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Tip.It Times - 4th September 2011 (Jiblix Interview)


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So Phox... A statement to make would be for all of us to simply stop subscription for a month or 2, and voila :)


Sadly I don't think that would work because they still have a steady supply of rwt who have no issues at all with the new jagex... makes ya wonder if any of those investors happen to own a rwt company or two...


Because a RWT company makes an amount of money comparable to what really rich investors make?


Yeahhhhhhhhhhh no.




Firstly, while I can understand why Jagex would want their mods to be on the same page as them (which does make sense, seeing as they are sort of representing the company by wearing the crown), its also important to remember that each and every person is entitled to having their own opinions. Sadly it just seems that Jagex won't listen to opinions that don't match theirs and this has been represented well over the RSOF in the past few months. Jibby (who is a very good friend of mine) wasn't the only one who was removed for posting stuff that...hm how should I word it..."content that didn't agree with their current policies"; I know of at least one or two more mods who were removed from the team for similar things. Funny thing is that all this seems to do is plague the forums. I was reading a thread in Future Updates just the other night which was posted by an FMod regarding the updates coming for this upcoming month (the OP wasn't really too happy with the month other than ROTM), and all I found was comments along the lines of "inb4demod, gf" written all over it. Go back a few months from now and if the same exact thread was posted, no such comments would have appeared *anywhere* on the RSOF.



First off, hi, I've seen you in the rsof :)


There are numerous things that Jagex does that may not be right or fair. Maybe a year or 2 ago they would have been worth fighting for, but in runescapes current state, it is probably best to just try to go with the flow as much as we can. There are plenty of ragers, spammers, and rioters already, and adding to it only causes more chaos.


Since this isn't runescape, I will share this little bit of info I got. There is a member in my clan who claims he applied for an actual job at Jagex.(He was actually a pmod, so I was kinda trusting that he was being truthful.) He claims that they have a whole room dedicated to solving the bot problem.


Maybe they are just throwing staff parties in there, idk, but hearing this has given me an entirely different view. Maybe If we just go with the flow and try to keep peace, then they will have more time to concentrate on this bot problem.


Here's the thing about the bot problem. Yes, I believe that Jagex is actually working on ways to stop bots by breaking and catching them, but one thing that Jagex has started doing (relatively) recently is not perm-banning botters. It simply boils down to the fact that Jagex seems unwilling to get rid of a bot at the cost of that bots membership dollars. I realize there's more to it then this, with bots getting more and more advanced and a significant amount of bots are related to RWT, but still. At one point, one of the biggest bot deterrents was that people only botted on throw-away accounts instead of mains, which limited the number of bots and limited how well they can make money. (Dragon killing bots will make FAR more money then WC bots.) Or just the amount of rampant botting that seems to be done on people's mains because they realize that they are extremely unlikely to suffer any serious consequence.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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I'm sorry about the rambling, but it's a complex issue. I see why JaGEx de-modded Jiblix, I honestly do. However, JaGEx is failing to communicate with the PMods over the company line and still expects them to maintain the company line. And, because of this, I can certainly see why Jiblix decided to involve the hoi polloi in the matter.


Or, as mara_planter suggested in his/her(?) original post, he could have resigned his position and then done what he did. Question - If there's so much cynicism amongs the pmod community how come they don't resign their modship in disgust (you don't actually have to answer that point as I know what answer I'll get and from where :grin:).


I'm guessing because albeit much of the moderator communities feeling discontent, they still desire to better the community to make the game 'what it once was' - what's perceived to be a Utopia of sorts. Also, raising awareness is rather important, as although the issue of bots is frankly a dead horse, the magnitude of it is generally unnoticed, which appeared to be the goal of Jiblix when he made the video.


Admittedly the judgement is somewhat influenced by nostalgia, but it's not untrue that JaGex's actions have been moving seemingly in a backwards direction, which can be rather well explained by the fact the investments were made by the rather shady companies with rather ulterior motives.

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Please. They aren't shady companies with ulterior motives. They are fairly regular companies, with fairly regular motives - money. They also have no connection/interested in RuneScape outside of money. Not saying I like them, but calling them shady companies with ulterior motives seems to imply something, idk, grand evil scheme as opposed to regular day to day business. It makes them sound worse then the average company, when really they aren't.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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I'm guessing because albeit much of the moderator communities feeling discontent, they still desire to better the community to make the game 'what it once was' - what's perceived to be a Utopia of sorts. Also, raising awareness is rather important, as although the issue of bots is frankly a dead horse, the magnitude of it is generally unnoticed, which appeared to be the goal of Jiblix when he made the video.

This. I would have quit months ago (And did for about a week, and have been edging closer to doing so again. Hi, JR! :razz: ) but the adbots have been that bad for quite a while, and if you play with private chat on, you'll even get PMs from them. Jagex sucks, but the mute tool is useful and scammers are quite common, even on member's worlds. If I resigned again at this point, I would miss being able to do that and would probably stay as far away from the GE as possible.

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The RS community and Jagex is lucky to have a mature, courageous voice in jiblix. Respect.


The last paragraph...is again touching for me. Thinking back, what made me so anti cheating, who gave me these values of integrity was jagex themselves. And now ironically, it is the same jagex who is taking them away.


And bravo tip.it times ppl for getting this insightful interview!

I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating - Sophocles


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The RS community and Jagex is lucky to have a mature, courageous voice in jiblix. Respect.


The last paragraph...is again touching for me. Thinking back, what made me so anti cheating, who gave me these values of integrity was jagex themselves. And now ironically, it is the same jagex who is taking them away.


And bravo tip.it times ppl for getting this insightful interview!

My pleasure. :thumbsup:

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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i think one of the most important questions you can ask about a game is, would i recommend this to my friends. at the beginning of this year, i was still recommending it to my friends. i no longer do that.

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I personally believe this "new" jagex is a direct result of the primary founders in jagex (paul, ian, andrew, ect) selling off their stock. Andrew sold ALL of his and started a new company called fen research


I am so tempted to come down to Texas and smack you... well, at least give you what for. If you'd leave it just on the forums, that'd be one thing, but I know (gee, no surprise to you, of course) that you're pissing off your roommate blathering on about something that does not matter in the day-to-day IRL stuff.


THAT SAID... and yes, go ahead, roll your eyes already, because I'm referencing the "Andrew threatened a lawsuit story" again. But it does apply to this situation-- his investment in Fen Research is TOTALLY consistent with what he said then. He is NOT a management type. He will never be a suit. He said specifically then that he just likes dealing with code and programming-- and this investment allows him to do that.


If you aren't going to trust my word on it, respect Mod Ash's. Y'know, that jmod who has actually been a regular RS player and seems to be in tune with what actual players do. I'm not going to reveal my sources on how he confirmed this to me-- it was through a mutual friend and I don't want either of them to be harassed. Quick sum up: Andrew is doing what he likes and this time he doesn't have to deal with whiny, seemingly entitled players moaning and kvetching to him what they don't like about the game, especially when it was done in a clingy, ungrateful way. I think just about any other person in his situation would do THE VERY SAME THING. It amuses me to recall how bitterly players complained, and now they howl about abandonment. Please.


About the other stuff... hard dose of reality. This is NOTHING. I mean, c'mon. C'MON. I mean, I'm laughing again here-- that was the other thing Ash mentioned.: Investment in the game is solid and funding is there for the long-term. Yes, the downside is soulless marketing with cheap come-ons, but hey... that happens all the time in the corporate world. Sneeze twice and this stuff with Jagex was already repeated elsewhere 50 times over with no exaggeration. Own up-- the updates are good, membership IS up. All the players that are threatening to quit-- they obviously haven't, or at least they are lost in the heap.


This is real life, ladies and gentlemen. Phhhtt, fine, I'm 37... part of this comes with the territory. You're familiar with Kevin Smith, right? Reminds me of how he admitted in an interview that he finally stopped caring about some random critic on the Internet, especially when one said critic was only 14. He had her in tears and then he finally realized it wasn't worth it.


NOW I do hope that what Hugh_Mannity said years ago does come to pass and all this management restructuring brings some better customer support, but... again, c'mon. Much like any other company today, I figure they will go with whatever gets the job done... and not too much more.


This is also why I couldn't be more blasé about the Jiblix interview-- and I do mean unimpressed. Streisand effect? Hoo yeah. Way too much dramatics for me to take it seriously and I'm speaking from experience, i.e. I've done my fair share of drama llama crap and I know it makes waves for a while and then the backwash comes in. I'm hoping you and the other kids here come to a realization that dealing with companies-- if you WANT a reasonable response and possibly get your complaint resolved-- you don't carry on with a lot of emotion. I mean, really... you never hung up on a customer foaming at the mouth when you did call center work? Rant at a company and they WILL ignore you. State your complaint in a thoughtful, calm manner-- your chances of your issue being handled well improve exponentially. Heh.


Dang. I wanted to comment on "My kind of field" but I'm going to assume a number of eyes have glazed over right about now.

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I personally believe this "new" jagex is a direct result of the primary founders in jagex (paul, ian, andrew, ect) selling off their stock. Andrew sold ALL of his and started a new company called fen research


I am so tempted to come down to Texas and smack you... well, at least give you what for. If you'd leave it just on the forums, that'd be one thing, but I know (gee, no surprise to you, of course) that you're pissing off your roommate blathering on about something that does not matter in the day-to-day IRL stuff.


THAT SAID... and yes, go ahead, roll your eyes already, because I'm referencing the "Andrew threatened a lawsuit story" again. But it does apply to this situation-- his investment in Fen Research is TOTALLY consistent with what he said then. He is NOT a management type. He will never be a suit. He said specifically then that he just likes dealing with code and programming-- and this investment allows him to do that.


If you aren't going to trust my word on it, respect Mod Ash's. Y'know, that jmod who has actually been a regular RS player and seems to be in tune with what actual players do. I'm not going to reveal my sources on how he confirmed this to me-- it was through a mutual friend and I don't want either of them to be harassed. Quick sum up: Andrew is doing what he likes and this time he doesn't have to deal with whiny, seemingly entitled players moaning and kvetching to him what they don't like about the game, especially when it was done in a clingy, ungrateful way. I think just about any other person in his situation would do THE VERY SAME THING. It amuses me to recall how bitterly players complained, and now they howl about abandonment. Please.


About the other stuff... hard dose of reality. This is NOTHING. I mean, c'mon. C'MON. I mean, I'm laughing again here-- that was the other thing Ash mentioned.: Investment in the game is solid and funding is there for the long-term. Yes, the downside is soulless marketing with cheap come-ons, but hey... that happens all the time in the corporate world. Sneeze twice and this stuff with Jagex was already repeated elsewhere 50 times over with no exaggeration. Own up-- the updates are good, membership IS up. All the players that are threatening to quit-- they obviously haven't, or at least they are lost in the heap.


This is real life, ladies and gentlemen. Phhhtt, fine, I'm 37... part of this comes with the territory. You're familiar with Kevin Smith, right? Reminds me of how he admitted in an interview that he finally stopped caring about some random critic on the Internet, especially when one said critic was only 14. He had her in tears and then he finally realized it wasn't worth it.


NOW I do hope that what Hugh_Mannity said years ago does come to pass and all this management restructuring brings some better customer support, but... again, c'mon. Much like any other company today, I figure they will go with whatever gets the job done... and not too much more.


This is also why I couldn't be more blasé about the Jiblix interview-- and I do mean unimpressed. Streisand effect? Hoo yeah. Way too much dramatics for me to take it seriously and I'm speaking from experience, i.e. I've done my fair share of drama llama crap and I know it makes waves for a while and then the backwash comes in. I'm hoping you and the other kids here come to a realization that dealing with companies-- if you WANT a reasonable response and possibly get your complaint resolved-- you don't carry on with a lot of emotion. I mean, really... you never hung up on a customer foaming at the mouth when you did call center work? Rant at a company and they WILL ignore you. State your complaint in a thoughtful, calm manner-- your chances of your issue being handled well improve exponentially. Heh.


Dang. I wanted to comment on "My kind of field" but I'm going to assume a number of eyes have glazed over right about now.




Yes, when you want a response from a normal company a reasonable and a calm method of action is suggested, however this implies that Jagex are normal, which they are not. Furthermore Jiblix never wanted to communicate with jagex, communicating with them is pointless since they won't listen even if you explain everything in a calm and argumented manner. What Jiblix was/is doing is raising the public awareness of how bad the situation really is. And that is a very good thing.


Although I do think that noting that Jagex didn't desreve the golden joystick this year was asking to get demodded.


I think Andrew fully understood what was going to happen once he sold his stocks. If he willingly wants to see his masterpiece get detsroyed then i have no problems with it. Let him enjoy his debt-papers.


I was going to write a long-ass moral on how/where runescape should have been going all this time but I don't see the point now.

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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Yes, when you want a response from a normal company a reasonable and a calm method of action is suggested, however this implies that Jagex are normal, which they are not. Furthermore Jiblix never wanted to communicate with jagex, communicating with them is pointless since they won't listen even if you explain everything in a calm and argumented manner. What Jiblix was/is doing is raising the public awareness of how bad the situation really is. And that is a very good thing.


Although I do think that noting that Jagex didn't desreve the golden joystick this year was asking to get demodded.


I think Andrew fully understood what was going to happen once he sold his stocks. If he willingly wants to see his masterpiece get detsroyed then i have no problems with it. Let him enjoy his debt-papers.


I was going to write a long-ass moral on how/where runescape should have been going all this time but I don't see the point now.


The red carpet treatment the Gower brothers gave to players set unrealistic expectations for how Jagex would behave once creating and maintaining Runescape became a livelihood instead of a hobby. How else could people have come to believe that their $5.95/month payment or their exposure to adverts on the side gives them the right to tell Andrew how to live his life, or trumps the hundreds of thousands?/millions? of dollars investors have put into the company?


I believe that the reason Jagex has trouble communicating with players is the "drinking from a fire hose" nature of the forums. I assume staff has more efficient tools to read threads than the average player, but still, it takes a long time to sift through the rants and "me too's" to find the thoughtful posts. And after a while, regardless of the desire to serve the community, people who are repeatedly attacked shut down the sympathy/empathy centers of their brains as a survival tactic. I am amazed at how patient Fmods are.


On Jiblix's thread, Mod MMG (the CEO) took three hours to compose and post a substantive reply to the thread. He said that Jagex loses money because of botting, is working on a solution, but cannot talk about it, and cannot give a time frame for when he can talk about it. He also said that when the company could talk about it, it will. He believed players would approve, and understand why it could not be discussed.


I believe him that Jagex loses money on bots (for reasons I have not yet seen posted anywhere), that they are motivated to solve the problem, and that they are diligently working to solve the problem. I believe him and others that investors are interested in the long-term health of the company. But I reserve the right to judge whether or not I approve of said solution. Too often in the past, a solution eliminated the target problem, but introduced unwanted side effects. I'll wait to see if the cure is better than the disease.


Any speculation on what this mysterious solution might be? Honeypots? Working with law enforcement? Some new anti-bot technology?

/\ ~Mara Planter

/ \ o

/ \ |=

/ \ ^ * * * *

| | / \ \ | /

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I think you overestimate the efficiency of the communication of JaGEx and JMods. JaGEx has persistently shown an inability to handle the PMod 'team' in recent times. JaGEx always has refereed to PMods as players first and PMods second. However, I can point to examples of PMods being muted for things that JaGEx told, and continues to tell, PMods should not be reported. I think the biggest update to being a PMod in a long time was the filter. This update caught most PMods I know completely off-guard.


Honestly, if you go on the PMod forums on the RSOF right now, there are quite a few threads relating to community and botting issues, needless to say JMods have no response. There are JMods that are curators for the PMod 'team'. I can't even tell you who they are anymore, because JMods don't actually seem to post in the PMod forums. Half of the times JMods have meetings with PMods about issues relating to moderating the bot issue is brought up, by different PMods, and the response is never actually substantive.


PMods have tried to communicate this issue over and over in a non-public place. Most of the PMods I have communication with and actually talk about this issue don't hesitate to publicly mock JaGEx.


Oh, and as to the Rules of Conduct: PMods don't mute or report according to the rules of conduct. For example, autotypers have been against the rules as long as I can remember and it's a [relatively] recent policy decision that they can be muted.


I'm sorry about the rambling, but it's a complex issue. I see why JaGEx de-modded Jiblix, I honestly do. However, JaGEx is failing to communicate with the PMods over the company line and still expects them to maintain the company line. And, because of this, I can certainly see why Jiblix decided to involve the hoi polloi in the matter.


Thank you for giving us a glimpse "behind the veil". I have a few questions, for you if you're following the thread, or for other F/Pmods, if they want to answer.


1. The post by Mod MMG that I described in my previous post - did any Jmods ever try to communicate that content to Pmods? or was this the first any of us heard about this? (Did anyone by any chance save his post, and if so, could they repost it on this forum?)


2. In a bureaucracy, interactions with one or two people can affect how people see an entire company. Without providing names, do you think this is a personnel issue or a corporate culture issue?


3. Is Jagex's stonewalling of Pmods only on the botting issue, and they're actually quite approachable on others?



From an outsider's view, I think Mod MMG is by nature an engineer, and is still struggling with management skills. I am hoping that the board of directors brought in investors who will provide him with sound management advice.

/\ ~Mara Planter

/ \ o

/ \ |=

/ \ ^ * * * *

| | / \ \ | /

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Yes, when you want a response from a normal company a reasonable and a calm method of action is suggested, however this implies that Jagex are normal, which they are not. Furthermore Jiblix never wanted to communicate with jagex, communicating with them is pointless since they won't listen even if you explain everything in a calm and argumented manner. What Jiblix was/is doing is raising the public awareness of how bad the situation really is. And that is a very good thing.


Although I do think that noting that Jagex didn't desreve the golden joystick this year was asking to get demodded.


I think Andrew fully understood what was going to happen once he sold his stocks. If he willingly wants to see his masterpiece get detsroyed then i have no problems with it. Let him enjoy his debt-papers.


I was going to write a long-ass moral on how/where runescape should have been going all this time but I don't see the point now.


The red carpet treatment the Gower brothers gave to players set unrealistic expectations for how Jagex would behave once creating and maintaining Runescape became a livelihood instead of a hobby. How else could people have come to believe that their $5.95/month payment or their exposure to adverts on the side gives them the right to tell Andrew how to live his life, or trumps the hundreds of thousands?/millions? of dollars investors have put into the company?


I believe that the reason Jagex has trouble communicating with players is the "drinking from a fire hose" nature of the forums. I assume staff has more efficient tools to read threads than the average player, but still, it takes a long time to sift through the rants and "me too's" to find the thoughtful posts. And after a while, regardless of the desire to serve the community, people who are repeatedly attacked shut down the sympathy/empathy centers of their brains as a survival tactic. I am amazed at how patient Fmods are.


On Jiblix's thread, Mod MMG (the CEO) took three hours to compose and post a substantive reply to the thread. He said that Jagex loses money because of botting, is working on a solution, but cannot talk about it, and cannot give a time frame for when he can talk about it. He also said that when the company could talk about it, it will. He believed players would approve, and understand why it could not be discussed.


I believe him that Jagex loses money on bots (for reasons I have not yet seen posted anywhere), that they are motivated to solve the problem, and that they are diligently working to solve the problem. I believe him and others that investors are interested in the long-term health of the company. But I reserve the right to judge whether or not I approve of said solution. Too often in the past, a solution eliminated the target problem, but introduced unwanted side effects. I'll wait to see if the cure is better than the disease.


Any speculation on what this mysterious solution might be? Honeypots? Working with law enforcement? Some new anti-bot technology?


Just to note, it wasn't MMG that made the post in question, it was Mod Matt K that made the long ass post.

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Sad & frustrating to read, I do feel his video was as Jagex described, but also fairly true. Not so sure Jagex's action was right.


Oh well, can only hope it somehow effects how the game is being run, I very strongly agree with the ICU needing to communicate with us more. The way things are we need at least fortnightly updates on the bot issue.

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These 2 ingredients or that high lvl Prayer Potion is not what I had in mind when expanding the Farming skill...

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Sad & frustrating to read, I do feel his video was as Jagex described, but also fairly true. Not so sure Jagex's action was right.


Oh well, can only hope it somehow effects how the game is being run, I very strongly agree with the ICU needing to communicate with us more. The way things are we need at least fortnightly updates on the bot issue.


One has to wonder though why Jagex chose to take such heavy-handed tactics against Jiblix, as opposed to, say, attempting to make an earnest appeal to the general community in order to alleviate the hard-feelings with respect to the botting issue? :unsure:


And yes, I do realize that when it comes to PR, Jagex fails.



As far as the interview with Jiblix goes, this:


Q: Do you feel particularly strongly that RS today is, on balance, any better or worse than it was prior to the reintroduction of free trade and PVP wilderness?


A: I feel RuneScape has become a lot worse since the reintroduction of FT/W. I was against the idea when it was first proposed by Mod MMG himself in his friends chat a week before the actual announcement. In a perfect game where you could have such a thing without any of the negatives that came with it, most of us would have no problem with FT/W returning. Unfortunately with a game like RuneScape, it isn't possible to have these things without the mass influx of cheaters.


Players voted for the return of FT/W under the basis that Jagex could handle these issues. They gave us their word and also mentioned that they had better technology to tackle bots and other cheaters. It's been well over 6 months since the reintroduction to FT/W and I have yet to see any real progress being made that indicates the bot problem is under control.


... pretty much sums up my sentiment about the entire issue.


I've raised this point many times, myself.




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Jiblix does indeed raises alot of questions that are surely familiar to most players, especially the older ones... Jagex has changed, for the most part, in a bad way.


F2P isn't unplayable in my opinion (or maybe I'm just insane), but not far from it. We can only hope to see change for the better in the (hopefully near) future, and just tough it out until then.


At some point, the camel's back will break, so to say, and people will slowly start drifting away from playing the game... let's hope things don't get that bad... always hope ;)

My words, but a whisper - your deafness, a shout.


If the future's looking dark, we're the ones who have to shine. If there's no one in control, we're the ones who draw the line


Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand. Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand.

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I thought that the farming article was well thought out, with some good ideas. I do a lot of farming and I am on the last leg to 99. It would be great to consider some new aspects to it to keep the interest. :thumbsup:


As for the Jiblix interview...there seems to be a lot of discussion around the sacrifice of his mod status rather than the subject matter of bots (lets get the priorities right!). Mod status is meaningless at the best of times, but the point about the bots, particularly in F2P worlds is a huge issue and its negative impact on all game play.

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In regards to the interview:


I can't disagree with Jagex's decision. Especially since Jiblix was an fmod in addition to a pmod, and fmods have considerably more power and responsibility than their silver brothers, since fmods are the primary means of controlling the forums (almost all moderation is handled by the green team rather than the gold team. The goldies just handle oversight, sentencing and policy).


Paid or not, both teams do represent Jagex, and its not appropriate to outright bash the person you represent. That's really just bad manners at best. Mods resign ALL the time because they are unable to support Jagex anymore, and feel that they are no longer able to represent Jagex or enforce their policies. While a lot of mods do stay on with disgreements, they do so under the condition that they don't outright flame Jagex (we are allowed to disagree, but we are not allowed to promote anti Jagex sentiment, or lie/speculate in an anti Jagex manner).


I had forgotten about the telling people to report the bug thing. In retrospect, that was not the proudest moment to be a mod, after essentially being told to intentionally mislead players, or keep your mouth shut. It was kinda funny at the time, in so far as the macroers were essentially reporting themselves to Jagex, but in retrospect...not so good.


I do agree with pretty much everything Jiblix said though, except the part about removing both mod teams. The pmods probably could go without existing without impacting the game alot. There either need to be more of them (and the staff to actually manage them properly), or they need to have more expansive powers (and again, the staff to back that up). As it stands right now, they are lucky shot fire suppression (when you catch someone for something like racial profanity or someone in the middle of a scam) and company figure heads. Some of them even get to spend most of their time dealing with other pmods, which is a pretty sure sign that there are not enough staff to keep everyone in line.


The fmods though I see as being critical, if only because there is nowhere near the staff that would be needed to pick up the slack. Mutes aren't exactly the bulk of what we do, and its all the things like locking and hiding that would be hard to replace with a purely gold team (at least for the same cost).

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