty seems sensible, so i follow some of it



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I would do lotsa herblore, and become RS' sole (only not quite the 'sole' one after reading Toxicologist's reply, the only sane one perhaps...) Apothecary once the other one had died (which he would by some unfortunate accident :twisted: ) Then I would try to invent new potions and try them out on unsuspecting neebs as they walk by my shop doing the Romeo and Juliet quest.








I actually do that kinda thing in real life anyway, make potions and mixes, but I don't make people test them. At least in RS, everyone being immortal and all that, they would just come back to life had they died form my concoctions.








I would also spend one of my lives to building the magic box thing the guy in the Blue Moon Inn talks about.








(Actually more realistically I'd probably go mad and join Edgar in Trollheim or Melzar.)

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I will stand at the window of the second floor of my cramped, dark little apothecary and telegrab everyone who passes by into my basement.








Then I will entangle them to a cold, metal pole and perform Blood Barrage on them to extract some blood sample and use them for my potions. After I have extracted about half of their blood supply, I will get out a Dragon Dagger and cut open their abdomen (without anesthetic), and slice pieces off their liver as a secondary ingredient for my potions, all the time with the soothing noise of blood-curdling screams ringing in my ears... Once the potion is finished, my victims should have the first taste...








PS. I specialise in painful, slow-acting poisons. The guy in my avatar gives you a good idea of what my victims look like when I'm starting on them.








dude you're f'ing sick

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wearing a red hat...

not everybody wants to hear the bubblegum pop garbage.

im gonna burn in hell and drink all of satans beer.

trashmetal/deathmetal/hardrock/folkmetal die hard

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