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They're not undead???!!


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Apperently in rs vampires are not affected by crumble undead. when you try to cast it on them, it says "This spell only affects zombies, skeletons, ghosts, and shades". Are vampires not undead?








I came across this because it gave me this message when i tried to use crumble undead on dessous. I then tried it on other vampires in morytania and got the same result. In my opinion, this needs to be fixed.

"How you act when no one is looking is the clearest indicator of the strength or depravity of your true character. "


yeah, he's deffinetly a little excited...dont worry its not a glitch...d legs are meant to stretch in that area for that reason.
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I agree, but I think that Jagex was always aware of this and never tried to fix it. Ghouls should probably be affected too, although I don't know if they're techincally undead. Afflicted, Undead Ones, Souless, and others are also not affected to my knowledge.








Maybe Jagex just wanted the spell to only have a function that could be listed in the spell menu? That makes it a bit simpler.

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This was probably never fixed considering that was on of the first ever spells in runescape. WHen runescape advanced and Jagex started adding all these new "undead" members the crumble undead spell probably slipped thier thoughts and vanished long ago








Wouldnt be a bad idea to inform them about this, that is a classic spell, dates back ages



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Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


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Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

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True, i is from Classic. They could always just say "Hits Undead monsters hard" in the menu. Thet'd rule over Afllicted, Aberrent Specters, Vampires, the Barrows brothers (probably not, yet again they are ghosts), maybe Ghouls, and the zombie monkeys.

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the Barrows brothers (probably not, yet again they are ghosts)
It would never work on the barrows ghosts, not because they are ghosts, but for the exact same reason that one amulet (the one that hits hard on undead) doesn't. Barrows is already easy enough, and the rewards already greatly outway the risks, they don't want to make it too easy. (otherwise they would never have removed blocking. [yes, I know it was a bug from the start.])


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Apperently in rs vampires are not affected by crumble undead. when you try to cast it on them, it says "This spell only affects zombies, skeletons, ghosts, and shades". Are vampires not undead?








I came across this because it gave me this message when i tried to use crumble undead on dessous. I then tried it on other vampires in morytania and got the same result. In my opinion, this needs to be fixed.








Vampires are immortal.








Like, they are bitten, but they haven't died. So they are just... Immortal. Or was I too confusing?


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Monsters that should be undead:




















Lord dessouss








Lord Draynor












Barrow ghosts








All those are undead... and many others too.








Crumble undead really isn't very...umm...complete.

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However, if you wear a Saradomin symbol, you weaken the vampire. Not sure if having garlic will also give you a benefit.








Crumble undead is great, especially with the slayer staff. Level 80 skeletons beware.


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Monsters that should be undead:




















Lord dessouss








Lord Draynor












Barrow ghosts








All those are undead... and many others too.








Crumble undead really isn't very...umm...complete.




Lesser Demon is..a.. DEMON. If you are gonna put lesserd in there, you need all the other demons, greaters and all that.


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Monsters that should be undead:




















Lord dessouss








Lord Draynor












Barrow ghosts








All those are undead... and many others too.








Crumble undead really isn't very...umm...complete.








Ghouls are not undead, at least Chaeldar said so.

Used to play RS, not anymore. WoW pwns!

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What I find most humorous is that the spell wouldn't work on Aberrent Spectres (at least last I checked... has been a while).








Spectre is just another word for ghost... lol



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i had that with tree spirits... spirit = gost = death?


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

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i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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I agree, but I think that Jagex was always aware of this and never tried to fix it. Ghouls should probably be affected too, although I don't know if they're techincally undead. Afflicted, Undead Ones, Souless, and others are also not affected to my knowledge.








Ghouls are very much alive (to my knowledge they just eat the dead), and Afflicted are, well, afflicted, but not dead.








As for vampires, to my knowledge they live in a state of un-life, so I'd consider them pretty undead. Plus, if it's the case in D&D it should always be :P








Then again, fantasy rules aren't set in stone so jagex could just do whatever the hell they want as long as they're consistent. Even though having Undead Ones not being undead takes things a little far :lol:

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What I find most humorous is that the spell wouldn't work on Aberrent Spectres (at least last I checked... has been a while).








Spectre is just another word for ghost... lol








crumble works on them odd, try it . urza saw me do a few while attempting to show him the safe spot still worked(i didnt get the abbernat lined up properly)

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In Dracula (The book that pretty much started vampires) they are described as "The Undead" so yes.....they are :?








actually they are called nosferatu :o




and they never died, they just got bitten by another vampire, making them immortal




so they arent undead to me :)

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Slayer masters say that ghouls aren't undead if you have a ghoul assignment.












The only thing I'm wondering is why it doesn't work on banshees or aberrant specters, or undead ones.


I've stopped playing RuneScape. KoL's better.

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Depends on ur definition of Undead








Many fanatsy dictionaries list undead as








"living forms of a dead human"








Since afflicted, souless shade aren't previously dead or of humans they wouldn;t count








And vampires in some mythologies aren't undead, they are simple a different race close to humans


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I pmed jagex, they said barrows, vampires, etc. are NOT undead. Just VERY OLD! :lol:












wait then why do the barrows brothers have graves? in the crumbling tomb it describes their death that would make them undead

Barrows drops to date: ahrim's skirt, hood and top x 5. Dharoks legs top x 2 and helm. Guthan's legs and plate. torags plate x 2. verc's flail skirt brassard x 2. karil's x bow coif and top


1st d drop 03/03/06 d med in barrows

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I pmed jagex, they said barrows, vampires, etc. are NOT undead. Just VERY OLD! :lol:




wait then why do the barrows brothers have graves? in the crumbling tomb it describes their death that would make them undead

If jagex really did say that, its obviously just a more minor mod making an excuse to why it doesn't work, without simply telling the truth that it would make barrows waaaay too easy.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Depends on ur definition of Undead








Many fanatsy dictionaries list undead as








"living forms of a dead human"








Since afflicted, souless shade aren't previously dead or of humans they wouldn;t count








And vampires in some mythologies aren't undead, they are simple a different race close to humans








Things without a soul are dead, soulless humanlike beings would be classified as undead, then. Shades examines as "The angry dead" or something among those lines which makes them pretty undead as well :P








As for Barrows, an excuse, yes, but seeing as everyone and their mother uses Slayer Dart anyway, it doesn't really seem to have anything to do with difficulty, since Crumble doesn't hit as hard as Dart does.

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Depends on ur definition of Undead








Many fanatsy dictionaries list undead as








"living forms of a dead human"








Since afflicted, souless shade aren't previously dead or of humans they wouldn;t count








And vampires in some mythologies aren't undead, they are simple a different race close to humans








Things without a soul are dead, soulless humanlike beings would be classified as undead, then. Shades examines as "The angry dead" or something among those lines which makes them pretty undead as well :P








As for Barrows, an excuse, yes, but seeing as everyone and their mother uses Slayer Dart anyway, it doesn't really seem to have anything to do with difficulty, since Crumble doesn't hit as hard as Dart does.








wrong - the skooling tht use the definitions I gave calls not having soul as a half life. its not undead - they nvr died, but they r not alive








Also shades - no evidence for them being linked to humans, hence my theory works for all but barrows


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sorry about never posting back, but i got caught up in the second have of desert treasure and then went to sleep, but I'm happy that this comment has brought about this polite of discussion. (Unlike what happens in some threads...)








And by the way, thanks for all the info.

"How you act when no one is looking is the clearest indicator of the strength or depravity of your true character. "


yeah, he's deffinetly a little excited...dont worry its not a glitch...d legs are meant to stretch in that area for that reason.
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