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Sandwitch Lady STOPS autoers


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ya they fixed it like the day after lol..and it isnt just that one bot anymore. one of the most popular bots for rsc has been remade for rs2. its qettin popular also but costs 15m lol.








I've seen it and i'm getting worried.




Because if they auth price goes down *it did in rsc , went free* you know whats gona happen. The guy who made the program is brilliant, hes a very smart programmer. If he gives free auths RS2 is realy doomded.



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X31x3 Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:27 pm Post subject: Re: Sandwitch Lady STOPS autoers
















Dilts36 wrote:




Ok. So we call know autoers Are getting to be a problem even in RS2. so anyways i spend a vast amount of time at the fishing guild and for the love of god there always is alot of lvl 1-20's they never ever say a word. So anyways im thinking.. Dam Autoers Make the shark prices go down and hard to sell cooked, and this sanwitch LadyPops up, and then the autoers disipears! Then Like 2-3 more Autoers disipeared!! i was really excited because there stupid autoing Doesnt have "the sandwitch" lady in there program








Tell me what YOU think of this.




sry if i spelled stuff bads. lol








HAHAAH, yeah right...stop them...gl..they all ready have fixed this problem!! HAAHAHAH








(No sarcastic)











do me a favor go kill yourself.












calm down lol. just relax they will do something about it later.








Well, you cant stop them with randoms (belive me please, dont doubt this) so you must just keep reporting them non stop...They just write down two script lines and the newest randoms are gone...








So just report everyone.

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ya they fixed it like the day after lol..and it isnt just that one bot anymore. one of the most popular bots for rsc has been remade for rs2. its qettin popular also but costs 15m lol.








I've seen it and i'm getting worried.




Because if they auth price goes down *it did in rsc , went free* you know whats gona happen. The guy who made the program is brilliant, hes a very smart programmer. If he gives free auths RS2 is realy doomded.








if you refer to the autoer with a name starting on "s" well then its never gonna go free -.-

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well YET is the correct word but atleats it slows them down!








You'd think that, but then you have to see it from a bot creator's perspective. Why do the main people behind runescape cheating create bots in the first place? To get 1337 stats? Hardly. To make real life money? Possibly. But ask most of the big shots and they'll tell you for the challenge and to advance their Java skills.








Runescape really is a gold mine to test your knowledge of this ever-growing in importance language. One of the reasons Kaitnieks sold [ForbiddenSite] was that he had achieved all he could in cheating terms in Runescape 1, thus he sold it, because there wasn't a challenge.








As strange as it may sound, it could be that the only way to stop autoers might be to stop making random events. When RSC was discontinued after the release of RS2, many important people in the Runescape cheating community ceased work on RSC bots as there were no longer any updates to challenge them. Work into RS2 cheating began long before RSC became P2P only. Had it not, the influx of RS2 bots that is now among us would be months away yet.

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If they really wanted to make things inconvenient for those lvl 1-20 autoers, Jagex ought to consider raising the requirement to get into the fishing guild. Maybe require the completion of Hero's Quest, then at least it would take a little bit more work to get in.








This wouldn't really stop them, especially outside the guild, but it would be a little more inconvenient.








You could never stop them, it would take forever, but I bet I could make a program that could respond to private messages, make sales, or even level combat fairly well.

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well YET is the correct word but atleats it slows them down!








You'd think that, but then you have to see it from a bot creator's perspective. Why do the main people behind runescape cheating create bots in the first place? To get 1337 stats? Hardly. To make real life money? Possibly. But ask most of the big shots and they'll tell you for the challenge and to advance their Java skills.








Runescape really is a gold mine to test your knowledge of this ever-growing in importance language. One of the reasons Kaitnieks sold [ForbiddenSite] was that he had achieved all he could in cheating terms in Runescape 1, thus he sold it, because there wasn't a challenge.








As strange as it may sound, it could be that the only way to stop autoers might be to stop making random events. When RSC was discontinued after the release of RS2, many important people in the Runescape cheating community ceased work on RSC bots as there were no longer any updates to challenge them. Work into RS2 cheating began long before RSC became P2P only. Had it not, the influx of RS2 bots that is now among us would be months away yet.








Finally someone who knows something about the cheating community...








I completely agree with what Bubsa said. Couldn't have said it better myself.








I just want to add that the cheating community isn't going anywhere. Because of RS2 and the attraction of lots of new players, although Kaitnieks, xx Jut xx and all those legendary cheaters are gone, there are plenty (some would argue more than before) players that are willing to cheat and will work on these programs. And I've heard that Kaitnieks is still some-what active updating SCAR?

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Seems like a continuous war. Soon enough the autoer people will just update their program so people can keep autoing, then jagex will come out with new random events, and the cycle keeps going on and on.








exactly, there is gonna be like 1,000 random events, autors will ruin the game

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| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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Would it help if a report gets automaticly send to jagex because of this (if you fail a random that is)?

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people who use auto programs are bad, yes...








...but you have to admire the people who write the programs, which seem to deal with stuff that some real humans find difficult! I wish I had that kind of knowledge!

I have to get practically naked when I'm cooking bacon.

I may be immature, but that made me laugh!

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I spose everybody should start acknowledge the fact, that autoing is never going to end and toget on with the game. Jagex are trying there best to stop them and I support jagex attempts but would rather them focus more time and energy into updates like summoning and so forth.









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Theres 3 main macro's for runescape atm, that is known to the public








One is called SCAR and it basically take control of the mouse. It doesn't connect via the client in a code level. It merely just clicks colours and responds accordingly to chat messeges and colours found on runescape.








However, SCAR of coruse is not a bot, in which case its not much to reliable.




However there is a semi private bot to the public, which I think is censored. It costs 15m auth. Which really isn't a problem because now theres a bot thats free, that could even be better.








The free bot which isn't exactly difficult to obtain, which jagex even stated personally. The bot isn't hard to script, which was also stated by jagex. Now if your trying to say the strange box or Sandwich lady would be hard to counter.. It doesn't take much to make a program to examine textures. It wouldn't take much to find a animation.








Jagex has the client open to everyone, the client is the bot and will always be the bot. Its inevitable. The bot has all the textures all the animations all the id's for the items all the id's for the NPC's. Knowing this macroers can download this onto their computer and edit it accordingly. Im not to familiar with the Java language, but im guessing it wouldn't be hard to have it click somewhere inside the actual game client.








And, they cant put detection inside the client because the delevopers could just edit that out, or make it send a clean report. How jagex's watchs macroers is already been exploited by macroers because it tells everything about it in the client (Well atleast on the client side). And its not like encrpyting the client will do anything, because the decrpyter is the client.








However, with them having the client they can basically combat anything towards randoms. Now knowing this we realise it must be hard to even try and stop them. Jagex writes code to search memory of all programs, bot developers stop the client from searching the memory and makes it so it always send a clean report everytime.








The client is a door, and the key. Its the same for everyother game. Im sorry if I made this topic seem very grim, I just thought you guys should know this before you make topics on how jagex should stop macroers or something. Its not like its an easy fix with a patch, and its not like they can fix it in a day. Just hope jagex has a good idea and hope it goes into plan.


Help drive change Canada

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I reacon all Jagex has too do now that they have also secert modaraters they should stay in places like the fishing guild woodcutting areas there the main places because only thing to make good money.








So when they ban a noobie account the need to ban the main account eaisly done by Ip address just lock the ip address.








Not a problem all dealt with nice and fair unless there going to keep spending cash to buy a new computer they can.








But i reacon advertuly Jagex will have auoters that can make money duplicate items etc probley even change jagex from banning them why because Jagex are letting the autoers already auto skill's so the bound to find at the rest of more codes

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I reacon all Jagex has too do now that they have also secert modaraters they should stay in places like the fishing guild woodcutting areas there the main places because only thing to make good money.








So when they ban a noobie account the need to ban the main account eaisly done by Ip address just lock the ip address.








Not a problem all dealt with nice and fair unless there going to keep spending cash to buy a new computer they can.








But i reacon advertuly Jagex will have auoters that can make money duplicate items etc probley even change jagex from banning them why because Jagex are letting the autoers already auto skill's so the bound to find at the rest of more codes








ever here of proxy? easily change ip address and continue to macro...

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I reacon all Jagex has too do now that they have also secert modaraters they should stay in places like the fishing guild woodcutting areas there the main places because only thing to make good money.








So when they ban a noobie account the need to ban the main account eaisly done by Ip address just lock the ip address.








Not a problem all dealt with nice and fair unless there going to keep spending cash to buy a new computer they can.








But i reacon advertuly Jagex will have auoters that can make money duplicate items etc probley even change jagex from banning them why because Jagex are letting the autoers already auto skill's so the bound to find at the rest of more codes








ever here of proxy? easily change ip address and continue to macro...




You can even change your IP without looking for a laggy proxy...just change/spoof your MAC address...








IMO the battle between Jagex and bot makers will never cease, and all we can do is take a back seat and come along for the ride...

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So, you guys are basically saying that they exploit RS itself? I could see how Jagex could have a problem.




These guys are certainly very experienced programmers, and in order to circumvent randoms such as the MOM, well, you get the idea...








Jagex is basically in MAJOR trouble...

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yea. the sandwich lady is a great way to stop autoers cuz when an autoer comes across a random event its programeed to just click the top option but the sandwich lady requires u to take a certain sandwich and that sandwich varies from time to time so the autoer will have to read which sandwich to take or most of the time it will pick the wrong thing and dissapear.(ive never picked the wrong one so im not sure wat happens)

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