The_Sith Posted April 1, 2006 Share Posted April 1, 2006 In order to reduce clutter in this board, feel free to post some "funny" scams you have come across recently. Be mindful that there are a few rules for this sticky. - The "no names" rule is in effect. If you are going to post about a scam that you have encountered, do not use any names. All posts with names will be removed and the person warned. - Feel free to comment on each scam that is posted.. that is what the sticky is for. - Scam e-mails are not to be posted here. They should be sent in via account problem report or private message an admin. A majority of the scams going around are somewhat similar so if you do happen to see a scam already posted, don't post it again. Try to keep this thread as clean as you can. It was made to help make General a better place for discussion. Note: Due to the popularity/length of this thread, historical posts will be removed periodically. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AceScope Posted August 1, 2006 Share Posted August 1, 2006 One Time I was playing on runescape one of my friends (from real life) who I have known for about 2 years came up to me and said that if I gave him 10K he would get me mith (this was one I was low level) so I said sure. I waited and waited and waited for about an hour for him to get it for me when he said..."Dude, can't you figure it out? I scammed you!" So I lost 10K(all the money I had at the time) and a friend. The good thing is last week I got my monney back from him plus a rune long. I actully made a profit by getting scammed! \ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nintendo01 Posted August 1, 2006 Share Posted August 1, 2006 When I was still F2P and like lv. 8 or so, someone asked me if I wanted to make 500gp. That actually sounded like alot of money to me, so I followed him to the alley by the Apothecary. He wanted my password for the 500gp, but I was smart enough to remember the report button and left after that. That one was a coupla years ago, but a few months ago, before the pure ess update, I was merchanting laws at world 66, buying there, sellin on forums, when I accidentally traded a few thousand laws instead of a few thousand gp for a few hundred laws. I was so mad I clicked a button on my mouse that was the back button. When I finally got logged back on, he was gone and I couldn't report him. :wall: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dark Lord Posted August 1, 2006 Share Posted August 1, 2006 When I was still F2P and like lv. 8 or so, someone asked me if I wanted to make 500gp. That actually sounded like alot of money to me, so I followed him to the alley by the Apothecary. He wanted my password for the 500gp, but I was smart enough to remember the report button and left after that. That one was a coupla years ago, but a few months ago, before the pure ess update, I was merchanting laws at world 66, buying there, sellin on forums, when I accidentally traded a few thousand laws instead of a few thousand gp for a few hundred laws. I was so mad I clicked a button on my mouse that was the back button. When I finally got logged back on, he was gone and I couldn't report him. :wall: The law thing wasn't a scam, you gave him the laws basically and how would he know if you weren't just being a nice person? SWAG Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greg987 Posted August 3, 2006 Share Posted August 3, 2006 i was selling full rune then a newbie scammer comes to me offers 200k and a bunch of random stuff he messed up trying to scam me and this is the fun part he tryies to take away 180k but acidently adds it so i just made 380k and other stuff for rune armor and he thought he scammed me :lol: arg i need help with a sig Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
revengesgod Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 i havent been around long on forums so are there any guides on coming back from actually being scammed? i need to make about 1.6m in a few days or so without the mining, ess, nat runs,law runs,etc. you know, something different. thanks and sry for inturrupting -rev Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ancientzoide Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 Not really a story but: I was buying a rune scimmy and some one trades with me he offers the rune scimmy, and just at the and he changes it to an iron one, and at the last window i saw it, lucky me. lucky you. when i was a wee lil noob i fell for this one 1nc and only 1nc Retired from RS since Sept 06 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lazy998 Posted August 6, 2006 Share Posted August 6, 2006 i got scammed once when doing ernest the chicken quest (horrible quest harder than legends first time i used was to do that quest runehq no help) but anyway some guy this guy offered to get me rubbber pipe in return for my magic staff he stole my staff i reported him and followed him around asking for my staff stole his rs gf while my real life was watching and cracking up. wow I can see it now - "Third Grade MMORPG Player Arrested for Tax Evasion"DETROIT - A third grader was recently brought to trial under charges of tax evasion after the boy did not report his earnings after selling sixty thousand in-game lobsters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itsmeyo123 Posted August 6, 2006 Share Posted August 6, 2006 sonic i think i saw that whip thing sort of i remember some1 saying sonic do you have a whip, it was edge world 23 right?lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ubahman Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 Well I was having a bank sale at fally bank had: 2 rune pl8 bodies, 3 rune picks, 3 rune dagger, 1 rune dagger (p), 3 runite bars, and addy legs (g). (already sold most of my stuff) Scammer: How much for all? Me: *I calculate it all up* 350K Scammer: OK hold on. I wait for a bit then we trade. Scammer puts up d-med and then cancels trade. Scammer: Sorry about that. Trades again. This time scammer puts up d-med, then takes it out. He did it so slowly that it was an obvious scam. I pitied him. Me: You're a horrible scammer, now go before I report you. And thats the story of the horrible scammer. Honestly it seems that they are just there to distract me from potential buyers :XD: 99/99 Cooking. 1500+ total level. 96+ Combat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riku3220 Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 come on ubah you have way more common sense than that! you should have reported him as soon as he tried to scam you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eckered Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 this was on my pure: lmao.... this is on my pure, he was lvl 33, this guy was lvl 29... :XD: wop wop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ubahman Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 come on ubah you have way more common sense than that! you should have reported him as soon as he tried to scam you Of course it would be riku that said this :XD: I didn't really feel like reporting I felt to much pity to that guy... 99/99 Cooking. 1500+ total level. 96+ Combat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wierd_guy67 Posted August 8, 2006 Share Posted August 8, 2006 me:buying addy axe 6k scammer:ill sell me:sends trade scammer:trades me back me:puts 6k scammer:puts addy axe both of us accept and then while i was looking he changed to iron axe me:declined and reported and he didnt even try.. he didnt even note lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dark Lord Posted August 8, 2006 Share Posted August 8, 2006 me:buying addy axe 6k scammer:ill sell me:sends trade scammer:trades me back me:puts 6k scammer:puts mith axe both of us accept and then while i was looking he changed to iron axe me:declined and reported and he didnt even try.. he didnt even note lol The mith axe should've been a dead giveaway because you were buying an adamant axe. SWAG Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
revengesgod Posted August 8, 2006 Share Posted August 8, 2006 i havent made a comeback from this one yet... world 2 fally park me:sellin d2h(i spam so i get a lot of buyers) scamer:dragon trade me trade i offer d2h he declines and ask"how much for it?" i wanted 1.7mil he offers it then takes it back and accepts no checky the second screen and now i'm far away from whip :cry: never fall for this scam cuz it makes u leave rs2 -rev Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wierd_guy67 Posted August 9, 2006 Share Posted August 9, 2006 me:buying addy axe 6k scammer:ill sell me:sends trade scammer:trades me back me:puts 6k scammer:puts mith axe both of us accept and then while i was looking he changed to iron axe me:declined and reported and he didnt even try.. he didnt even note lol The mith axe should've been a dead giveaway because you were buying an adamant axe. oh i put mith axe on there..ooooohhhh..i got to fix that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sublimer1990 Posted August 12, 2006 Share Posted August 12, 2006 not sure if this would be considered a scam... someone with just numbers for a name came up to me, and then pmed me scammer: this is cathy id number 237057 and you have been trying to break number 6 me: lets see... scammer: is this true me: account sharing? nope scammer: we have evidence of you breaking number six, is this true? me: who have i been trying to share my account with? scammer: let me just ask some questions to see if you have the right account me: ok me: ask away m'am scammer: where were you born scammer: sir me: lets see... im pretty sure you are not allowed to ask that me: correct scammer: im with jadgex and if you want your acconut still you must answer me: you see, now you cant even spell jagex right scammer: your account will be banned within 24 hours scammer: have a nice day sir me: um yea you too scammer: thank you sir me: wait...what was the offence again? i need to write it down scammer: is this true? then they logged off. I was too busy humoring them that i forgot to report them :oops: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imperial_120 Posted August 12, 2006 Share Posted August 12, 2006 Hehe, a long time ago i fell for the " Trimming armour for 10k ".. Lost my full adamantite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jacnoc2 Posted August 12, 2006 Share Posted August 12, 2006 Here's a wonderful piece of advice, from the creator of Runescape, JaGeX, itself: ^^^I couldn't agree more with that advice^^^ (And I always check the other trade window. even before JaGeX put out this weekly advice thing on the log-in page. (after you login, and press 'OK' on the notification screen --the screen that says "You have a Bank PIN" "You have set Recovery Questions" blahblah). ). RuneScape status: F2P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iamlucas Posted August 13, 2006 Share Posted August 13, 2006 a little while back this one guy was saying, "If you don't give me all your money i'm going to report you for buying money off of my website." I told him ok, ok, plz dont report me for anything. ( but i never bought money off a website.) so i went and got all my money (around 2.4 mil or so) and put it in trade. i accepted but one second screen appeard he accepted but i declined. He didnt see it and said," hahahahaha wat a noob cant you fell for it!!!!!!!!" i didnt i declined it and ur the worst scammer ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vortex433 Posted August 13, 2006 Share Posted August 13, 2006 few days ago made a new account,got to lvl 13, full steel. was in barb vill when the scammer came, he was weapon and armourless and lvl 50(ish) scammer:if you press alt+f4, il give you 5k me:*reports for item scamming* scammer:well? me:reported for item scamming havn't seen him on since \ World of Warcraft... 14 votes... the other 50 million are busy playing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krogiecom Posted August 14, 2006 Share Posted August 14, 2006 But some scammers are so good i come to respect them (yes that sounds insane) I was walking through varrock wearing full rune t (which i had at the time) and this guy (lvl 3) comes up and says "ill give you 1mil for your legs and kite" and im thinking sounds good to me opens trade window me:puts up rune t legs and kite scammer:puts up 1mil me:presses accept scammer:puts up a cape (probably to make the unaccepting not as suspicious) and changes the 1000k to 10004 me:kind of notices this, but presses accept anyway through reflex we get to the second page, i notice this really easily me: "nice try" scammer:err... he logs off i didnt even report him because he was so cunning :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thunda Posted August 14, 2006 Share Posted August 14, 2006 i was buying 3.8kmages and didn't pay attention and i bought 3.8k willows for 1k ea Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lordlew000 Posted August 14, 2006 Share Posted August 14, 2006 Alright, about a month ago I was buying a whip in world 2 to train defence. I had at least 10-15 trades and oh how many scams there were! There were 3 different kinds I found; change the last digit to a 4 to look like a K, take off your item quickly and accept, and most pathetic of all 1 guy tried changing the whip for a rope :shock: I almost accepted 1 of them on the second screen where they took off the item because I was tired and I mistaken "abseloutly" for "abbysall" :roll: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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