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"Get A Life"


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I wrote this just 30 mins ago, it got removed when a topic got rolled back tho think about it. It's aimed at all people who tell someone to get a life or accuse someone of having no life.








Why dont you get a life, what makes your life so much better than theirs? What makes you even have an excuse to proclaim your life is better than theirs and then gloat about it?








Go on? What is the purpose of life so that we can all make ours as good as yours o great "person with a better life than mine" because humanity hasnt found one. So therefore whatever we do with our life is as productive as everyone else with our perception.








Now seriously apart from the fact that you dont even know them and aside from the fact you have no idea how their lives work or what they do with them. Why the hell do you have to make a comment like that? Its been said thousands of times be jealous idiots who are to insecure to realise how emphatically wrong it is to do. You have no basis to say they have no life and you have no right to judge them in such a way either let alone any evidence. So just grow up drop your stupid little insecurities and stop with your petty jealous whining. That goes for anyone that thinks its funny to judge peoples lifestyles especially over a game.

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As said before, your level is the perfect one, anyone higher than you has no life, anyone below is inferior. It doesn't apply just in RS, everywhere you go your brain tells you you're superior to the rest. It's just an inbuilt and slightly perverse mentality.








Personally I think RS helps you in the real world too, for most people should learn something in runescape. Like how you need coal to heat up the furnace so it can make steel, or how naturally ocurring tar through the process of fraction distallation make lamp oil. Or how too make glass from sand and soda; and what all these weird plants my mum keeps talking about are. Or if you don't know much about mythology all these fanastic beasts and monsters which you are killing in RS. You learn how to make gunpowder...... I could go on forever.



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we all know where are priorities lie








if u had 1 day left to live.. no chance would you login to rs...








real life is more important and everyone has there own unique lives its just what people do with it.. runescape is a drug that feeds that need to acomplish somthing, people who fail to acomplish much in real life tend to play runescape and other mmorpgs to accomplish that missing part inside themselves and lets say for example that 14 year old kid who hung himself after being scammed 22mill... well thats just everything they have worked for to feed a need inside themself gone, but at the other end of the scale we have people who just sit of on rs and play it as a past time if they dont have much to do in the day. i know the only things i can do where i come from require money and as a student i dont tend to have much money really.. so i play runescape just to fill out the sensless bordem that i would be likley to go through :s








but some people do take rune too far and do become a part of it..








at the end of the day people saying "get a life" are just idiots because everyone has a life.. and whoever plays runescape cant say "get a life" because they play it themselves

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I am 27 and work a night job when I am off I am still awake at night and what better to do than make a lvl or 2.








I have a highly social job which I find very enjoyable and when I get home I don't always feel like talking because I've done a whole lot of that during the day.








I have travelled the world and I drive a sports cars, when I get told 'get a life' coz I over level 100 I smile to myself because I am happy and the person who is talking to me is most likely of half my intellegence.








On occasion I have asked this person what their favourite TV shows are, when they real off a list I inform them that I don't own a TV and dont watch one. Every hour they spend watching TV I play runescape and every hour they play runescape I have spent 5 hours drinking beers or playing poker with people. If its an American ask them if they have ever left their countries borders, you would be surprised how few have.








Life is what you make it...its not for anyone else to decide for me what mine should be.

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Hi my name is Doug, in Runescape I am called Tantarian. I graduated High School in June 05 and I have a full-time job. I have had a steady girlfriend for over a year. I drive an 02 Ford Mustang which I am very proud of because I work hard for it. After a long day of work I enjoy relaxing and playing Runescape, I play 1-3 hours a nite Monday-Thursday, but sometimes on those days I have other things to do and don't get on at all. I also play Saturday and Sunday mornings if I am home because my friends sleep late. I have "no life".












i just think ppl are jealous




tant is 4 years and 3 months old and lvl 113




i started in dec 01 when i was 14 and got lvl 100 in 2 years then i got my license




since then i have gained a whopping 13 combats

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omg, g3t a life u n30b
























Lol, jk. Couldn't resist.








We probably all have people say that to us at some point, even if we don't even play rs 5 hours a week :o (Lately, I've been lucky to get 5 hours a week)








In fact, I remember one time, I just got back from my gf's house, and right after logging it, some level 20ish person started begging for my armor, and of course I told him no. He replied with "Gt lif yu neb", which completely cracked me up :lol:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Lower leveled players are just jealous and don't understand how hard people have worked to gain the status they've achieved. They think leveling is pretty tough and they assume "OMG U PLAI 24//7!!!!1 HU R U NUB NO LYPH" They don't realize most of us just do a bit of steady work a day, not sit on our butts all day clicking trying to gain arthritis levels.




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13 hours a day on weekends, (That i'm not busy on, or have something else to play) and 2-4 hours on weekdays (Everyday. No exceptions) Earned me 102 combat with a skill total of 1471 over the course of 2 to 2.5 years.








I have a life...somewhere :D








No really, I'm pretty active in the community, I play No sports, (Boring to me) I'm also in the Daniel Webster BSA. I have plenty of friends. I've gotten asked out by a few girls I said no to them everytime.




Shut up already :oops:








Anyways, I have fun doing what I want to do. I don't care if i'm not the most popular person in the school cause i'm just your average American Student. You have no right to say I have no life when you're training your third pure to 99 strength. :evil:

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If its an American ask them if they have ever left their countries borders, you would be surprised how few have.








Its funnier to ask them to point out their country on a map. (sorry had to be said, unfortunately there are just as many stupid citizens in any country)








But back on topic, anyone suggesting that you should "get a life" apart from making a statement that makes absolutely no sense are just jealous and insecure, dissapointed that they have something missing in their own lives.








And incase you would like to suggest that they are serious and mean to say, "get a social life" or something to that effect I would ask, what could possibly be more social than a Massively Multiplayer online Role Playing game?








I would also point out that anyone speaking this most stupid of insults in so-called 'leet' speak is not deserving of any elevated position anywhere in any society be that in having a 'better' life or any other aspect of social hierachy.








Next time just ignore them and realise that never having used that insult, you are already far superior.

Remember your country code, and SHUT THE GATES!

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Why dont you get a life, what makes your life so much better than theirs? What makes you even have an excuse to proclaim your life is better than theirs and then gloat about it?








Go on? What is the purpose of life so that we can all make ours as good as yours o great "person with a better life than mine" because humanity hasnt found one. So therefore whatever we do with our life is as productive as everyone else with our perception.








Now seriously apart from the fact that you dont even know them and aside from the fact you have no idea how their lives work or what they do with them. Why the hell do you have to make a comment like that? Its been said thousands of times be jealous idiots who are to insecure to realise how emphatically wrong it is to do. You have no basis to say they have no life and you have no right to judge them in such a way either let alone any evidence. So just grow up drop your stupid little insecurities and stop with your petty jealous whining. That goes for anyone that thinks its funny to judge peoples lifestyles especially over a game.




i think that basically sums up anyone who calls someone else a no-lifer. it's also a sweet piece of writing, nice job.








i'd just like to add the situation with my and my friends in RL. these kids are all in the same classes as me, being mostly juniors taking AP (college level) classes, and get straight As, or close, as far as i know. after school alot of them are on the ultimate frisbee team (which i much say is the best sport ever) and work their [wagon] off during practice. though i haven't exactly asked them (as i'm mostly shy in RL) i've overheard them talking about guildwars, even while conditioning, jogging for half an hour, they're talking about one thing or another, because obviously it's something they all enjoy. it'd be just as valid as talking to your friends about going to a party on friday and getting wasted, except you're not destroying your brain and liver with alchohol later. anyways, from the sound of it they're all very experienced in the game and are probably high level there, and just as susceptible to being called nolifers. recently i've been having that sort of a schedule, but on top of it i'm part of the school musical, and i end up getting home at 9PM alot of the time. now, without a question we're all geeks, but that goes back to frogmite's quote up top, that how can you say that one lifestyle is inherently better than another when none in the human race have discovered a specific meaning to life? anyways, i thought i'd bring some examples into the mix just to back up the arguments.

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When they ask me how long ive been playing i tell them the truth and say 5 years, and the first thing that comes out (well most) is "OMG!! GET A LIFE", I dont know but...Dont you think if i didnt have anything else to do buy play runescape all day i would probaly near zezima?(Well 99 stats in everything) I mean cmon 5 years = 1505 skill total about 44mil total xp I dont think thats very good, and when i ask them how long they've been playing they say something under 1 year and their well over the 1k skill total line, I guess you can say im being hypocritical but some people are just plain stupid when it comes to knowing about stuff...








There is no "right" way to live life, but in todays world everyone trys to follow the "big" crowd, and the "big" crowd (If were talking about kids...the "cool" kids) if they "hang out" and do lots of social activities they have a life, Stereotypes? :roll:








But i think whats happening that theirs a little "feud" againts people who rather go have fun outside that people who have fun inside, The internet has grown so much that its overcome most people's lifes and has "created" its own little virtual world, People who probaly spend time on the computer probaly once a week and play a game might feel jelous of the others and....................Ill just stop, I live in my own little world :lol: , Most of these people who are jelous of others and actualy make it a big deal is just probaly the typical 13 year old immature kid, Not like its not coming to you when 60% of the people are that "immature kid"...........................SLEEP TIME YAY! im stupid :shock: :mrgreen: :wall: :arrow: :| :arrow: :idea: :?: :!: :wink: :roll: :twisted: :evil: :cry: :oops: :P :x :lol: 8) :? :shock: :o :( :) :D

Quit runescape...

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Yeah, people have diffrent views, some people like there life sitting on a computer some people like playing sports its only a matter of how you look at it, not other people.








thats a pretty ignorant comment........




I play a good 1-2hours after work each night...




i go to college full time..work Full time and hang with my gf...




i got quit a decent amount of Xp. but ive been playing for 5years.




And btw i love rs and i love my computer...

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what i really love about the game is that no matter what level you are, if somebody starts acting high and mighty and trash talking, and then come to realize that, although your combat may be lower, your skills and xp far exceed them, they always blame it on the fact that you have no life... but they do...








It's really amusing... especially when you consider the fact that you may play half as much as them, and have just played longer or made better use of your time (in regards to leveling, at least).



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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Really, after finally comming out of my eerie 4 year rs addiction, I can say out of the bottom of my heart that in this 4 years i have wasted 500 hours to achieve next to nothing.








My marks at school drop from straight A+s to barely passing








I gave up social contacts for RS contacts who have all now stopped playing








Once a friend is off rs, you lose your interest in them, and you lose your only point in common, your mutual love for the game.








On the other hand, I can truely say that I made a few real friends during my RS addiction, learnt how economics, a subject to which i never thought i would even understand, learnt how the investment market works, learnt how to deal with *ssholes. It would be difficult, if not impossible to say, whether that I would have achieved these things without the aid of RS, within this time period or not, but I am happy with where I am now.








When someone says get a life, on one hand its a pathetic come back / insult as low as "noob" and "f u", but it really made me think, and yeah, might have a point or two.

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If its an American ask them if they have ever left their countries borders, you would be surprised how few have.








I take exception to that. In Europe, I don't doubt that many have been to a number of different countries as they tend to be smaller and there are more of them in a smaller area.








I'm sure you can find a significant number of Americans that have been outside their regional and/or state borders, and have been to Canada and/or Mexico. Travelling state-to-state in the U.S. may be a little quicker than traveling country to country, but hell, Hawaii and even Alaska aren't some quick little jaunt, and I have been to Hawaii.








And if anyone feels like saying Americans rarely speak foreign languages, well, I doubt that's going to continue to be a viable option in the metropolitan areas. But even then, I live in an area that is primarily agriculture based with only moderate urban development, and I speak Spanish-- and we are getting more immigrants that speak only some or little English, from a number of places.








Back on topic-- the game is an enjoyable diversion, and when it ceases to be one, and more of an addiction, I think there's a problem.

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Yeah, people have diffrent views, some people like there life sitting on a computer some people like playing sports its only a matter of how you look at it, not other people.








Yes, but can you honestly tell yourselve that your living life to its fullest sitting on that computer?








K, more boring points-








Its very true that many people that play the game have very good lives, and many don't, but as said before, everyone has a line that if a player crossed it they would be considered a "no lifer" in the eyes of that person. I myself have a line for this, as do all of you. My personal line is at about 30-35 hours a week (average of 4-5 hours a day). I've got a friend in my clan who NEVER sleeps, and I see him on at 4am all the time, most of the time doing all nighters (I'm EST, he's GMT, I'd be on at 11). In my eyes these kind of people honestly need a real life.








In the eyes of God (total objective point of view) a person is never truly a "no lifer", but they can appear to be one by many people, which may actually make them a true no lifer.








Lets try an analogy: In the world there is believed to be good and evil, but the truth is there really isn't any. The real truth is that good and evil lies in the perspective of each and every person. So, a person who becomes a priest and travels around the world to third world countries is not really good or evil, but in the eyes of nearly every person he would be considered good. Since pretty much everyone agrees he is a good person, he is "good". The same thing goes for people viewed as "evil".








So, it may be impossible to determine if a person has no life or not, but based on the views and "lines" of other people (and maybe even the person him/herself) a person can become a "no lifer" in the eyes of society.








So, all you people trying to say you have a life even though you play 4 hours a day, before others judge you judge yourself. Are you playing to much? Do you need to get outside more? Work on your grades? Become more social? If you can really tell yourself that you play abstemiously, then keep playing. But if you come to realize that you play to much, just take a break and live a little.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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People say get a life to high levels, yet when they are higher than someone they say, "you noob" implying that people don't play enough. I think "Get a life" is just a way to sound as if you are better than someone with a higher level than you.

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It's really a lot simpler.








"Get a life"/"no lifer" has two translations:








1) "I am jealous of your levels in skill [x] so I will make myself feel superior by putting down your accomplishments."








2) "I want what you have given to me on a silver platter because I am too lazy to work for it like you did."

Suzanne Vega


tokin rite wurx gud!

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