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Gadderhammer is shade ownage


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For those of you who like to burn shades then hang onto your gadderhammer. Acording to the max hit I should be hitting 17's against shades with the hammer and 23 with a d-long, but I have hit up to 30( probably my max hit using its "special")! As proof I have a pic of me hitting 28, I missed the 30 unfortunetly, I wasn't expecting it.



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Can it be used to build up the temple?




As a tool instead of a regular hammer or a flamantar hammer? I doubt it but Ill check now!


always wondered, what's so special about flamatar hammers?


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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Can it be used to build up the temple?




As a tool instead of a regular hammer or a flamantar hammer? I doubt it but Ill check now!


always wondered, what's so special about flamatar hammers?




Helps you build the temple faster. And yes thats what I meant use it as a tool.


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Can it be used to build up the temple?




As a tool instead of a regular hammer or a flamantar hammer? I doubt it but Ill check now!


always wondered, what's so special about flamatar hammers?




They let you repair faster, but apparently after lvl 70ish the effect is negilible so might aswell use a regular hammer and save 10k. Also I just tested and no, it can't be used to repair.

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the Flamtear hammer makes you repair the temple a LOT faster




sanctity doesnt speed up tho

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They let you repair faster, but apparently after lvl 70ish the effect is negilible so might aswell use a regular hammer and save 10k. Also I just tested and no, it can't be used to repair.




Sry for double post... but where did you hear about "after lvl 70ish" thing?




You mean 70 crafting right?


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So anyone have any idea how this compares to regular whip training on those?


not worth it.


i just tried it, you do hit some high numbers but really rarely.


the gadderhammer is two handed so no shield and more food needed, it also has a very slow attack rate.


if you have whip just stick to that, but if you use rune weapons normally then this would probably be better, better then a granite maul i think, maybe even some dragon weapons.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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So anyone have any idea how this compares to regular whip training on those?




Its dlong speed and hits about the same as whip with no obby shield.


Therefore, whip and obby shield is superior.

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He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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With my stats I could only hit 25's with a whip and obby sheild vs 30 with the hammer. Ofcourse this doesn't factor in the speed difference so I dunno. But since I can't afford a whip and obby sheild and also love to shade burn this is a major plus for me.

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a dds is still better (use salve amulet)




i wonder if its all undead that it hitsbetter on... (ghast pwnage?)

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that guy proby just has a relly high atk and str ...because gaader hammer? uhhh no....


gadder str=40






and i don't think jagex would reless a wepon JUST for shades this late after there relesed!!!!




and as fare as salve ammy, that with any dragon wepon would own a any undead!!!!!

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that guy proby just has a relly high atk and str ...because gaader hammer? uhhh no....


gadder str=40




yes, and just like the salve ammy it increases your strenght, without seeing it in the strenght bonus menu.




and i don't think jagex would reless a wepon JUST for shades this late after there relesed!!!!


why shouldn't they? they're reviveing a forgotton mini-game that's really fun, sounds good to me.




and as fare as salve ammy, that with any dragon wepon would own a any undead!!!!!


maybe, maybe not. no one has done a test yet so no one can say which is better then which.


personally just from trying it out for one day i think it's more effective then these weapons versus shades: all bronze-rune weapons, dragon battle axe, d2h, hatchet, dragon dagger (not includeing special), mace.


in other words, only the long sword and scimmy are better or same (maybe still even worse).


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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that guy proby just has a relly high atk and str ...because gaader hammer? uhhh no....


gadder str=40




yes, and just like the salve ammy it increases your strenght, without seeing it in the strenght bonus menu.




and i don't think jagex would reless a wepon JUST for shades this late after there relesed!!!!


why shouldn't they? they're reviveing a forgotton mini-game that's really fun, sounds good to me.




and as fare as salve ammy, that with any dragon wepon would own a any undead!!!!!


maybe, maybe not. no one has done a test yet so no one can say which is better then which.


personally just from trying it out for one day i think it's more effective then these weapons versus shades: all bronze-rune weapons, dragon battle axe, d2h, hatchet, dragon dagger (not includeing special), mace.


in other words, only the long sword and scimmy are better or same (maybe still even worse).




Ok to make it a bit clearer, all the calculations where done with the weapon aswell as a salve amulet, cooking gaunts and berseerker helm since that is my standard equipment. So I can hit up to 30 with the hammer and my gear or 25 with a dlong and my gear. Also the hammer can be reobtained by talking to the shopkeeper and buying one from him for 3k

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