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Mod Murdoch whips Autoers


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The fact that a mod checking out for autoers is so unusual that it merits a thread strikes me as pretty depressing really.








Jmods don't really need to check things out for auto'ers, they've got a team of 8473298 pmods (give or take a few million lol) as their eyes and ears.








Nowadays if you see a Jmod in game, there's a good chance that they're looking something over to make sure something is working right.








I agree that the auto'ing has gotten way outta hand, but there's only so much Jagex can do about it. They *could* start scanning processes and memory space, but then you'd get 897395793457 people saying that jagex was spying on them and privacy blahblah








And lets not forget the macro ban uprising of a couple years ago either, when Jagex *did* take matters into their own hands and banned hundreds of people. What happened? Thousands of people took to Varrock square screaming nasty things.








And when was the last time you (or anyone else reading this) reported someone for macro'ing? Normal player reports *are* looked at by Jagex. So go ahead and report suspected macro'ers. It definitely doesn't hurt.









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P Mods have no power to ban people. They're only used as eyes and ears but Jagex rarely acts on their information because of the possibility that the person made a mistake. Barring irrefutable evidence submitted by a P Mod, the people that you'll see actually patrolling and actually doing something about rule breakers are Jagex Mods.








This wholre argument about what Jagex Mods can and can't do is ridiculous. They're JAGEX MODS! THEY WORK FOR JAGEX. Translation: they can do whatever they want.








It's nice to see Jagex Mods actually doing something, even if it is only one.

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P Mods have no power to ban people. They're only used as eyes and ears but Jagex rarely acts on their information because of the possibility that the person made a mistake. Barring irrefutable evidence submitted by a P Mod, the people that you'll see actually patrolling and actually doing something about rule breakers are Jagex Mods.











I am a pmod, I do know what I can and cannot do. Jagex most definitely acts upon pmod reports. Depending on the offense, the punishment can range anywhere from a mute to a perm ban. And it's not any kind of a secret that us pmods can't ban people ourselves.











This wholre argument about what Jagex Mods can and can't do is ridiculous. They're JAGEX MODS! THEY WORK FOR JAGEX. Translation: they can do whatever they want.








It's nice to see Jagex Mods actually doing something, even if it is only one.








Of course they can do whatever they want heh.. But they dont spend their time wandering about looking for rule breakers. That's what the pmod army is for. And trust me.. There's enough of us now that it's quite an impressive sized army.








What I find "rediculous" is a post from someone who obviously doesn't know how the moderator system works, telling others who do, that something's rediculous. (and not adding anything new to the conversation either I might add)








Trust me on this one, not only are pmods Jagex's eyes and ears, but the normal player as well. All reports are taken seriously. Pmod reports have a higher priority is all.









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P Mods have no power to ban people. They're only used as eyes and ears but Jagex rarely acts on their information because of the possibility that the person made a mistake. Barring irrefutable evidence submitted by a P Mod, the people that you'll see actually patrolling and actually doing something about rule breakers are Jagex Mods.











I am a pmod, I do know what I can and cannot do. Jagex most definitely acts upon pmod reports. Depending on the offense, the punishment can range anywhere from a mute to a perm ban. And it's not any kind of a secret that us pmods can't ban people ourselves.











This wholre argument about what Jagex Mods can and can't do is ridiculous. They're JAGEX MODS! THEY WORK FOR JAGEX. Translation: they can do whatever they want.








It's nice to see Jagex Mods actually doing something, even if it is only one.








Of course they can do whatever they want heh.. But they dont spend their time wandering about looking for rule breakers. That's what the pmod army is for. And trust me.. There's enough of us now that it's quite an impressive sized army.








What I find "rediculous" is a post from someone who obviously doesn't know how the moderator system works, telling others who do, that something's rediculous. (and not adding anything new to the conversation either I might add)








Trust me on this one, not only are pmods Jagex's eyes and ears, but the normal player as well. All reports are taken seriously. Pmod reports have a higher priority is all.




















pmod army huh? thats funny ive SEEN the player mod list, and by no means is that an army. this was some time ago but still if its doubled since then theirs still not enough. their was a poll taken 3 out of 10 people have seen a player mod, ill give some people credit they saw a player mod without knowing it so 6 out of 10 have seen a player mod. simple fact is as sizable as the player mod "army" is it wont ever be enough. rather saddening

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pmod army huh? thats funny ive SEEN the player mod list, and by no means is that an army. this was some time ago but still if its doubled since then theirs still not enough. their was a poll taken 3 out of 10 people have seen a player mod, ill give some people credit they saw a player mod without knowing it so 6 out of 10 have seen a player mod. simple fact is as sizable as the player mod "army" is it wont ever be enough. rather saddening








That's for several reasons.. #1 Alot of pmods wont talk in crowded places for fear of every kiddie in a 100 square radius comes running to play the "How'd you become a mod game" #2 If a pmod is on the prowl for bad guys they wont speak in public and give the crown away.








As far as pmod numbers go, I've been a pmod now for 6-8 months I think, and the list has probably tripled since then. I can't really get into numbers though. Mods take a vow of silence and I'd have to swallow the cyanide pill before I talk :D If you've somehow managed to see the list, without being a mod, I'm sure the person who showed it to you said you weren't supposed to see it.








I agree there's only so much that pmods can see, but the team as a whole does a hell of a job trying. The stats for pmods are amazingly great and they all should be bought free beer for life for doing the great job they do AND putting up with the insane amount of crap they get at the same time.




/rant :)





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Normal player reports *are* looked at by Jagex.








Got proof? , ya i thought not

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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Normal player reports *are* looked at by Jagex.








Got proof? , ya i thought not








Not any that I can produce anymore, I remember once about a year ago I had a falling out with a friend and he was cursing at me over and over in an out of the way area where no one else was around. I reported him (before I was a pmod) and he did receive a 7 day mute.








And as a pmod, I've seen things that I can't talk about that leaves no doubt in my mind that reports are looked at. Believe what you want to about it, but the chances of violating my "vow of silence" for some dumb forum post is -0-.





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Jmods should check the bandits every now and then and maybe somehow take out the life rings from afkers there.








What i never understood is how they manage to stay in the game so long... must be some macro or paperweight :?

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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pmod army huh? thats funny ive SEEN the player mod list, and by no means is that an army. this was some time ago but still if its doubled since then theirs still not enough. their was a poll taken 3 out of 10 people have seen a player mod, ill give some people credit they saw a player mod without knowing it so 6 out of 10 have seen a player mod. simple fact is as sizable as the player mod "army" is it wont ever be enough. rather saddening








That's for several reasons.. #1 Alot of pmods wont talk in crowded places for fear of every kiddie in a 100 square radius comes running to play the "How'd you become a mod game" #2 If a pmod is on the prowl for bad guys they wont speak in public and give the crown away.








As far as pmod numbers go, I've been a pmod now for 6-8 months I think, and the list has probably tripled since then. I can't really get into numbers though. Mods take a vow of silence and I'd have to swallow the cyanide pill before I talk :D If you've somehow managed to see the list, without being a mod, I'm sure the person who showed it to you said you weren't supposed to see it.








I agree there's only so much that pmods can see, but the team as a whole does a hell of a job trying. The stats for pmods are amazingly great and they all should be bought free beer for life for doing the great job they do AND putting up with the insane amount of crap they get at the same time.




/rant :)
















ive seen the player mod list, and that was a little while after barrows was released, my friend whom i know from school got on my other friends computer while we were playing halo, and he went around trying out his player mod stuff while we watch, me 48 hour muted a few pass scammers and such, and afterwards showed us like 3 people he believe that had recommended him for modship.












id say from when i last saw it their were alot, but by no means was it even 1/20th of the runescape population, it was a BIG list and i didnt count them all and my friend scrolled thru them quickly so any where from 300-800 player mods when i last checked it

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Yup they cant pk... They cant trade too ;)




They have some special testing commands (from what I know) and I BELIEVE (not confirmed I think) one of them is spawning items in inventory ;)




That'd be a reason they cant trade ;)








False, they can trade




I already bougth items from a Mod

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are you kidding me.. we arent aloud to pk.. they are aloud to do what they want they make the game, they update the game, they make the graphics, they do it all, personally if i was jaqex mod i would kill tons of people as they appear in lumby with all there supplies...funny as hell

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Yup they cant pk... They cant trade too ;)




They have some special testing commands (from what I know) and I BELIEVE (not confirmed I think) one of them is spawning items in inventory ;)




That'd be a reason they cant trade ;)








False, they can trade




I already bougth items from a Mod








fx1970 is referring to jagex mods, not player mods. Jagex mods have gold crowns next to their name when they talk, player mods have silver crowns. Player mods play the game just like everyone else, except they can mute people for various violations of the rules.













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Guest r3dh3adkid



pmod army huh? thats funny ive SEEN the player mod list, and by no means is that an army. this was some time ago but still if its doubled since then theirs still not enough. their was a poll taken 3 out of 10 people have seen a player mod, ill give some people credit they saw a player mod without knowing it so 6 out of 10 have seen a player mod. simple fact is as sizable as the player mod "army" is it wont ever be enough. rather saddening








That's for several reasons.. #1 Alot of pmods wont talk in crowded places for fear of every kiddie in a 100 square radius comes running to play the "How'd you become a mod game" #2 If a pmod is on the prowl for bad guys they wont speak in public and give the crown away.








As far as pmod numbers go, I've been a pmod now for 6-8 months I think, and the list has probably tripled since then. I can't really get into numbers though. Mods take a vow of silence and I'd have to swallow the cyanide pill before I talk :D If you've somehow managed to see the list, without being a mod, I'm sure the person who showed it to you said you weren't supposed to see it.








I agree there's only so much that pmods can see, but the team as a whole does a hell of a job trying. The stats for pmods are amazingly great and they all should be bought free beer for life for doing the great job they do AND putting up with the insane amount of crap they get at the same time.




/rant :)
















ive seen the player mod list, and that was a little while after barrows was released, my friend whom i know from school got on my other friends computer while we were playing halo, and he went around trying out his player mod stuff while we watch, me 48 hour muted a few pass scammers and such, and afterwards showed us like 3 people he believe that had recommended him for modship.











id say from when i last saw it their were alot, but by no means was it even 1/20th of the runescape population, it was a BIG list and i didnt count them all and my friend scrolled thru them quickly so any where from 300-800 player mods when i last checked it












If you compare that 300-800 to the amount of people that play runescape (there is 127542 people playing atm) that isnt very many...








If there is 300 then that is a 1/425.14 ratio




If there is 800 then that is a 1/159.4275 ratio




(this is using the number of people playing atm)








Actually that is alot higher ratio than I thought...

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Normal player reports *are* looked at by Jagex.








Got proof? , ya i thought not
































I recently got one of those but doesn't it specifically say that that message is for your eyes only? Mine did, not that anyone is going to do anything about it but even so.

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Does it? I haven't seen anything like that...








I dont see why it should be for my eyes only. It is my choice surely wether I disclose messages like this? Ah well, if it is proven to be ont allowed, I will remove the picture. Until then, I will bask in the glory of being one up on Albosky 8)

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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its good to see the mods combatting those autoers that farm sharks all day




and also about mods- in a war video - from a long time ago (but rs2) where there was a few j mods in the backround, i saw mod matthew hit 80 something on a greater demon- and also a friend ages ago attacked a mod at axe hut, and could only hit 2s on him even though he was wearing now armor, and the mod auto healed

118+ combat

1730+ total

85 slayer

95 mage

94 range

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