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Burning of European Embassies in the Middle East


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I think it's a total shame that these "Muslims" are degrading their own religion. I think most people know that nowhere in the Qur'an does it say "kill those who disrespect you" or indeed anything of that kind, instead mainly talking about peace.








It's also slightly annoying when people describe them as "Muslim Fundamentalists", since the term fundamentalism implies that there is something somewhere that most people don't take literally but says "kill those who oppose you", obviously there isn't, so they're too extreme even for fundamentalism.








Generally they are cowards, hiding behind a religion and using it as an excuse for violence. The number of satirical cartoons printed about Christians and Jews i'm sure is just as high as those about Muslims, if not higher, and yet we don't protest violently. I don't have a problem with the peacful protesting, although i've studied Islam i'm not Muslim myself, so i have no idea just how offensive these cartoons really are. I think though you need to have a laugh and move on really, and realise that they don't represent necessarily how we view Islam, just as a way of making people laugh.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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That entire cartoon thing is stupid.








Do you know why they don't rent out cars to people under 25?




Because theres part of the brain that hasn't finished developed yet - The reasoning part.




The people doing this rioting are 18 ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ 25 year old males drowned in their own testosterone.




Then people draw derogatory cartoons about the U.S. and we do nothing. We throw their Koran in a toilet, they burn American flags. They take down two buildings, we invade their land..




I don't support war, however. I think its wrong that Bush has taken this so far.

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I think though you need to have a laugh and move on really, and realise that they don't represent necessarily how we view Islam, just as a way of making people laugh.








Would you laugh if Jesus' beard was depicted, even in a cartoon, as a bomb? Or if not you, wouldn't some fundamental Christians be protesting somewhere right now? Of course they would... But it's just a way to make Muslims laugh though, so it's ok to go around depicting people's deities in a manner as they so please right?

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I think though you need to have a laugh and move on really, and realise that they don't represent necessarily how we view Islam, just as a way of making people laugh.








Would you laugh if Jesus' beard was depicted, even in a cartoon, as a bomb? Or if not you, wouldn't some fundamental Christians be protesting somewhere right now? Of course they would... But it's just a way to make Muslims laugh though, so it's ok to go around depicting people's deities in a manner as they so please right?




I wouldnt laugh but I wouldnt protest either because I was raised in a civilized way that I allow others to express there opinions.

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Would you laugh if Jesus' beard was depicted, even in a cartoon, as a bomb? Or if not you, wouldn't some fundamental Christians be protesting somewhere right now? Of course they would...
Actually i dont think they would. Depictions of Christian, Hindu and Buddist figure like you said have been made many many times in the past. Both Jesus and some Hindu god were mocked in a Family Guy episode the other night when Peter Griffin thanked "christ" for some good luck to happen and then the hundu god cried because noone ever thanks him and jesus taking the credit for his work or whatever.




Its satire... its not serious... its certainly not race hate.








Another great example is the Piss Christ. Yes there were protests at the time of unveiling but they soon died down and nothing serious happened. Muslim extremists just seem to go insane at any kind of mocking or joking relating toi their religion. While other major religions have the forgive and forget attitude many muslims just take it extremely personally and wish death apon those who dont hold their same views. See Salman Rushdie and Theo van Gogh








We value 'Freedom of Speech' in the west propably just as much as the muslims value their prophet. There is always a clear seperation of media, state and religion in Europe. In the west when we protest we do it politically and legally. We bind together as a group with a common message and march peacefully.




Thge extremist christians tend to be all talk no action. I have 10000000% failth that had pictures of Jesus shagging Judas over a cross been publish then you would not be seeing the actions of the muslims being done by christians. Fred Phelps is propably one of the worst western extremists but even he doesnt resort to inciting murder. I just wish the extremist Muslims were the same...



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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I think though you need to have a laugh and move on really, and realise that they don't represent necessarily how we view Islam, just as a way of making people laugh.








Would you laugh if Jesus' beard was depicted, even in a cartoon, as a bomb? Or if not you, wouldn't some fundamental Christians be protesting somewhere right now? Of course they would... But it's just a way to make Muslims laugh though, so it's ok to go around depicting people's deities in a manner as they so please right?








Jesus is cool man!








He wouldnt wear a beard, he'd wear a goatee! And sunglasses! 8)

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Jesus is cool man!








He wouldnt wear a beard, he'd wear a goatee! And sunglasses! 8)








I was going to post a picture from Dogma of Jesus looking liek that (Catholicism WOW!) but i guess i remembered it wrong. Been a long time since i saw the film. lol











Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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as my topic has just been closed ill guess ill post here lol, too the mods who closed my last topic: i do understand the relgion and better infact than some of u, i know that mohammed is not meant to represented in at visual context and yes i understand that the picture showed his turban as being shaped like a bomb which is very sterotypical at the current but it is still no excuse to make little of the genocide of millions of ppl and think that it comes close to matching the mocking of a guy which a bomb on his head....



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I think though you need to have a laugh and move on really, and realise that they don't represent necessarily how we view Islam, just as a way of making people laugh.








Would you laugh if Jesus' beard was depicted, even in a cartoon, as a bomb? Or if not you, wouldn't some fundamental Christians be protesting somewhere right now? Of course they would... But it's just a way to make Muslims laugh though, so it's ok to go around depicting people's deities in a manner as they so please right?








I'm not a christian, so it wouldn't particularly offend me, but i can respect other people's views. The thing is though, the god i do believe in would laugh along with me, because he would respect humour as much as anything else. But that's just my opinion, and i won't have a problem if somebody else feels differently.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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we christians would find jesus funny to a certain extent, personally i think it would be entertaining to see some1 turn his beard into a bomb lol, but unlike the islams we dont blow ourselves up and ppl around us, we dont write msgs like "behead those who insult islam!" and above all we wouldnt retialate in such a petty way as the mock the death of millions



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I could write a whole story, but all I'm gonna say is:








You know there are many curses with the words god or jesus in them (god damn etc. etc.). Now what would happen if the Christians were like the extremist Muslims and go crazy every time someone curses with the word god or jesus in it? Exactly, they don't, cause if we did we would have a World War x100, and the news would be filled with such "incidents", that's why I think it's all so blown up. I wanna meet the day that there are curses with any Muslim-religious terms in it.




This just proves we are not that hotheaded like some of the Muslims. (Not commonising all Muslims ofcourse)

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Let me tell you all something, I live in Denmark. Muslims here comit most crime, and they are all hated. I wont lie, I hate them too! But I have some muslim friends, so not all is bad. But burning our flag was wrong! In my eyes that means war, even when this blows over - I will still be boycotting them in any way I can. Caurse we did nothing illegal! But as for they wanting an apoligy?.....








- Sorry that we gave you shelter..




- Sorry that we offer free education..




- Sorry that we give you money each month..




- Sorry that you are allowed free religion in our Christian country..




- Sorry that we sending your country help..




- Sorry that we don't demand blood vengeance for the crimes you comit here..




- Sorry that we donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t as your religion says..








- But an apology for doing what is legal in our own country, within our own law - that one you will never get!

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But burning our flag was wrong!








I don't see what the whole flag burning problem is, they waste their money buying your flag supporting your flag making business and then they burn the flag that they bought! :P

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Heres something for you to think about....








1. Palestinians are "starving" but they can afford foreign flags to burn?








2. Where do they get these flags from!? Is there an anti-western shop that sells parafin-soaked flags of the west for those "special occasions"?








3. There are tonnes of cartoons in Arabic papers that like to blaspheme Judaism and Christianity, but you don't see Christians or Jews going down to their local anti-Islam shops buying readily-soaked inflammable flags of the Middle-East do you?

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Its their Religion








Its Disrespect for them to EVEN draw their god let alone insult it with one








still the way Muslims reacted is still pretty pathetic








i can say the same with Norway, Danish



Stunner is in the house! Make some noise please?

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Theres always going to be extremist in any religion. Those violent muslims . BBut I must admit theres been a lot of violence following the muslims throughout history. Muhammad himself used violence himself. Pakistan muslims vs hindus. It's the price to pay for having religion. Those who killed have sined and most likely aren't 'true' muslims. Kinda the same thing as catholicism, the crusades, and other stuff. Different intreperations of religion.

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I myself am from the Middle East, and this is what I believe.








First off, I want to make something clear... The Qur'an forbids any depiction of any prophet - including Mohammed, Jesus, Moses.... and of course God/Allah.








This is a written code in the Qur'an and this code is taken seriously to the Midd East population. Denmark decided to go against one of Islams highest laws, by drawing the last and most important prophet to all Muslims internationally. This will obviously cause some violence. No behaviour would be tolerated in the Middle East community, and they expect everyone to respect that code. What I believe is that it is a direct attack against Islam. Has anyone seen the pictures? They make Prophet Mohammed (Peace Apon Him) look like a goof, one even suggested that his turban was a bomb! Were bombs even in existence back then?! Why is this Newspaper publishing pictures of the Prophet with a bomb? Is he a terrorist?! Is the Newspaper trying to say all Muslims are terrorists?! Because it sure looks it to me, because Prophet Mohammed is the most important messenger from God in the Islamic religion. This is why I think everyone is mad, Im sure mad. Does it mean I should burn down the ambassy? No, I think thats wrong... there are better ways in approaching this. But you must understand, that there are extremists who believe this is an appropriate reaction, and if this were done to any other religion, I gaurantee it probably wouldnt go soo far, because someone would apologise the same day it was published. BUT THERE IS NO APOLOGY! Even after this Newpaper attacked Islam directly, whom ever is responsible has not apologised! Now this really stumps me, I dont understand why they just wouldnt apologise for basically stomping the crap out of a religion. They basically called the Prophet an idiot, and showed that all Muslims are terrorists. And when you attack a religion, there will always be an equal or greater reaction.








~ Krypt








EDIT: And I really hate how everyone doesnt recognize the comics as a real issue, due to its nature. But when Muslims try to get the international community to understand that Muslims around the world are extremely upset at this, Muslims are seen as terrorists. Violent people with no heart, they raise their kids to be violent. You know what, thats not true! Do you know that the government filters everything we see? Do we ever see any good side to Muslims? Are they all just cold-hearted beings, that have no good side?! There is obviously something wrong with everyones perception of this, seeing how still no one recognizes this as an attack against Islam. Quoted from my Cousin:








"I even believe this is way worse than saying the Holocaust never happened.." -- You know what, I think that to be true..








Dont just Flame me.... be good at it.



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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Just a update I read....








As reported in this newspaper yesterday, it turns out that a group of Danish imams circulated the images to brethren in Muslim countries. When they did so, they included in their package three other, much more offensive cartoons which had not appeared in Jyllands-Posten but were lumped together so that many thought they had.








Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main ... do0402.xml








I dont believe that.... I cant trust the media anymore, everything is filtered through the government.



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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everything is filtered through the government.
OT: Prove this statement before saying it.








In the media all the time, its common to hear "A Muslim man.." "A Islamic man..". You know its true... not once would you ever hear "A Christian man.." "A Buddhist man.."








Media is biased. Its a tool for the government so they can get society consent. When Bush envaded Iraq, for example. Bush said they had weapons of mass destruction, flooded the media and manipulated everyone to believe Saddamm had chemical weapons. Once you have public consent, you can get away with a lot of things. And there were no weapons of mass destruction..



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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everything is filtered through the government.
OT: Prove this statement before saying it.








In the media all the time, its common to hear "A Muslim man.." "A Islamic man..". You know its true... not once would you ever hear "A Christian man.." "A Buddhist man.."








Media is biased. Its a tool for the government so they can get society consent. When Bush envaded Iraq, for example. Bush said they had weapons of mass destruction, flooded the media and manipulated everyone to believe Saddamm had chemical weapons. Once you have public consent, you can get away with a lot of things. And there were no weapons of mass destruction..








I want to disagree on the WMD point. Saddam DID have WMDs but not at the time we invaded. If you'll remember America spent about 6 months threatening to invade Iraq for their failure to comply with UN inspections. What do you think he was doing during those 6 months?








I do agree with you, though, that mass media is heavily biased especially when it comes to Islamic related stories. However, the fundamental extremists are ready to riot about absolutely anything, no matter how trivial, and to burn down embassies over a cartoon, no matter how provacative, is, in my opinion, an over-reaction.

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