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Shiva's Runescape Account gone?!


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that is strange.. maybe he payed with his credit card and after what happened the company told jagex and they banned the account so no one else could get into it in the future? or possibly it could have been the people who messaged Jagex asking them to make a memorial for him..


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Umm... I doubt you looked up his real RS name... Jagex would not ban someone because they died...








somewhat untrue








if they truely know and have proof of his passing then i can see them locking the account because nobody else is entitled to it








a more feasable explanation though is that his account was paid for by credit card and payment was taken for his membership after he had passed but before the credit card was canceled so a refund was forced, or if it was a family members card they could have gotten a refund also








when a refund is given they ban the account untill you pay them some fee because technically you had membership for free for a period of time








(this happened to an account of mine once that only had a matter of hours of membership that month)

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* she died?!?! how i thought she just quit!








... Seriously..... :cry:








http://tip.it/runescape/ There's an announcement on the front page....


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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I'm probably going to have to either agree with the credit card theory- OR - That Jagex locked the account after recieving news that the accounts creator had died and therefore no one else needed to be on the account so it was locked.








I had heard Shiva was a great person and I wish I could of gotten to know him better. It's a shame that this would happen to someone and let him rest in peace.

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if an account isn't been logged in for more then a month then it disappears out of highscores untill it has been logged in again? :oops: (i once heard this, not sure if it is true)[it has been over a month now since shiva ... :cry: ]








either that or credit card

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if an account isn't been logged in for more then a month then it disappears out of highscores untill it has been logged in again? :oops: (i once heard this, not sure if it is true)[it has been over a month now since shiva ... :cry: ]








either that or credit card








not true. and jagex should have left him in high scores if they removed his account cuz he died. so ppl could always look him up and see how he did.








but im going with the cc theory. or a check he payed with bounced.

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it wouldn't surprise me if they banned the account, as the owner obviously can't continue playing on it. Either that or deleted it (but I don't know if that would prevent future users from having that name or not).








Also, after a while of inactivity, accounts go off the high scores, but I don't know how long that takes or if it's been that long since he quit.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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Not to be mean with all do respect, but whos Shiva ???












You can read about Shiva in that thread.












I took a long break from RuneScape at one point, and I don't recall my hiscores ever being taken off the boards, though I could be wrong. I can see why jagex would lock the account, and knowing jagex, they probably did.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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Jagex would not ban someone because they died...








They Ban you for anything else. Dont wear that Bronze Armour or your banned basically.








I am gonna go with the Credit Card Payment Scenario


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I don' t think after not logging on a char in a month takes it off high scores.. i have a noob that i haven't logged in for 6 months about

Proud fire cape owner!

How many RS players does it take to change a lightbulb?

5,000. 1 to change the lightbulb, and 4,999 to complain about how it was better before.


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They do it so people don't look him up on HS, find out that he's still there and start posting "zOMG hes still on hiskores he faked his death!1111".








It's the smartest thing they can do.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Yup, but i noticed this about a week before i heard of the Tragic death, so who really knows except Jagex... :?

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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