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What is the hardest quest?


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I'm just wondering which quest is the longest, hardest, and most annoying to complete? I think it's Desert Treasure, as I've seen many people pout over it, but is it possible others have a chance too? Like Underground Pass, or Regicide? Post your thoughts here!

I don't run races to see who's the fastest, I run to see who has the most guts. -Pre


Currently the best beat out there:

Minuit jacuzzi (DatA Remix) - TEPR

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desert treasure is not too hard, and it is not boring. However the pyramid is incredibly annoying.








i think mornings end part 2 is the most annoying. Bloody tedious, takes forever, cost you in food and pots. seriously the most annoying and broing quest ever made



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my guess its either underground pass or dessert treasure








i think dessert treasure is kinda hard and the pyramid is annoying since once i got like 10 squares away from the final door and fell out.








undeground pass is the most annoyin quest ive ever done since like i keep falling on the bridges but i finally passed it after like 3 hours








edit: i just thought about monkey madness and that quest was annoying too...keep gettin knock unconsious and thrown in jail..... :x

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uhm, mep2 for meh :)



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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Underground pass isnt as hard as i expecte when i did it. The only real thing you lose health on is when falling off the bridge things. The 3 deamons are easy. The spider is east. And the last room i didnt get hit once (with no prayer). Easy. Just incredibly annoying if you didnt have a high agil lvl. (I didnt at time, i was 26 agil when doing it = hell).


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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desert treasure is not too hard, and it is not boring. However the pyramid is incredibly annoying.








i think mornings end part 2 is the most annoying. Bloody tedious, takes forever, cost you in food and pots. seriously the most annoying and broing quest ever made








I agree. Mournings end was so annoying that several times I screamed aloud. Seriously. I didn't know that 70 agility was reccomended for those handholds...and, as a consequence, I used three trips, and three inventorys of lobbies continuously failing that cursed thing. Not to mention the 6 prayer potions I used to protect myself from those bloodthirsty shadows. Thats the next thing - all the while I was doing that quest, those shadows continually proved to be a nusane, constantly smashing me for 13s and lower. Several times I ran out of run energy. Then came the boring part. After I had FINALLY completed that exceedingly tedious puzzle, that damned dwarf gave me a 10-foot-long list of random n00b stuff to get him. Why the hell did he need any of those things anyway? I don't know. After I finally did all that then I FINALLY finished the quest.








Desert treasure I've never done, so I don't know exactly how hard it is. From what all of you guys say on the forums, it is really, really hard, and takes tons of prayer potions and food. Which I don't have because I don't have thousands of sharks, runes, arrows, potions ect like many of you do. Mabye someday I will, but I will still dread that pyramid. All the money and supllies in the whole of runescape won't shield you from the aggrivation caused by that. Unless the pits are somehow decreased by your agility. Which I doubt (are they?). If I KNOW somthing is extremely tedious I get nervous about even doing the things that lead up to it. Expecially if those things are extremely hard in themselves.

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desert treasure is not too hard, and it is not boring. However the pyramid is incredibly annoying.








i think mornings end part 2 is the most annoying. Bloody tedious, takes forever, cost you in food and pots. seriously the most annoying and broing quest ever made








I agree. Mournings end was so annoying that several times I screamed aloud. Seriously. I didn't know that 70 agility was reccomended for those handholds...and, as a consequence, I used three trips, and three inventorys of lobbies continuously failing that cursed thing. Not to mention the 6 prayer potions I used to protect myself from those bloodthirsty shadows. Thats the next thing - all the while I was doing that quest, those shadows continually proved to be a nusane, constantly smashing me for 13s and lower. Several times I ran out of run energy. Then came the boring part. After I had FINALLY completed that exceedingly tedious puzzle, that damned dwarf gave me a 10-foot-long list of random n00b stuff to get him. Why the hell did he need any of those things anyway? I don't know. After I finally did all that then I FINALLY finished the quest.








Desert treasure I've never done, so I don't know exactly how hard it is. From what all of you guys say on the forums, it is really, really hard, and takes tons of prayer potions and food. Which I don't have because I don't have thousands of sharks, runes, arrows, potions ect like many of you do. Mabye someday I will, but I will still dread that pyramid. All the money and supllies in the whole of runescape won't shield you from the aggrivation caused by that. Unless the pits are somehow decreased by your agility. Which I doubt (are they?). If I KNOW somthing is extremely tedious I get nervous about even doing the things that lead up to it. Expecially if those things are extremely hard in themselves.








You're not alone brother. It took me two trips of salmon to cross the handholds. But the most annoying part was that I kept forgetting to switch the red laser around so I had to go through the shortcut in the underground pass and I had to walk there because I'd repetitively forgot to recharge my crystals. And those damn shadows were so annoying. And the death alter isnt worth it because 1) I can't use it. 2) It's too far except by abyss 3) Law/nature runes are worth more than death runes.








If that REALLY HARD quest was just for death talisman. I'm not sure I want to do the soul or blood talisman quest... :evil:

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desert treasure is not too hard, and it is not boring. However the pyramid is incredibly annoying.








i think mornings end part 2 is the most annoying. Bloody tedious, takes forever, cost you in food and pots. seriously the most annoying and broing quest ever made








I agree. Mournings end was so annoying that several times I screamed aloud. Seriously. I didn't know that 70 agility was reccomended for those handholds...and, as a consequence, I used three trips, and three inventorys of lobbies continuously failing that cursed thing. Not to mention the 6 prayer potions I used to protect myself from those bloodthirsty shadows. Thats the next thing - all the while I was doing that quest, those shadows continually proved to be a nusane, constantly smashing me for 13s and lower. Several times I ran out of run energy. Then came the boring part. After I had FINALLY completed that exceedingly tedious puzzle, that damned dwarf gave me a 10-foot-long list of random n00b stuff to get him. Why the hell did he need any of those things anyway? I don't know. After I finally did all that then I FINALLY finished the quest.








Desert treasure I've never done, so I don't know exactly how hard it is. From what all of you guys say on the forums, it is really, really hard, and takes tons of prayer potions and food. Which I don't have because I don't have thousands of sharks, runes, arrows, potions ect like many of you do. Mabye someday I will, but I will still dread that pyramid. All the money and supllies in the whole of runescape won't shield you from the aggrivation caused by that. Unless the pits are somehow decreased by your agility. Which I doubt (are they?). If I KNOW somthing is extremely tedious I get nervous about even doing the things that lead up to it. Expecially if those things are extremely hard in themselves.












:P Nice yep I went through the same experiance as you for mourning's end part two.








Like.....I spent so long in that place that i memorized it :shock: The only way i beat the last one was by actually sitting in my physic's class and drawing out a map of the place and spending a good 20 minutes of trying to figure out the puzzle and finally I got it. :P And yeah when i got the list I actually blinked and stared at the screen and was like :shock: Thank you Jagex. :shock: (but i'm a newb and i had 90% of those items in my bank so it wasen't too bad). This quest took me a week and a half








Now: Desert Treasure: I beat this at like lvl 80 so it was hard, but definatly not too bad. It only took me a week to beat i would say, and the only difficulty in it were the bosses, (which took me about 10 tries for me each one to finaly get). Yes the boss fights were fun, but the whole quest overall was easy.








Now Monkey Madness: This quest took me a good two weeks. It's by far in my oppinion the funnest quest in the game, and it was fun "surviving" on the island simply by stealing banana's. I would say this quest was the longest and hardest, allthough the boss fight was kinda hard the rest of it was way harder so Yeah.

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MEP2 = long and flustrating








Desert = only the people are hard to kill








Monkey = exspencive








Legonds = Stats and final boss








Underground = when i passed it i only had 30 agility and sank like the titanic

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Finding a partner for Heroes was frustrating.








Underground Pass was actually fairly easy. The most annoying part was fighting Kalrag... it was hard to get the other spiders to stop so that I could combat it. I had no trouble with the bridges- I was about 45 agility.








Still too terrified to do Monkey Madness or Desert Treasure.

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On RSC when Underground Pass first came out (no guides and all) it was the most difficult quest..even more difficult than Legend's. I think the reason why it was so difficult was because you needed a decent Agility level and it was not as popular then (me being around 45 at the time :P).








Nothing could match the difficulty of the Underground Pass, until I did Mourning's End Part II. I usually never use a guide on a quest, but I had to with this. I hated positioning the mirrors and such. The quest itself was not difficult, nor was the positioning, but the way the mirrors pointed did not really make sense to me (pointing East meant it went down or something :?) and it was just a mess :x


By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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for me underground was grrr. seriuosly i was about to scream after fallign down 20th time. thanks for dwarfs who got my food up. and walkign back up is too boring








desert quest was hard, just because of hard monsters and pyramid, but it wasn't too long.








the goes legends. all quests, skills and preparation makes it hard. also walking to and back from dungeon to shilo :)








didn't do ME2. maybe someday.








and i'm stuck on regicide fro clearing tar. always burn that stuff :(

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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monkey madness just because if you want to do it right, you have to be a high level, and be able to carry the right ammount of high food (sharks) pots, good weapons, good armour, all in 1 inventory to do it all in one trip. since i was not able to do that, i had to do it the recomended way by teleporting after each phase, get more food, more pots, and bring the right armour and weapons for that phase. took me forever. some parts werent well explained either, like i thought the depot was the general store because i didnt see very detailed guides.








so yes, monkeymadness... so far

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lol hard quest








the only fun ive ever had with quests were legends (on rsc, had to do it a week after it released since I was only like 36 agility the day it came out) and desert treasure, so they get my vote. neither of them were particularly hard but legends made me tele a couple times and DT was just plain cool.

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Guest Nezikchened

Sheep shearer




Took me 3 months from the beginning to the end... (Tried to give wool, not balls of wool)

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desert treasure is not too hard, and it is not boring. However the pyramid is incredibly annoying.








i think mornings end part 2 is the most annoying. Bloody tedious, takes forever, cost you in food and pots. seriously the most annoying and broing quest ever made








i got the pryramid in two tries 8) .... but i think it's obvious the 4 hardest quests/series r legends, desert treasure, regicide etc. and monkey madness...








i rekon monkey madness takes the cake, 4 hardest... but it definatly the regicide series that takes longest (duh... it a series) and most annoyin...stupid agility obsiticles and light creatures...

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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I havent done some quests, but I did underground pass back in the day, and it took me well over 6 hours, so I'd prolly say that.


maxed out melee back in 06, when it was still considered an accomplishment. same with getting 85 slayer, was in the top 2k players to get it.

R.I.P Runescape.. Feb 2, 02 - Jan 2, 08

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When I did MEP2 I was all relaxed, background music was calm, and I did around half of it before I had to run for mercy and get a guide. Not too bad, I did not like getting the items to get a death talisman though, that was the worst part :lol:








I would say desert treasure.

Retired from runescape

(Banned for bug abusing)

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