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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


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So after much procrastination, I bought the game (for PC). I have some quirks with the multiplayer:

1. Anyone think the MP7 and the Type 95 are a little overpowered?

2. Did they re-nerf explosives? I haven't killed anyone with my semtex so far (despite getting a ton of hitmarkers)

3. Minor issue here, but I find the Create-A-Class menu (basically that whole bar beside your lobby) a little clunky at times i.e having to unequip attachments before equipping another.

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lololol boosters in mw3

Why is the tactical insertion still in the game? It's used for nothing but boosting.

Also, why is the grenade launcher attachment still in the game? Haven't people been on and off [bleep]ing about that for like four games now?

Because in their eyes it has a use - admittedly it is useful to noobtube campers around corners, or was before prior to this game when they actually did damage. But if they hardly kill anyone now who cares?


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So I decided to play core TDM because my dad wanted to play with me. I was doing pretty good and I got my sentry gun so I called it in and some guys stands on top of my signal, waits for the package to drop, and steals it from me. What the hell is wrong with that guy? Of course I got really frustrated when I realized I couldn't just kill him or disable the sentry. This is why core games suck.

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Lol reminds me of when some kid got the Osprey support thing and I trapped him in the corner while he watched everyone steal his shit, pretty funny.



How does anyone ever wonder why so many people think Call of Duty is populated solely by twelve-year-olds, [wagon]s, and twelve-year-old [wagon]s?

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Well, the point of that streak is to dish out packages to the team. Not just the operator of the killstreak.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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No it doesn't. But CoD players will be CoD players.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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if you spawn on africa side on village (next to the oil tanker thingy) run to the bridge but dont go over.

to turn around it and you should see 2 boxes next to a house, jump on them and look over the wall and you can see that stupid high ground people snipe on, good for first blood spawn snipes


i explain bad


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if you spawn on africa side on village (next to the oil tanker thingy) run to the bridge but dont go over.

to turn around it and you should see 2 boxes next to a house, jump on them and look over the wall and you can see that stupid high ground people snipe on, good for first blood spawn snipes


i explain bad


Maybe a video would help? As far as I know you can make 30 secs videos with the theater :P. This way everyone can understand what you mean. Although I might find out what you mean next time I play. Haven't played since last thursday.

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If it wasn't a good game there wouldn't be so many adults playing it.


If it's such a good game then why can I write an irrefutable five paragraph essay proving that it's the biggest detriment to society since the explosion of the underground gangster culture?


Ahh, love the smell of inductive debating in the morning.


What if you enjoy ruining other people's experience?


Then you deserve to get a taste of your own medicine, in my humble opinion.

Edited by obfuscator
now now, be nice
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You play Halo, the game with the most boring and broken multiplayer of all time that made little kids come on to Xbox in the first place, you're not allowed to have an opinion. Call of Duty, a completely terrible game, is still better than the garbage that is the Halo series.


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Son, let me tell you, as a pro of Halo, I aint called Halo2proman for no reason, Halo is utter shit compared to CoD. Matter of fact, Halo is the reason why CoD is the way it is today.

If anything, Halo is the cancer that is killing the FPS market.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Son, let me tell you, as a pro of Halo, I aint called Halo2proman for no reason, Halo is utter shit compared to CoD. Matter of fact, Halo is the reason why CoD is the way it is today.

If anything, Halo is the cancer that is killing the FPS market.


I'll agree with you on this. Ever since game makers have seen that kind of success that Halo undeservingly achieved, they have made other crappy FPS games as cash grabs. MW3 for instance... Total cash grab.

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Son, let me tell you, as a pro of Halo, I aint called Halo2proman for no reason, Halo is utter shit compared to CoD. Matter of fact, Halo is the reason why CoD is the way it is today.

If anything, Halo is the cancer that is killing the FPS market.

How has Halo ruined the FPS market?


Please cover both single- and multiplayer.

Click here to check out my Youtube channel!

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Halo - milking a gimmick

CoD - mad geniuses and demons from hell gathering together to concoct the most diabolical gumbo of slop humanly imaginable as a social experiment to see how misbegotten and uncircumspect of a job it takes minimum to pump out the product at an efficient rate

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Halo - milking a gimmick

CoD - mad geniuses and demons from hell gathering together to concoct the most diabolical gumbo of slop humanly imaginable as a social experiment to see how uncircumspect and misbegotten of a job it takes to pump out the product at an efficient rate

Yeah, we all know you're useless, now stop posting.



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