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future of battlestaffs


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hey guys,


many of you know that in order to be a successful mage, you need at least two thing: runes and magic staffs.


and so far there are four basic types in the game: fire, water, earth, and wind staffs.


of course there are also the batle staff versions of these, along with two new types: the practical lava battlestaff; and the ever so uesful mudbattle staff.


so i was wondering: sincethese two staffs are each a combination of two types of element, do you think there will be any more like tem? of will there be staffs with three or one with even all four elements?


personally, i would enjoy a mist (water and air), dust (earth and air), or a steam (fire and air) battlestaff.


what do you think?


feel free to discuss.

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i sure hope that they release more staves.. I would really want a steam battle for obvious reasons lol

RSN: drgnslyer15


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I can see the mist and dust being possibilities in the future , but i wouldnt count on steam (fire and air) , all the highest of the combat spells use large amounts of fire and airs and I think that it would be a tad too easy to cast fire blast bolt wave and strike over and over for huge damage and experience

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Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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they will probly realse the water and fire staff but any staff with air is probly gonna be 2 powerful to see relase

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Yeah, I believe that and mixed staff with air runes and any other elemental rune would be too powerhouse to get released. Casting higher level damage spells (Death and Blood) and only needing the missile rune to cats it would create a way too easy way to get mad experience. Plus, if they ever were released, they would have to be extremely rare and hard to get drops, which would make the worth millions on the RS market, and most people wouldn't be able to afford them anyway.

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If they did do combination staffs with Air as one of the elements, they would be from a very hard monster to kill, they would be a rare drop and the street price yould be 10 million for the first year :roll:


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well i would not say a air + other elemental staff would come out, cause i never believed a mud staff would come out either, jagex supplies what the majority wants so it will come out they have a habit of making training easier and easier so...

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well i would not say a air + other elemental staff would come out, cause i never believed a mud staff would come out either, jagex supplies what the majority wants so it will come out they have a habit of making training easier and easier so...




Yup, and that will be the down fall of jagex....

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Yeah, I believe that and mixed staff with air runes and any other elemental rune would be too powerhouse to get released. Casting higher level damage spells (Death and Blood) and only needing the missile rune to cats it would create a way too easy way to get mad experience. Plus, if they ever were released, they would have to be extremely rare and hard to get drops, which would make the worth millions on the RS market, and most people wouldn't be able to afford them anyway.
Not really, it seems nowdays that no matter how rare something is to find, alot of them eventually get onto the market and the price will fall. Even if it takes a while, the price would fall to where lots could afford it and then we'd have a problem because almost anybody could get large amounts of mage xp. So yea, its a bad idea.
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I don't think they will relase a staff with more than two basic runes. even the high spell only need two basic runes.


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What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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i sure hope that they release more staves.. I would really want a steam battle for obvious reasons lol




There are no spells that require water and fire runes....




I thought that too but I'm pretty sure he meant a smoke battlestaff.


I'm sure eventually they'll release all of the combo battlestaffs but probably not for a while. Although as was already stated a steam staff would be pointless.

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Think of it this way,


Imagine the time between the release of the Lava staff


and the release of the of Mud staff


now imagine how many combinations of staffs there are.


i'm sure it would be a while before they even Got to the air+ other elementals anyways, and by that time it might not matter.


I say leave it in jagex's hands, they'll either do it or won't

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i sure hope that they release more staves.. I would really want a steam battle for obvious reasons lol




There are no spells that require water and fire runes....




Yes, there is a spell that requires water and fire runes. Ape Atoll Teleport.




Personally, I doubt we'll see any more staves. There will be no air/elemental combinations for obvious reasons; and a water/fire staff is just unnecessary.

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i'm gonna have to say thats it for the combo rune staffs. Jagex is NOT gonna make it so there is a staff to cast any of the elemental spells, which the rest are fire, water, and earth +air the fundamentals of every attack spell in modern magics, aside from the conductor runes (mind, chaos, death and blood). They don't want people cheating out on using runes like that.

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so i was wondering: sincethese two staffs are each a combination of two types of element, do you think there will be any more like tem? of will there be staffs with three or one with even all four elements?


personally, i would enjoy a mist (water and air), dust (earth and air), or a steam (fire and air) battlestaff.


what do you think?


feel free to discuss.




3 or 4, never. I doubt any combo staff will come out involving air runes, since magic training would become insanely easy, and much cheaper. All of the other combinations are sure to come sooner or later.

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There'll probubly be a water-fire staff eventually, and prehaps a water-fire-mud (what would that be called X.X Dirty Steam? Rock (lava+water)? :P)




Almost no chance of an air-elemental staff or a staff with a spell base rune (non-elementals) although when summoning comes out there might be a staff that provides whatever rune they use for the main of that :)

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