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So, i was just sort of curious to see what you guys thought of some of my movies... :thumbsup: soooo....i'll leave a brief description, and hopefully you guys will enjoy!!! :pray:






*for those of you that like music, here's one of my most favorite drum sessions with my roommate!






*so, i'm not sure if you're familiar with any kind of drum machines, but i was just messin around on one in dunkley's music....it turned out a lot better than i thought! :ugeek:






*I came up with this video in tribute to my super-old cat. Seriously the coolest little guy you'll ever meet! ::'






*WoW, this one was soooo funny to make. I ended up interviewing myself in another costume, just to see how it turned out.... :D i'm a spaz, i know ;)






*Five Finger Death Punch - they were filming for thier DVD... amazing shot :P






*Not sure if you guys are familiar with 'salvia'...but this is my adventure..... this one was CRAZY!!!






*ok, last...but certainly not least, Drunken Kite Flying!!!!! :mrgreen:






well, i hope you all enjoyed my video's...and please...let me know what you think!!! :idea: i'm always lookin for feedback and new ideas!!!




also...if you wanna check out some more, check out the rest of my vids: 8-)










thank you, and i hope you guys have a GREAT day!!! \:D/

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It's in Japanese, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but it's really funny. ::'




Looks as though that guy was more interested in the girls then the sliding at first! :XD:

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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thats me and my friends making awesome use of a free period, seeing how many chairs we could jump. The squealing sound is the idiot hiding in between the chairs, when he popped his head up about 3 inches from my foot. Theres a video of a successful attempt as well, but thats nowhere near as funny.

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thats me and my friends making awesome use of a free period, seeing how many chairs we could jump. The squealing sound is the idiot hiding in between the chairs, when he popped his head up about 3 inches from my foot. Theres a video of a successful attempt as well, but thats nowhere near as funny.


Youtube FAIL fix'd

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thats me and my friends making awesome use of a free period, seeing how many chairs we could jump. The squealing sound is the idiot hiding in between the chairs, when he popped his head up about 3 inches from my foot. Theres a video of a successful attempt as well, but thats nowhere near as funny.


Awesome wipeout.


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[hide=Video] [/hide]




Boxxy? She sure is becoming a known youtube celeb.



she talks like a 12 y/o o.O


so this is boxxy?


how old is she?





How Boxxy brought the web to its knees




One girl and her quirky videos are taking over the internet. And if you're confused, imagine what things will be like in 100 years...






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It's a trap!




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