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Are nechs now more profitable then abbys.... ????


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I would have to say Nechryael are now more profitable then abyssal demons... The main drop of abyssals is obviously the whip worth about 3m..... The main nech drop- rune boots 250k.. most would say abbys would own nechs but 12 rune boots=1 whip... Now most would think you could get one whip before 12 rune boots but this is definatly not true.. On average I get 2 rune boots an hour which means in rougly 6 hours id have the 3m.... At abbys now getting a whip every 6 hours would be an accomplishment... Nechs secondary drops are also better then abbys imo...




Abbys Nechs


Rune chain rune large


rune med herb seeds all over ranarr


bloods (7) uncommon deaths 5-10 common




Whats funny about this is that Dark beasts dont even have a better drop table then jellies so what does every1 else think

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Well if this is true abby whips should never fall below 3mill :o
They will. More and more people are becoming 85 slayer now... almost daily. Not to mention the hundreds already milking abby demons for them. It's a matter of time before they become even cheaper.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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Ok well rune boots are not 250k, i can hardly sell mine for 190k and whips probally will go higher, there are way more people buying whips then selling. Nech's are a good source of cash but i would rather kill abbysal demon's. I dont no this is just my thought on the subject.

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Well if this is true abby whips should never fall below 3mill :o
They will. More and more people are becoming 85 slayer now... almost daily. Not to mention the hundreds already milking abby demons for them. It's a matter of time before they become even cheaper.




More players reach 70 Attack each day mate, supply and demand


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Well if this is true abby whips should never fall below 3mill :o
They will. More and more people are becoming 85 slayer now... almost daily. Not to mention the hundreds already milking abby demons for them. It's a matter of time before they become even cheaper.


Not many people really bother any more, i have many friends who burthorp abby demon tasks now and just go for nechs and the faster xp tasks like daggs and kalphites.

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i never have a problem getting buyers for 250k on rune boots. im currently getting 5 slayer levels.... we wil see how many rune boots i get and how many abby whips i get on the way there lol




Could you tell me where you sell them? Or hook me up with a buyer :lol:

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I'm a slayer nubb so I can't kill nechryaels, but a few of my friends have yet to get 85 slayer and always tell me they hate nechs because they never get good drops. One of them has gone 9 nechryael tasks without a single pair of rune boots. It may be better for you, but I doubt for the unlucky.

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As long as we all are trying to undercut the next guy by lowering our prices, and at the same time the market becoming more and more flooded, this wont last long. The first to market almost always makes the most.

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I'm a slayer nubb so I can't kill nechryaels, but a few of my friends have yet to get 85 slayer and always tell me they hate nechs because they never get good drops. One of them has gone 9 nechryael tasks without a single pair of rune boots. It may be better for you, but I doubt for the unlucky.






see thats how i am... ive kill 2-3k banshees without mystic glove drop... and im not wow i wonder what nechs are like...cuz ive had 9 addy boot drops from like 5 gargoyle assignments








so im debatin on raisin my slayer to 80 any time soon

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They arent a better monster to kill but they are an assignment I wouldnt pass up.


Useing the safe spot they are very easily killed and you are almost guarenteed at least 1 pair of boots per assignment.




They also supply you with many herb seeds toadflax and up. I think I have like 500 toadflax seeds and lesser amounts up the ladder until I have 45 tortsol seeds.




I don't think Ill ever plant them all unless I quit slayer and start farming.




In my opinion nechs are more annoying to mellee with their higher max hit and annoying demons.




THey arent better, they are right up there with them vut not equal and definitely not better.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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I will give you right in a couple of things...




Yes getting a whip is extrem lucky if you get it in 6 houres, but I know for a fact that I cant(neither can my friends thats 80+ slayer) get enough rune boots to get even close to a whip in the same time...you may ask why, cuz its all about luck...




if I want I can make more money and faster at barrows, but since im working in my non-combat skills more than working on my bank, it wont happen for a long long time...

Sir Krohan- 138 - 2696 (2886)



Attack 112/120 || Strength 112/120 || Defence 112/120 || HP 114/120
Ranged 110/120 || Magic 104/120 || Prayer 103/120 || Slayer 114/120

All Skills 10127/27 || All Skills 102+ 25/27 || All skills 103+ 24/27
All Skills 10420/27 || All Skills 10513/27 || All skills 10611/27


288th to reach 85 Slayer & 144th to reach 90 Slayer

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I'm a slayer nubb so I can't kill nechryaels, but a few of my friends have yet to get 85 slayer and always tell me they hate nechs because they never get good drops. One of them has gone 9 nechryael tasks without a single pair of rune boots. It may be better for you, but I doubt for the unlucky.




Strange, I've had 2 granite maul drops so far but only 1 addy boots drop from gargoyles. :?

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Well if this is true abby whips should never fall below 3mill :o
They will. More and more people are becoming 85 slayer now... almost daily. Not to mention the hundreds already milking abby demons for them. It's a matter of time before they become even cheaper.


Not many people really bother any more, i have many friends who burthorp abby demon tasks now and just go for nechs and the faster xp tasks like daggs and kalphites.


Yes and I don't blame them, I can honestly say Abyssal Demons are a WASTE OF TIME.


Proud member of The Slayer's Guild

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lol I've been saying that for the last 3-4 months at least




ya i thought about it when whips fell below 3.5, but sellin rune boots for 250k is ahrd, 200k is easy, plus nechs suck to kill:$ abbys are eeasssyy click and chill, nechs you gotta be worried about dying

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I've been killing Nechs and for 2 tasks (each one with 140+) i've not got one pair of rune boots.


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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lol I've been saying that for the last 3-4 months at least




ya i thought about it when whips fell below 3.5, but sellin rune boots for 250k is ahrd, 200k is easy, plus nechs suck to kill:$ abbys are eeasssyy click and chill, nechs you gotta be worried about dying


Yes, gotta hate them little demons that afflict mage damage. :x


Proud member of The Slayer's Guild

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Well if this is true abby whips should never fall below 3mill :o
They will. More and more people are becoming 85 slayer now... almost daily. Not to mention the hundreds already milking abby demons for them. It's a matter of time before they become even cheaper.




More players reach 70 Attack each day mate, supply and demand




20% of those 70+ attack are f2p, and 50% or more can't afford whip

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Nechys are more crowded then abbys lately...More often then not when Im on a nechy assignment I end up going over to demons instead.






The only time I ever sold rune boots was for 166k. I tried swapping them even up for 1 yew or palm seed each and got no takers. Rune boots are definitely not more profitable then whips. From 80-wherever I am now in slayer (85 and a half I think) I got maybe 25 pairs of rune boots in total. I still have 15 pairs banked, sold 6, gave away at least 4 more. People really dont need more then 2 sets of rune boots, 1 for placeholding. No one would pk in them, when climbing boots are better and cheaper.




In the approx~ month Ive been 85 slayer Ive had 6 whips, and im not even up there all that much, maybe all together a total of 25 game hours. A few times it only took an hour to get one, the other times it took 4 hours plus.




Of course Ive never sold a whip either, I just bank em :P But there will always be whip buyers, rune boots are harder to pawn off.

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