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Ok some dies in front of you and...


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Well way back on rs1, me and a guy now quit, were killing lessers. I was 60ish combat. Well me and other dude were fighting, and we started to talk. The he just was quit wile fighting, nothing, nothing, nothing, came out of his mouth well he had lag and the lessers were autoing him and he died. I got all of his stuff (and I ran away with all his stuff and added him to my ignore list and lived wealthy. Ok sorry bad sarcasm) So I added him to my friends list wait for him to reappear when he finally did I told him I had his stuff just meet me in fally. We did the trade he said thanks and we became friends and etc. Well a year later a little before the beta for rs2 came out he quit and gave me all of his stuff. If they guy dies I will try too give back all of what I can get. If the guy is rude, it just sucks to be him.




Ya, when rude people die, I laugh at them (I don't mean pm them "Haha u died u stupid noob", just more of a chuckle to myself, maybe a "lol serves him right" to the others there.) and take what I can get. When I see someone being flamed by other players (I was fighting elementals once, and this one guy kept attacking a ranger there for everything, and offered, then offered to be a shield for the ranger, and pmed me sayin he would move so the ranger, who was low on hp already, would die), or someone who seems pretty nice dies, I'll give them most, if not all, of what I grab. And then nuteral players I keep about half.




And also, don't click death piles like crazy. First of all, it causes more lag between your computer and the game server. Right click and pick out goodies from the middle of the pile. Chances are the top item is already gone, and it's alot easier to get the items from the middle

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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If someone dies and I'm near the death pile, I usually loot it. If it's a low level person then I usually give them their stuff back, because I have no use for it. I also return items from friends if they die, one time I got burnt at the blue dragons while my friend was there, and he managed to save my rangers boots. The only scenerio where I have a problem with people looting is when they are the cause of the death (unless they're in the wilderness), like people teleothering in Dhoraks tomb.

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The rareity of someone dieing with good stuff is very low. Im sure if someone died with a phat you wouldnt be like oh heres your phat back loss 150+ million gp because you want to be nice about it. Im sure if your good friends with the guy you would be im sure if its just some guy that died with it you would keep it. The best thing i've looted out of like 2 piles is 7k steel arrows over the 3+ years ive played. I've also lost alot from dieing thats what i dont give back. Whats on the ground is far game to anyone that comes across it.

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as u said,


the guy lagged, he was dieing, u came to steal his stuff, u list all thiss tuff he droped also u said "10k" chaos, wth do u know its 10k, he just said 2 words and logged out, u had no way of knowing it was 10k choas

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there was a lvl 96 fighting a strage plant random and his health was real low. I stayed there for awhile and he must of lagged and he died... i was so mad i could of had 1.5 mill plus and some noob got it. :evil:




ok i was going to give stuff back because i do that alot but i lagged and it logged me off




i could not get the name and he ovoisly did not get mine so umm yeah...




so how is it that standing around waiting for him to die and seeing what level he is that you weren't able to get the name?




Don't try to change your story just cuz people flame you... You wanted to be greedy and take the stuff off the guy when he died... admitting that is a lot less flameworthy than doing it in denial.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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you didnt get anything because you got a click lag.....2 days ago my mate found 1m of stuff on ground at hes favorite training place- a few days ago i KOd a guy in wildy but as i was so fast i didnt get the kill- there was like 4 looters on the stuff but i still got whip and obsidian shield(i was highest level too)

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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I was training at the gargoyls and a lvl123 was training next to me.


I guess he lost connection and the gargoyl finally did him in.


This other guy comes in and me and him are racing to his death spot.


We were clicking like mad. :twisted:


He got the guthans spear and some other junk.


I got whip and guthan's helm. 8)




Hey, its part of the game.


They made it so when you die other people can see and pick up your stuff.


So no reason to flame or getting all morally righteous over it.


The game was designed that way.


Oh, and of couse, I am still using that whip today. :wink:

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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if it's on the floor, it is everyone's, and there is no obligation to return anything. I return most of it, but i could easily just turn off private and walk away.... :twisted:

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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You were probally being stupid and trying to mass click the top of the pile, should right click and find the 2nd most valuable, that way you are guarenteed to get something.

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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Last time It happened to me, someone was ranging a werewolf In canifis bar, laged and died, leaving a deathpile with some ranging stuff, 3k or so mith arrows, and 100k. She didnt talk so I didnt knew her rsn.


I picked It and hanged around making my potions (My chat is always on). When she messeged me and asked her stuff back, I gave her all her items and arrows + 60k. 40k I kept to myself - not a perfect kind of behavior, I guess - but if I wasnt around, she was losing all of her stuff, worth much more then those 40k.


Slayer: 85/85, Herblore: 82/82, Farming 81/82, def 99/99.

new goals: full sardomain costum from t.trails (2/6), slayer 87/90, attack 98/99

Dragon drops: 4 half shields, 2 dragon spears | whip drops: 5.

barrow drops: Ahrim's hood

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Also if someone died and i get their name, i return all their stuff. If not i hang around where i got it for a few minutes to see if they are coming to get it back


No you dont...i remember at barrows someone died you got his d sq, whip, torag helm and you werent gonna give it back, you told me about how you were gonna sell it and buy stuff.

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When i see someone die...i pick up as much as i can then try and remeber their name. Add them to my list and try and contact them, then if i do contact them i give EVERYTHING back. If i can't get hold of them then i take the loot and feel sorry for the dude who lost his stuff.

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Back when I was still pretty new to the game, I was thieving cakes in Ardoygne market. On my way back from the bank to the cake stall, I saw a fire rune on the ground. I stopped to pick it up.




It wasn't just a fire rune, it was over 20K of assorted runes including 1K chaos, 50 law, 100 deaths, 100 nats, wizard robes and hat, a staff of air and about 20K in gold. And some bones.




Seems some guy had tele'd to Ardy, and died on arrival. I didn't see who he was, but it was the best present a level 30+ could have gotten.




Had I seen him die I'd have msg'd him and given him his stuff back. But I didn't so I couldn't. So I kept it all. Sold some of the stuff, used some more.




Luck of the game I guess. If I do see someone die, I'll grab their stuff and give it back to them, might keep something for my trouble though. :twisted:

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You said you were clicking like crazy and got basically crap right? Well, I've larned from expereince with trying to pick up things and moving on the minimap is don't crazy click.




crazy clicking makes things worse and the clicks don't register as well.




Thought I would let you know if you ever see anyone die next time, lol.






when will you kids learn that crazy clicking causes lag and you dont pick up the items....try right clicking and picking out an item

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The other day, I was just training at the Skeles in Damis' cave, when a level 85 asked if i'd come black Damis for him.




I had a feeling blocking was no longer possible, but I went along anyway, and sure enough, Damis walked straight through me.




Anyway, the level 85 had Melee pro on, and instead of just getting on and fighting Damis, he was running around like a headless chicken trying to get away from all the Skeles. I gave up trying to block and started to run back to my training area.




Half way there, I get a PM from the guy saying he had died, and could I get his stuff. I used up what little run energy I had, as well as a precious strange fruit, and found his stuff and grabbed 400 Airs, 200 Bloods (he was Zammy maging) a Ring of Life (which I later found out he wasn't wearing), a Glory with 1 charge, and Splitbark accessories (he kept Split top, bottom, Zammy Staff).




Anyway, he came back to the cave, and I gave it him all back apart from the Glory (because I can't charge mine) and he was very thankful. It's a shame I couldn't get more of his stuff for him, but my inv was full and the pile vanished.




Just thought i'd share this with ya.

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omg some of u are right liers, i got 4 million cash because sum1 died on world 2 and u guys are telling me that if that happened then you would add them and give them it back!!!???? of course not!!!! its there fault they die why do u think random events are in the game in case of autors!! they die and lose their stuff. im not saying every1 autos but at the end of the day the guy died its his fault!


fair enough if it a low lvl person who drops like steel or something and the seem sad because it was all they had of course i would give back but over a mil of stuff i bet u wouldnt even think of giving it back!!!!


Sig by me....

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i gave back mills of stuff (including some minor rares and dragon stuff) already maybe you think its normal not to give stuff back hopefully you die with some goods someday because of lag or dc and a random and someone just like you will just laugh at you and say thx for the free stuff.

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