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Full Zombie With Emotes- inside 1 hour


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I had a slayer task to kill 120 fire giants, so i decide to do it




and as soon as i reach there bury my first bone i get LEO








i got shoes and shirt








Then after 5 mins i got LEO again :D








then i got gloves and trousers








Then started training again , then after 10 mins BAM ,,LEO again








FINALLy got Mask AND full zombie :)








When u get The event you can store your stuff in the bank, i stored all my stuff.




EDIT: just got LEO again, this time ill get emote








Just got the last 1 now , zombie DANCE ,, all the zombie things in 1 hour








OMG not again, this is pissin me off wasting my time





Old School Pker / Staker


Hitting it up Since 03

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that is crule........in all my years of playing i have gotten 1 mimes which i asusme are as rare as these guys.....in less than an hour u get full zombie with emotes :cry: and i havent had a zombie dude either :cry:

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They aren't as rare as they look like, I got Shirt and boots from about 1 hour of killing men and woman and burying their bones.




i got everything inside 1 hour

Old School Pker / Staker


Hitting it up Since 03

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I got Leo pretty frequently at fire giants as well. It got so annoying that I don't bury bones any more :?




I know the come very frequently at fire giants, i stopped burying bones too

Old School Pker / Staker


Hitting it up Since 03

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lol i buried 2k big bones today not a single random but earlier i got shirt and boots jrom burying dust devil bones




Same lol. I think Jagex knows we're "random hunting" so they probably made it so you have a better chance getting it training on a monster that jumps bones. I have a theory that higher exp bones give a better chance of getting it.

Proud Acolyte of the Ooc

Cmon Steve you can do it!



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wtf , i bought 5k dragon bones yesterday...




and burried them ALL outside of a bank.. and didnt get that random one time!!!




i got 6 shades! no leo the gravedigger...uhg!




oh well...iam 74 prayer now :?



1103'rd to 99 crafting

830th to 99 herblore

~!~ Master Merchant ~!~

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