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a quite clever new scam...


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Guest andyizcool

Someone asked me to follow them into wildy with just a Whip for making a video. I thought to myself who'd make a video just of me and a Whip? Realised he wanted to skull me and get my Whip so I never even followed him.

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So the moral of the story is if a moron tries this on you, take food and whip. Once he's skulled, kill him. He'll cry about the loss of his noted scims. Head south FAST.


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My friend's been doing a variation of this lol.








Technically it's a scam only if you tell them you're doing something you're not.








For example, taking pics and posting it. If he had killed you, gotten the whip, and posted pics, then it's technically not a scam but it's still a bit shady.








I think my friend's "pked" 17 whips in the last 5 days like this... =\

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a lot of people are saying this isnt a scam, just a practice, since the guy was doing nothing against the rules... but its still taking advantage of any persons cluelessness and must be stopped.








i.e: increase whip shop price.

siggity siggity shwa

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a lot of people are saying this isnt a scam, just a practice, since the guy was doing nothing against the rules... but its still taking advantage of any persons cluelessness and must be stopped.








i.e: increase whip shop price.




I agree.. I don't see how people could not call this a scam.








Someone said it's a scam if you tell them you're doing something that you're not. Well, that's true, but the inverse is also true. If you leave out a big part of the picture that ends up hurting them, then it's dishonest and a form of cheating them out of their money, aka scamming.








It's just like trying to get a new player to trade their armor for a 'super rare black lobster'.. The person is telling them that they're just going to take a picture of them in the wilderness and then reward them for helping out. In both cases, what they say is just a cover for a hidden agenda, which revolves around taking the unsuspecting victim's items (which they had not intended to give up).








Obviously this scam is much more elaborate than the 'black lobster' one, but the same basic concepts apply. Just like the black lobster scenario isn't a legitimate form of trading, something that's normally legal.. the whip/dragon scimitar scenario isn't a legitimate form of pking. It's all lying to someone to get their items from them. And of course a player should be wary of these kinds of tricks in the first place, but that doesn't make the offenders less guilty. Besides, some scams (this one is a great example) are incredibly elaborate and could catch some normally cautious players off guard.

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well, i was getting ready to slay in edgeville when this randon comes up to me and asks me a favour:








guy: hey man, du have a whip?








me: yeah i do...








oh, can you help me out?








me: ok...








well, his proposition was for me to folow him into wildy with just my whip, so he can take pictures and post em as killing me... and then said hed give me 400k for complying.




well, i hate pking, so it wouldnt ruin my reputation or anything... but i was scared about losing my whip... and this sounded very much like a scam.








at first i said no, but he persisted, and eventually i thought "how can i posibly lose my whip? im not skulled and only have 1 item...








so i sed ok, shoot.








i ended up following him into level 8 wildy (so he can kill me) and he said i should follow him into level 30 wildy, i argued and was saying why? you can just kill me here cant you? he came up with the lame excuse "itll look more realistic up there" well, my suspiciousness peaked there... but i followed him, into level 32 wildy...








it was then he pulled out a dragon dagger and started stabbing me. yeah, everything was going super, i was at 4 health and poisoned for 6.








he said "thanks so much man! take this!"








he traded and offered me a bass and 4 drag scimmies....








first, i thought the scam was that if i took the scimmies, hed kill me and hed get his 4 scimmies back... so i luckily declined... and the poison took me.








i contacted him and sed meet in edge to give me em








he went beserk then, all like *? and oi!








it was then i realised the scam... if i had 4 scimmies and 1 whip... id keep the scimmies over the whip!! :shock:








i called him a scammer and blocked him








so, yeah, watch out for it, ive been playing for 3 years and almost fell for it! i hoped i helped...








people have tryed this scam on me a few time's, of coures, I bring a full inv of sharks, and my rune armour with me :twisted: then kill them, keeping the skimmys and tellying out with my rung of duleing that works at lvl 30 wildy! :lol: well I'm happy you didn't fall for it, however I advise you do what I do when I'm asked on that scam, I've gotten like 8 d skimmys like that.

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this is freaky, im in edge fletching and ive seen about 3 people try and pull the scam... its very dishonest and everyone should know about it!








its getting used more and more...








i may add this to the official forums later

siggity siggity shwa

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It's not really a scam. They don't lose out on the trade do they?












Nah, they lose out on what happens afterwords :?












it's a scam, funny part would be if u had had food on you, took the scimmies, drop 1 and use protect item. he woulda loved it :P








The whole objective is...lose nothing, or gain a whip. I know about this. I intend to get my second whip like this.








Get my friend (dan) to wield a weapon worth more than a dragon longsword. (Like a Scimitar or something) He has 4(Noted) dragon longswords in his inventory. He uses protect item to save the un-noted dragon scimitar.








He attacks and teleblocks some player with a whip. The other player picks up the longswords. You attack him and kill him with ice magicks and melee/range. He dies. Drops the whip.








He can't drop the longswords becuase he would drop all 4 of them, cause they're noted.

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LMFAO!! OMG...I felt for this scam LOL.....I was sleepy, He offred me 3 drag longs and a d b axe.....I wasnt mad that i lost it, I was speechless, It was funny thoe, I even told him "NICE!", meh.............I wanted that 500k he offered...im poor...Now im even poor (OMG DOTS@@!.....)

Quit runescape...

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im gonna check the shop price of d sicm compared to whip, i dont think scim would be higher








A whip is only a 40k item - shop. Most Dragon items are a higher price... Also some barrows items will also fall into this area...








and yes it's a scam in a way, to do so is a elaborate scheme intended to get the item through deception ... not from an honest fight. I for one would not figure out why anyone in thier right mind would accept something from someone who just attacked them? To me that's just plain ignorance.








Rule number one of the wild is do not take anything there you cannot replace immediately - back on f2p I used to pk a lot after I had nomore quests to keep me busy... I often felt bad for those we pk'd as it was typically using ambush tactics and many we pk'd there had a different agenda rather than pking. Taking advantage of someone due to them being naive seems to be cheating to me - even in the wild.

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