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pretty good odds


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I'm F2P, the best thing I got was a Rune Full Helm dropped by a Greater Demon.




that is the best f2p drop, sadly.. lol


well what'dya expect from f2p drops that are worth more? phats? drag chain?


nothing very expensive that can be dropped right now really..


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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Ive had an obby cape drop, and found 100k cash on the ground, also have picked up about 3 glories and rings of wealths and i have found a pair of rune boots and archer helm and assorted pieces of rune armour.

Pier pressure?

I can just see you being threatened by a wharf or jetty because you're a teleporter. Yes, I can see a large wooden wharf uprooting itself from the shore, walking over to you and slapping you in the back of the head for teleporting.

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My best drop would have to be a d skirt during a slayer task of 14 Bronze Dragons, it dropped on the 8th dragon I think.




Slayer is a great source for good drops, so far I've gotten loads of black/red and white/gold mystic, almost a full set of both, tons of rune items as drops aswell as from clue scrolls, 3 or 4 good lvl 3 treasure trail items, 23 full crystal keys and 2 dragon drops.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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well i got a dragon med helm drop, and sold it for d bones, went off and did ectoplasm and while doing that i found a obby cape, veracs helm and a few other things. It was pretty lucky


Rsn - Coruptyed, Chat-On,Msg me with HYT!

made by 4be2jue

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tzhaar caves




where are these caves please?!




Go to karamja, go down the ladder, and there's a cave to the north...




My best drop was probably only a rune med. My best find was rune helm... Guess i got lucky when someone died...

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no way,what did u kill to get the cape?


tzaar xil like i said, they're level 133, i had to eat about 10 lobbies to kill it but it was worth it =)


I'm F2P, the best thing I got was a Rune Full Helm dropped by a Greater Demon.
that is so sad, poor f2pers


My best drop would have to be a d skirt during a slayer task of 14 Bronze Dragons, it dropped on the 8th dragon I think.




Slayer is a great source for good drops, so far I've gotten loads of black/red and white/gold mystic, almost a full set of both, tons of rune items as drops aswell as from clue scrolls, 3 or 4 good lvl 3 treasure trail items, 23 full crystal keys and 2 dragon drops.



i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

check out my thread


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lol i killed one of those my first time i got obby cape but no luck anymore even with row



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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went to the pits when it first came out. killed a couple of 149's and then BAM a obby sheild sitting on the floor for me :lol: never had anything thing else tho and steal waiting for a cape drop

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what are the prices for all obby stuff?


i know the cape is 350, and the shield is like 650


but im not sure of the rest




The rest of the stuff is pretty useless. All I know is that the maul costs 100-150k

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