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Slave day with Oddfaery2 - Who's the master?


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Well, I might have bought Oddfaery as a slave, but I'll tell you this...




He is most assuredly the Dag King Master!




My silent partner in this purchase was Cdub, and we were very excited about sharing a trip to Dag Kings and being showed the ropes by one very experienced King killler.




Odd, in his wisdom, advised us on all of the tricks and tips of his trade, and of course, I didn't listen very well.




He advised that the person who does melee against the ranger is the first one to go. Its a hard job. You have to stay in the middle of the room and go toe to toe with a level 303 claw weilding ugly who hits you for 27 with his ranging [bleep]es.




This wouldn't be all that bad if you didn't have to protect from mage from the other 303 maging ugly thats right next to him. So, being the brave 120 that I am, I decided that it was best that I take that role, and let Odd do his "magic" agaisnt Rex the get-stuck-in-a-safe-spot ugly.




I wish I would have listened to Odd when he told me that his team usually ignores Supreme (the ranger), and if you either mage Rex or shoot Prime on the edges, Supreme wanders around aimlessly.




But if I did, I wouldn't have had the adventure I did.




I've only been there once, and if you've never been there.... its not an easy thing. Heck just getting there is an adventure of prayer switching, teamwork, and strategy.




And we're in! Chaos begins! All 3 are all over all of us. I find the one called Supreme, and start to attack him, but I notice Rex has taken a liking to me. So, as any typical noob would do, I end up running around the room trying to stay away from Mr Melee. Oddfaery does his best job ever, probably, as he deals with my nooblish behavior and lures Rex despite me being there.




Now, that Rex is out of the way, I can focus on my task at hand, and I got seriously owned. Cdub must have gotten bored in the corner, because all he had to do was sit back and pick off Prime who was always attacking me, along with Supreme. Guthan treated me well, or I wouldn't have lasted as long as I did. After about 20 minutes of pure stress, I ran to the corner with Cdub and licked my wounds.




I used 10 4-dose sara brews (640 hitpoints in that) and all of the corresponding super restores needed with sara brews, and Cdub and I tele'd out of there together, empty handed.




Oddfaery tele too? Please. This guy can stay and live there with a little luck. He kept slaying and slaying and slaying.




The time ticked on. Cdub and I waiting for him for close to half an hour as he racked up kills. After 90 minutes of mastery, he finally runs out of runes, and tele's home. No cool items, except for a neat looking Shell Rock Plate, and a half key.




We gather our wits, and reload, and I decide that getting owned by Supreme in the middle of the room was not the way to go, so I decide to join Cdub as a ranger on the corner and we will both team up on Prime.




After losing a pot to the noobs (Cdub and myself) who don't know how to click on a door to open it, we finally arrive at the room.




Supreme must be killed first to get out of our way, and we do this easily when we team up on him. Oddfaery lures Rex over to his mastery spot, and we arrive in our northeast corner and begin the easy task of picking PRime off. I get the drop, and its sharks. I click the button to telegrab it. Wait, thats the blue circle with the C in it.




Poof. After one kill I'm standing in front of Camelot. NOOOOOOO!


Cdub says "????"


I say "****!"


I tell Odd, "I messed up and hit tele cammy instead of tele grab"


He says, "LOL, I figured."




I desperately ask Metalicca if he'd like to go to Dag Kings RIGHT NOW, because I want to go back. (You must go with someone to get through the doors) He says after his attack level in 20k xp.




I burn logs.




What a noob!




I felt much better in about five minutes as I got this....




"I got an axe" Odd says to me in private message.






WOOOOOOOOOOOT! Yes yes yes! A dragon axe to complete my dragon collection! I jigged in front of the tele trainers at Camelot, and devoted my love to the Dag King Master! (Yes, I pm'ed him and told him I loved him. lol. He didn't reply)




Cdub is standing next to me in a few minutes, and we rush to get ready to rejoin Odd, as I'm really sick of burning logs as they have all the fun.




Odd says, "No, wait a second, I'm almost done"




Now, when odd says "wait a second" and he's at the dags, its a very very long second. Like I said, he can stay forever.




But finally, he comes home, and Trojann has joined the party, along with Met. We have an army now! And we do great!




Met and Odd mage the big dude, and the three amigos range Prime in a guthan healing experience of learning on how to own Prime without using food. (Just heal up on the little guys around the corner each time, and all you need is pray pots.)




After a few minutes of a very fun time with the three of us, mostly teasing Trojann on his noobdum being the greenie of the bunch, it wasn't long before I was looking at a drop of Dagganoth Bones, Daggonoth Hides, and a MUD BATTLESTAFF!




Yes! We got one boys! So I CAREFULLY telegrab the staff, and everyone woots and pwns around the room. Hehe.




After many minutes of non-challenging activity, I decide to have some fun and run into the middle of the room and go toe-to-toe with Supreme again. Just wanted to do it once.




BAD IDEA! He remembered me picking on him last time, and promptly got very lucky. 27, five times in a row. And then Rex showed up. And I had all three on me at once. My supply of food was gone, and the gobbling of sara brews have my stats down to the 40's.




I'm outta here!




What fun!




Dragon axe and Mud Battlestaff in my bank, I'd say it was very worth it to buy the master! I almost made money on this deal.




PS. (The dragon hatchet was shared by my slaving partner, so i purchased his half, and the mudstaff still needs to be sold and split up between the the three rangers, as by then, the slave time had run out)




My only regret is that I didn't take any pictures.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Your story kept me in so much suspense that I know have to go to the mall and buy new pants.. Just kidding :D Anyways great story. I'm glad you finally finished that dragon collection. By the way, how much did you end up paying for the highest bid?

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Your story kept me in so much suspense that I know have to go to the mall and buy new pants.. Just kidding :D Anyways great story. I'm glad you finally finished that dragon collection. By the way, how much did you end up paying for the highest bid?




The bid was 4.1 mil, and I split the cost with Cdub. He ended up paying me 750k, cuz I bought his half of the axe. I'll make 1.5 million of a third of the 4.5 million mud staff, so I only paid a total of 1.85 million for the best slave on the board. :)

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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That was fun, and the mudstaff was worth being called "nub" like 100 times, :P




Hurry and sell that staff, i need more pots for lava cape... :evil:




*edit* Wanna sign into runescape? need to talk to ya

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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Man, awesome, I wish I hadn't spent all my money right before the auction! Never been to dagg's, but I'm a barrows maniac... :-)


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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Very nice, but that's not how you use a slave! Pfft, you need some lessons!




Leesters, if you ever need someone to go with, I'd be happy to come, I can never find anyone to go with as everyones a nub :P So yeah PM me if you need someone to DK with :)




Been there a lot ish recently (Well I lie, but killed about 50? Maybe more) and all I've had is a seercull which my friend got, no point in splitting that :P

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Was lots of fun! I felt bad for Leesters part of the time because he got nailed so hard the first trip and then tele-ed out after first kill on the second... He got to use me but wasn't there for the fun. LOL






That story was great Leesters... had me laughing the whole time. :D




Anyway, I didn't take many pics either... was too busy trying to keep Rex off you guys :P




But I bet you'll like this one:








Too bad I didn't get the berserker ring till later that evening :(




Or that I didn't have another trip like this :P







Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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wow nice story leesters. congratz on fulfilling your dragon collection. must have been mad fun, i only need the next 30cb lvls and i can go :lol:


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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after getting his prayer odd said he would fish. i looked him up and sure enough the sad event happened.




i loved the story leesters! it is awesome! wow i bet you had a fun time! you kept me on the edge of my seat, with your mastery of suspense and the diction was absoluteley excellent!




i cant wait to see the other slave stories! (i've read 2 so far!)




keep it up, maybe you will be marginally better at king daggonoths in time?


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You took guthans????


I tell you i've been 2 hit killed in like 2 secs there trying to get away from the ladder towards the safe spot and lost my verac helm cause I forgot protect item.




I wonder what the conversion would have been like if you had died in a similar manner.




Leesters: Ummm did you get my spear?


Oddfaery: Can't reach it. :(




Leesters: I don't love you.

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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Dag Kings really aren't as hard as people talk them out to be, Really...Just takes brains...And Odd, you truely are the Dag Kings King...Im ready for more action, but this time, i get to kill rex, i want berserker ring :P

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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wow!!!! What a great time you all must of had,, Cdub now I can't call you a noob nomore,, since I have never been there and you have :cry: Cdub you should have taken Lacy your cat with you, afterall she is your lucky charm :lol: Leesters sure knows how to tell a story congrats on the drag drop...


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