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Is Runescape slowly not becoming a game?


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Uhm, hello.

This is more of a discussional topic, and it isn't exactly everyone's favorite topic, so I decided to put it here. I don't think getting all CAPS LOCK is healthy, so this is kind of a slow simmering side-dish of discontentment.


What is Runescape?

Well, it used to be something, something that could be measured and smiled at.


Maybe I'm just getting old, but it seems like I've lost sight of what exactly is Runescape.

Runescape used to be on the frontier of the gaming industry (in my point of view). It had a direction, it had goals, it had dreams.


Recently though, there are more Quests than I can even count; more names on the highscores that mean nothing; more items in the game than I know how to use; more outfits that makes the crowd ambiguous; just, more. Do you see the irony? As more stuff without an aim or direction are put into the game, the less of an identity and value items that were crafted with an intention have.


It isn't just their dreams, their goals, and their direction that have become non-existent; it erased mine as well. I look at the highscores and my only thought is "that is not realistic, that isn't even a dream". I look at quests and I think "what is going on?". I look at my bank now, and I think "screw my OCD, how do I know what to keep, what do I sell?" (then proceed to close my bank). I look at peoples' characters, and my eyes glaze over because I can no longer see an individual.


k. done. I know I'm done when I get soapy. Just wanted to get it off my chest, typing aimlessly.

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It could be just me but I know 95% of all the items in the game (not including real worthless items (you get some at quests) and quest items only used in quests).

What is not realistic at the highscores? I can't follow that, you mean that you want to be the #1 player?

And about the quests, I like how many quests there are gives people a reason to train there stats :)


Retired item crew

I would like to be credited as essiw at the website update & corrections forum. Thanks!

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It could be just me but I know 95% of all the items in the game (not including real worthless items (you get some at quests) and quest items only used in quests).

What is not realistic at the highscores? I can't follow that, you mean that you want to be the #1 player?

And about the quests, I like how many quests there are gives people a reason to train there stats :)


The ability to change names mens no one gives a flying cabbage about who is on the highscores anymore, because no one knows who anyone is for sure 100%. theyre all bots anyways



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I think you make an interesting point.


Like you said, it could just be your age. I have a similar view to you, but then I've gone from the age 11 to 20, it's only normal that the way we see things changes.

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It's still a game no matter how upset you are with the business behind it.

Indeed. It's just a poorly run game.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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I disagree. I have beat about 2/3 of the quests, and have 17.8 million woodcutting xp. The goals are time consuming, but doable, and I think that is how they are supposed to be. It would be extremely disappointing to "beat" runescape.

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I think you need to factor in how many people still play this game. There are still players who finish those quests, train those skills, and save to buy those items.

You see, when you play a game and you get good at it, you may sometimes think that it's just not the same as it used to be. It's not the game that's

going down, it's you who's going all the way up there to probably where a very few people are and think the same as you about what's happening to Runescape.


So you might have played for a long time and became experienced enough to just breeze through everything in stored for you and that's great. It's nothing to disappoint about.

Sure, there have been complications and a few changes you may have not appreciated but that's change you're just going to have to deal with.

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It could be just me but I know 95% of all the items in the game (not including real worthless items (you get some at quests) and quest items only used in quests).

What is not realistic at the highscores? I can't follow that, you mean that you want to be the #1 player?

And about the quests, I like how many quests there are gives people a reason to train there stats :)


The ability to change names mens no one gives a flying cabbage about who is on the highscores anymore, because no one knows who anyone is for sure 100%. theyre all bots anyways

Why does name change matter for highscores? maybe only for the top players and those are easy to remember or just to visit the 200m all topic to see what their prev name was.


Retired item crew

I would like to be credited as essiw at the website update & corrections forum. Thanks!

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The ability to change names mens no one gives a flying cabbage about who is on the highscores anymore, because no one knows who anyone is for sure 100%. theyre all bots anyways



[citation needed]


[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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Huh? I don't quite grasp what OP is getting at. You say "It isn't just their dreams, their goals, and their direction that have become non-existent; it erased mine as well. I look at the highscores and my only thought is 'that is not realistic, that isn't even a dream'." but I don't understand how goals have become unrealistic? Sure, some people play this game way way too much, and looking at their highscores may make your goals feel like nothing special, but that was always the case.


more players = more players who eat, sleep, and breathe Runescape who exist only to make your accomplishments look like garbage


Though I really see what you mean when you look at a player, and you no longer see an individual. Most people are just in too much of a hurry, or would rather do something other than interact with random strangers. As the game grows, more players there will be, as the nice feeling of a "small community where everybody knows eachother" is lost. That's why I've finally decided to join a clan, because these days it's harder to have a nice conversations with a random player on Runescape. Having a clan makes you feel like a part of a community, and you always have people you know to chat with.







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The ability to change names mens no one gives a flying cabbage about who is on the highscores anymore, because no one knows who anyone is for sure 100%. theyre all bots anyways



[citation needed]

Cites random crap source.


Seriously, most citations you see everywhere (Esp. true on places like Wikipedia and less so in scientific journals) are crap and people "citing" other ppls thoughts as fact. Bogus citations work so well on Wikipedia to get wbms off your ass, but that's totally beside the point.


Op is expressing this as a general sentiment, and it's so commonplace that we all prob felt it. Do you really believe that 30000 ppl had more dedication than you getting that mining lvl? You were prob right...bc tons of ppl on that list are bots.

I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating - Sophocles


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've only recently returned to the game after a break of around two years and I would agree that in a number of ways it has changed pretty drastically.


OP - I think you went a little over the top but you have a valid point. I would suggest that social interaction within the game demonstrates massively the decline in a friendly playing atmosphere.


I've played in spits and spats for at least 7-8 years but have noticed recently that there is much less player to player interaction within the main public chat. I don't believe that this is entirely due to botting; it is much too easy to accuse everyone who is silent of being a bot. I think it is probably more due to the highly (over) competitive nature of many of the players as well as the introduction of various private chats (friends, clan).


I think it's sad that the more social aspect appears to have been lost. It was one of the reasons why I stopped playing - as many of my in game friends quit and less people spoke in public chat the game became a lot more boring. People always used to talk when doing boring/repetitive skills like fishing/mining/wc etc. Now they seem more concerned about gaining maximum xp/cash per hour. In this way, it appears to me as though RS perhaps has become less of a game and more of a chore.


The problem is that RS has so much content, as the OP points out. It takes literally years and years to master all skills and to work towards completing the game and some people are way to obsessive about achieving everything. I don't know why this seems to have happened more over the years though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe I'm just getting old, but it seems like I've lost sight of what exactly is Runescape.

Runescape used to be on the frontier of the gaming industry (in my point of view). It had a direction, it had goals, it had dreams.


I disagree on this point. I've played Runescape since 2004, but never saw Jagex as an innovator, or really a follower on that note. In fact, they have a long history of being far behind their competition on simple things like clan functionality, community relations, etc. I will say that Andrew Gower is like the Bill Gates/Steve Jobs of the MMO industry, a story of someone starting out with just a couple of people turning their tiny game into a massive company.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I basically play rs because it is nostalgic and i've been playing it since like 03 in bursts.

with so many better games on the market with better communities, graphics, gameplay, etc. runescape can't really compete.

RS is sorta an outdated game and Jagex needs to do what it can to get the most money as they can. That's why they've let botting go on for so long and introduced Member's Loyalty Programme. I'm assuming Jagex only brought up this "bot nuke" because they are trying to revive some of the community that RS had back in the glory days, but I don't think that's going to happen.


Go Chicago Bears!


"Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment

Would you capture it or just let it slip?"

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