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I think this is one of the best jokes ever


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So one day, an airplane crashes on an aparently desert, tropical island. There were only three survivors who later got captured by the indigineous people that lived on the island. The cheif walked up to the three men who were tied up and told them that they were all going to get killed, unless they are able to pass the initiation test. So the three, pleading for their lives agreed.




The cheif began to explain to them the requirements '' You must go through island, find 10 of same fruit, and come back with them''




So the three, who found this very simple went off into the forest, with a guard by their side, and began searching. The first one to come back had found 10 small size peaches, and dropped them on the ground. The cheif then said ''You must take fruit 1 at a time, and push it up your butthole until they are all gone. But you can not show any emotion in your face or we will kill you.''




So he begins the proccess and only gets to 4 before he screams out in pain. The tribe kills him and he goes to heaven.




The second guy to arrive brings 10 small berries. After learning what he had to do, he thought this should be easy. So he begins, one after the other they are inserted with ease. The man is doing fine but all of a sudden he bursts out laughing at 8 and a half. The cheif finds this strange but none the less, they kill him. and he goes to heaven.




In heaven, the first guy curiously asks to the second guy ''You were doing so good, you were almost there, why did you laugh?''




The second guy replies ''It was really easy, but at the 8th berry I looked up and saw the third guy walking with 10 watermelons."

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Lol. I've heard that joke before. ^_^ But, the version I've always heard, the third guy was carrying pineapples. :wink:




Me too :)






and I think pinapples would be worse, a watermelon might just kill you, while the pineapples would scratch up your rectum so bad >_>

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woot this is an excellent way to debate pointless stuff! my favorite!




personally i think the pineapples is funnier but onley because i heard it that way first!.




ok who wants to post their ideas next about this joke?




also i wonder who came up with it?


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There's a different version of that joke, as featured in the League of Gentlemen:




(short intro) They go to the island, get captured by a tribe and are put into an inclosure (I may be getting this bit wrong)... anyway, long story short, it turns out the same, in that they have to each get ten pieces of fruit and return with them. The first guy gets (jungle) strawberries, the second guy, plums... the third guy, pineapples.




So, the jungle chief comes up to them with his entourage of tribesmen, and tells them that they can go free if they can survive mau-mau; if not, they will be killed. So the first guy says, "OK, me first": the tribesmen say, "Right, shove your fruit up your (aforementioned orifice)". The guy is a little shocked, but complies, without much trouble. He is accepted into the tribe, and can go free. The second guy (who, as you will remember, got plums), is a little more worried, but gives it his best shot, and manages.




The third guy, however, knows that he's not going to manage it. "I'll never get those pineapples in," he says, "so I suppose it'll have to be death for me".




(At this point in the League of Gentlemen there was a bit where the person telling the joke forgot the punchline, and his friend pulls a gun out and holds up the rest of the establishment until he tells the punchline, amidst crying and general worry).




So, the jungle chief says "Death by mau-mau".




Anyway, there we go, it loses a lot in the re-telling.

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lol the version in LOG is HILARIOUS!!!!!


Mau Mau :D



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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