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Goodbye Everyone! (Plus a warning!!) [EDIT] Ban shortened!


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Last night was a pretty normal night for me, training range at Fire Giants (I was getting close to 70 range).








I logged out to get a snack, when I tried to log back in I got the disabled account message.








I thought: Well it cant be too serious, I have no black marks.




Oh no..oh god.








For what?! advertising websites!?!








All I did was tell a guy to go to Tip.it for quest help.








Of corse I appeal the ban.








This is a new low for Jagex.








Now for the warning!








Jagex auto-perm bans anyone that types in a url in a private message.








This is also a goodbye to the friends and foes I made here.








No more Runescape, no more addiction.




















I apealed it a few times and I got it down to a 3 day ban!








Thanks for the support everyone!!








If you need help in-game pm me.








Jagex realised this is my first ban, unlike before.

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omfg thats pretty low from jagex.. I started playing World of Warcraft last week, AWESOME game dude, try it and see if you like it. At least there, you can say [cabbage], [bleep], url's, and they don't block it. You have an option where you can block it or not, it's our choice.








EDIT: cabbage? rofl, you understand what i meant :P

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Thanks a million for the warning, man. I might have lost my account (horrified look). I tell people about this site whenever I tire of their constant questions. Fortunatly it's been awhile.








And, sorry about your account man. I never though Jagex would sink to the grumpy level as Disney did long ago. About that, my sister told me a story about how her friend on VMK (virtual magic kingdom) got permanantly banned for attempting to bypass the word filer, which stupidly enough filters out numbers. Another one of her friends got permanantly banned for jokingly saying she was staff. Then the 200-250 friends she had (she was well known apparantly) protested ingame. Then a staff member appeared and threatened to permanatnly ban all of them if they didn't stop. Every part of this story is true, or at least is as accurate as what she told me. Okay, mabye Jagex isn't this bad, but this is definatly a step in that direction.

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* is jagex on? Oh well, this is why I don't public chat on rs unless I'm buying/selling stuff.








It was on private msg...








That's really low of them. Sorry to hear your loss :(

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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They should designate official fansites. It's not like Tip.it and the rest of them are big secrets anyways.








They are thinking about it. read that on some FAQ at mainsite.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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Tip.it used to be linked of the rs homepage :) erm andrew dont liek tip.it he dont trrust it hes said so in as many word, so do as they say dotn help people out be arrogent self centered people and ull b ok :)












my friend who is a player mod and is credited to 2 quest guides on tip.it told me that the person whom made tip.it or whatever(it IS hear say) that he was another player mod or something along those lines this is why. but this was some timeago and i dont recall all of the discussion either.

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Silverion and light made tip.it with help from a few of us along the way, rs was linked in the early days from the runescape website, andrew in recent years has made his self clear on linking to other websites








Its crap that peopel get banned for linking to a website andrew himself premoted and used to officialy use

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Silverion and light made tip.it with help from a few of us along the way, rs was linked in the early days from the runescape website, andrew in recent years has made his self clear on linking to other websites








Its crap that peopel get banned for linking to a website andrew himself premoted and used to officialy use








nice range lvl =)

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my god man... im so sorry...








wait... does this mean we can never say "tip.it" in game? or "msm"? or...:








"i use rune hq for quests" or something along those lines...








this is madness!








is this the mods fault? or were jagex reading in on your account?




(4 black marks for advertising a well known website... my god...)

siggity siggity shwa

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that is harsh, especially for the guy you PMed to report you. I'd say find a contact address and snail mail andrew telling him how much his employees suck. I never say the .it on the end anymore, i always just mention tip and hope they know what I mean. I've seen pmods say websites themselves though, its just not clear where the boundaries are on the issue :(.

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