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firemaking? whats the point


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Runescape needs to do more with firemaking. I cant think of any reason for making it a skill. On f2p, the only reason for it is to gain exp, and lose the money you could make by selling the logs. Whats the point? True, you can cook food, but why level up to do that? A lvl 99 firemaker has no real advantage over a lvl 1 since all logs burn the same way.


I know members have some benefits (shadeburning and lantern lighting) but do you really need a skill for this?


Also, the firemaking equipment (tinderbox) is the only skill equip that you cannot upgrade. Its always 1 gp at the store. In contrast, you can upgrade axes, etc.


We need to save that skill spot for something more important now. Firemaking should be done away with somehow. For instance, it can be combined with the wcing skill since they are always trained together.




While i'm thinking about wcing, thats useless too (for f2p). The only use for nonmembers is for selling to members for fleching (or firemaking trainers on f2p).



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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i think jagexx has firemaking involved in a big plan of theirs :roll:


eventually they will add to it i suppose, but for now just think about it as a skill to up ure total lvl




first post?

hows the weather up there. where the rich people live. currently, in the poor area its -1.
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th advantage of havbing higher lvls of firemaking is burning higher level logs which burn for longer. you cannot cook a full load of fish on a normal log fire, yet you can with a yew fire.. thus saving time.

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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ok i can understand wat u mean about the fm from your point of view ( although being able to cook food anywhere is good enough for me), but u said there wasnt much point in wc then said except for selling the logs and incase u havent noticed thats the reason for most skills, making money


My capes in the order they were achieved

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Firemaking has been and always will be one of the first level 99 skills that anyone can reach. It's a prestige thing as well. 99 firemakers although not the most prestigious 99 skill is still a level 99 skill and it shows their dedication to the skill just as a 99 skill does with any other skill.




Just get 99 firemaking and you'll never have to light a fire again (keep two lit bullseye lanterns and you can cook on a range or a fire already made). Also woodcutting is incredibly useful for f2p because they can sell to members.




I've always thought f2p is a great marketplace for members as the F2P players can probably finish all the quests in under six months. Then they have more and more time to gather raw materials (ore, wood, feathers, etc.) to sell to the members.

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Higher level logs such as yews do not burn any longer than regular logs. This really doesn't make much sense, since hardwoods burn longer in reality (hardwoods being more difficult to cut). I would like to see some sort of update to reflect this in the game because it does make high level log burning pointless other than for gaining xp.




I think there are any number of ways this skill could be expanded, and I've put much thought into it in the past. Here are some of my ideas...




  • Ability to light certain logs without a tinder box once a given level is achieved
    More consistant cooking on higher level logs
    Different log fires identifiable by slight variation in fire color
    Lighting arrows to increase damage from ranging
    Funeral pyre, in which you can burn a number of bones at once


Here's some quest related ideas that involve firemaking. There could be a quest in a cold region of the map, where you have to light a stove for heat. If the stove isn't lit, you take damage from cold, so a high firemaking level would be imperitive for the quest. Currently there isn't really any consideration given to one of the most important reasons early humans started fires, to stay warm.




A quest in which you must destroy a quantity of things by burning them. For instance some sort of disease afflicts a town, and you have to burn the infected clothing to prevent it's spread. Perhaps for this, a bonfire could become a separate type of fire to light, requiring more logs.




There is no limit to expandsion of the firemaking skill. Firemaking would be an essential skill in an environment and timeframe such as runescape. In medieval times, if you weren't skillful at making fires to cook your food or heat your home you would have died, that's how vital this skill would be. I think the firemaking skill needs to be expanded to reflect the indispensability of it, not removed from the game.




Removing firemaking because it has few uses in the game currently would be like saying you want your legs amputated because you're sitting down right now. You plan on standing up again, so you're going to want those legs, and firemaking will be used for more purposes (I hope), so we need to keep it in the game.

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Do not diss firemaking! :evil: It's the best skill there is!




The ultimate skill for a merchant. So useless yet so symbolic.




Oi, and add "putting other people's houses on fire" to that list of suggestions of Lim_Dul. ;)




~Proud 99 firemaker~

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A lvl 99 firemaker has no real advantage over a lvl 1 since all logs burn the same way.


...A lvl 1 can only light normal logs, a lvl 99 can light anything...btw logs arent the only things you can light








Lanterns, mining helmets, Mort'ton shades




90 fm ftw

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After alot of FireMaking, I still find FireMaking a cool skill (Rank 17 and rising :) ).


I wish we could set tree's on fire too, no need to cut them down, but that's just some sick idea of mine.


Oct 28, 2008: 82nd to reach 2376 total

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I wish we could set tree's on fire too, no need to cut them down, but that's just some sick idea of mine.




ehh... i like that idea... :lol:

Give a man a fish, and he'll choke on the bones. Result: You get the rest of the fish.

Teach a man to fish, and he'll catch a lot of fish, then choke on one of the bones. Result: You get all the fish he caught.

Teaching people is better.

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fire making uses: morton shade burning, lanterns, cooking without a range, more




shade burning leads to the creation of split bark armour, higher firemaking means higher chance of getting fine cloth. firemaking is not useless.

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its useless becuz the other skills started out pretty bad too but they kept getting improved uponand left firemaking in the dark ages (get it? a pun, cuz fire creates light and i said dark ages- o u dont care) they will have to improve it or people like u will keep complaining

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  • 1 month later...

i'm bumping this topic because my firemaking lvl is higher now and you people might take me seriously. Let me rephrase what i said, firemaking does have some use on p2p but still none on f2p, and i'm a f2per. However, i give it credit for being the easiest skill to train, it only took me an hour to get to my current lvl in firemaking and i have a great strategy. i just bought willows for 12 each in the lumby general store and lit them right there. Its much cheaper than buying from other players and much faster than cutting the logs yourself.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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fm is here to stay and is a great skill...members can enjoy shade burning (something i have found extremely fun) its a dt requirement, mining helmets, lanters..etc. But i agree with the fire arrow comment. Its to much of a pain to go to underground pass and make them...Hey i might suggest that :wink:

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Runescape needs to do more with firemaking. I cant think of any reason for making it a skill. On f2p, the only reason for it is to gain exp, and lose the money you could make by selling the logs. Whats the point? True, you can cook food, but why level up to do that? A lvl 99 firemaker has no real advantage over a lvl 1 since all logs burn the same way.


I know members have some benefits (shadeburning and lantern lighting) but do you really need a skill for this?


Also, the firemaking equipment (tinderbox) is the only skill equip that you cannot upgrade. Its always 1 gp at the store. In contrast, you can upgrade axes, etc.


We need to save that skill spot for something more important now. Firemaking should be done away with somehow. For instance, it can be combined with the wcing skill since they are always trained together.




While i'm thinking about wcing, thats useless too (for f2p). The only use for nonmembers is for selling to members for fleching (or firemaking trainers on f2p).




Hammer for smithing? That never gets upgraded either, still 1 gp...


Knife for Fletching? Still 1gp...


Needle Thread for Crafting?


Water filled vial for Herblore?




Sides, I like burning things.

RSN: Mutashi

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This subject has been brought about many times, to no avail. Firemaking is just a small skill JAGeX thought was a good idea when Runescape was just a small game, yet became increasingly insignificant as the game grows.




It is an appendix, if you like.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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I think you have all missed the point of firemaking. You see, it's a really singular task before you, but when you finally get good enough so that you know absolutely everything there is to know about burning things (lvl 85+), you can set out to fulfill the greatest contribution a firemaker can make:




Burning down the rainforest.




Hey! Don't leave, I can explain myself! You see, the rainforest is home to hundreds of thousands of creatures, which would all die as a direct result of your actions. This would lead to some un-freaking-believable combat experience.




In addition, once the rainforest is burnt down, there will be a profusion of new areas that used to be impassable. Can you say 'ultimate coal mine?' It's really all the rainforst is anyway! Also, many, many more mines with bountiful, untapped resources would open up, along with the discovery of old dungeons and temples, built by cults and forgotten civilizations. Hence, awesome new quests, monsters, and area-specific items.




Such an appalling show of sheer wanton destructiveness would probably also anger at least two of the three main gods (although making Zamorak quite happy, I guess) and thus cause some sort of divine interaction with the world which would no doubt lead to even more quests, and a lot of priests and such setting up shop out there. And when that happens, new towns are never very far behind.




It will be very challenging, nearly impossible, but one day I will burn down the rainforest and become a hero.

Duumvir in game


"...One day I will burn down the rainforest and become a hero."

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It may be used in POHs for making a fire to keep the cold out, if they add in summer, spring, winter and autumn 8-) That could be another mass update they will be working on for 5 years :lol: .. Oh and ofcourse day and night for your timezone without pressing the Dark button :P But yeh firemaking could be used for fires, old stoves and stuff maybe, and turning on lamps? Meh just ideas none of this will be added i doubt :?




.... aB`05 ....

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Wow. So you need lots of skill to light up your fireplace, huh?




Firemaking should be simply an action: like "Eat Food". You don't see a skill called "Eating" now, do you, where you need eating levels to eat certain types of food?

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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It will be useful..Somehow...Some day..I HOPE... 90 FM mostly with yews AIN'T cheap! :S




Oh, and shade burning is pretty profitable thing to do with FM! All those rune items, clues etc of silver chest :wink:



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Guest TaDaraCampbell
th advantage of havbing higher lvls of firemaking is burning higher level logs which burn for longer. you cannot cook a full load of fish on a normal log fire, yet you can with a yew fire.. thus saving time.




if u need to cook so badly, cook on a range or stove (whatever its called), u wont burn as much, thus saving time

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