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I quit.


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k bye no one wants a sob story... :roll:




May I ask how its a sob story? Here is the definiton


1. an excessively sentimental human-interest story.


2. an alibi or excuse, esp. one designed to arouse sympathy: Instead of a raise, the boss gave us another sob story about her expenses.






I didnt get sentimental about anything. Nor is it a excuse, or for sympathay. I dont anyones sympathay, I am just stating my opinion on everything, but why not add another [wagon] to the picture? *shrugs*

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sad to see you go, but for 5 years you must have not played much. and everyone quits and everyone comes back. i quit for 7 months and came back. So anyways, BYe, there will always be someone to take your place, so lets not make this some huge sob story =-D

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Noone cares why did you post? Why did everyone else post?


Seems like you're trolling your topic now trying to get max attention for your new fansite. If you are quitting, you said goodbye, go be a noob in WOW. Stop being a bored old sourpuss, upset you didnt invest your rsc money or make friends on runescape. Sounds like a personal problem.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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I see what you mean. I've been playing a good 2 yrs but rs2 has lost it. Too many updates that weck it they should look for quality over quanitity. Too many people spoiling it screaming omg I didn't get a thing in a drop party. I play GW most of the time GW is good but most of the game is PvP based I prefer PvE but PvE is still good. But PvP does still won and GvG the rich don't always win. You can't just charge in and expect to win :P Well anyway not gonna talk about GW :P (eye twitches almost factions out lol) Well anyway back to rs it was good but ruined gd luck irl.

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Axe: Don't care, Fresh: Don't care, Lodge: Dont care. This is the ignorance I get sick and tired of. The only reason I thoguht I would post is for the fact of some people might auctally see it at my point of view ( and maybe get people to do the same). But I saw you axemanjack at Sk8ters' drop party and all of you that went to it know what horrible disaster is turned out to be. Now on paying for WoW who cares I have a full time job to pay for it, some of my friends that used to play RS now play WoW. I am going to advertise sites. At least its not a scam site, never done such a thing.






Everyone else thank you and hopes for the best of you.


But it was always going to be a stupid idea posting on tip.it complaining about tip.it. Did you honestly think you wouldn't get shot down? And if the people of tip.it are so bad, why advertise your cretinous site here?

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yea that's is what i've been realizing lately, this game is getting so childish, especially with that new bunny thing that was just realased omg. :roll:




Hmmm lets think about this one for a moment. If my kids were playing this game I would FREAK OUT if there was like massive blood and swearing and such. I would totally flip out on them. I'm glad they have what they do :P. The bunny thing was kind of cool too. Yes a bit childish... but I'm still a 6 year old at heart :D. And if having fun means being childish then gosh-darnit I'm gonna stay a child :P.

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For one jack I said I would post on this topic till it died. Has it? No. Did you even read my post? Obviously not. The new fansite haha, once again GSW was a mod there or admin, so if he 'was' a admin there he was there before he was one here. Which brings me back to say that you didnt read my full post. I still wonder how you come up with I didnt invest my RSC money which I didnt want too I have had all I ever wanted, I have made many friends over the past 5 years I still talk to them so, thats still bugging the hell out of me. So read and think before you post k?

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Axe: Don't care, Fresh: Don't care, Lodge: Dont care. This is the ignorance I get sick and tired of. The only reason I thoguht I would post is for the fact of some people might auctally see it at my point of view ( and maybe get people to do the same). But I saw you axemanjack at Sk8ters' drop party and all of you that went to it know what horrible disaster is turned out to be. Now on paying for WoW who cares I have a full time job to pay for it, some of my friends that used to play RS now play WoW. I am going to advertise sites. At least its not a scam site, never done such a thing.






Everyone else thank you and hopes for the best of you.


But it was always going to be a stupid idea posting on tip.it complaining about tip.it. Did you honestly think you wouldn't get shot down? And if the people of tip.it are so bad, why advertise your cretinous site here?




I knew what was going to happen I have only seen it going on for the last 4 years (the other year I was merchanting). Anyways I was expecting it dont care in five years or that one week when this one gets locked or closed noone will even remember it.

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Axe: Don't care, Fresh: Don't care, Lodge: Dont care. This is the ignorance I get sick and tired of. The only reason I thoguht I would post is for the fact of some people might auctally see it at my point of view ( and maybe get people to do the same). But I saw you axemanjack at Sk8ters' drop party and all of you that went to it know what horrible disaster is turned out to be. Now on paying for WoW who cares I have a full time job to pay for it, some of my friends that used to play RS now play WoW. I am going to advertise sites. At least its not a scam site, never done such a thing.






Everyone else thank you and hopes for the best of you.


But it was always going to be a stupid idea posting on tip.it complaining about tip.it. Did you honestly think you wouldn't get shot down? And if the people of tip.it are so bad, why advertise your cretinous site here?




I knew what was going to happen I have only seen it going on for the last 4 years (the other year I was merchanting). Anyways I was expecting it dont care in five years or that one week when this one gets locked or closed noone will even remember it.


Why freaking post then?! Seriously, get off this board.

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Worst goodbye post I've seen.


Leave and take your sorry attitude with you.


It will make this a better place.

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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I was here and did make this a better place but wanna know something? I got sick and tired of doing the nice thing for so long and for those of you not capable of reading over a k-1 rading level I AM NOT LEAVING TILL IT DIES. And who cares? little to noone of you knew me anyways.

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y u guys hating on him... its sad to see a runescape veteran go...




veteran? anyone can say they've played for "this" amount of time.. no proof of it really..




he just sounds like a little kid trying to promote that stupid runescapehall site


... if you supposedly quit and don't care about runescape, then why promote some site that no1 here really cares about? quit wasting your time posting on the site you supposedly hate and go play with all the little 10 year olds on WoW.




sig by Misterxman


Un-Retired from RS X-mas 2009, 93/99 Fishing, 105 combat.

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Dunno why every other moron is taking the tip.it comment so personal.




Obviously if the game is lacking as far as a good community goes, it will lack a bit as far as the forums go. If anything, all you idiots coming here for a flame war are just proving his point to be true.




And then someone wanted to get mad at me a couple days/weeks ago for saying that some people lack common sense. Heh...




Point is, tip.it will always have something that needs to be improved upon (some things more obvious then others). That doesn't mean you should rag on the guy when he actually has a point. Especially with the cheesy, over utilized, clicḫ̩̉̉s that some of you bring to the table. Yous act as if you have nothing better to say or do then bring up all the crummy clicḫ̩̉̉s that even a five year old could come up with.




Some of you people on these forums just simply amaze me... I will never understand why it is some of you waste your time saying the same exact thing someone else said like ten minutes before you did. Nor will I ever understand why some of you are so narrowminded to say a small comment and make it out to be so personal.




Grow up and let the guy say his good byes with no more confrontations. Look at it this way... the sooner yous quit bumping the topic up, and let those who wish to play their respects do so... The sooner you wont have to see him again.


R.I.P Shiva

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sorry mate, the tip it community may and will miss you.anyway i agree with all your statements,due to the fact that i have been hassled by lots of people and also since i played for 2 years the community has got wose..well we will miss you mate

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

^^^^read backwards^^^^




^^^^The Best Melee Training Spot In The Game^^^^



^^^^The new Bandits^^^^


even i have the misfile craze!!!

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For one, RSH I am not promoting it at all seriously. I said that where it was when I had the party and where it was advertised Where you could have gotten lucky maybe gotten something. I am not going on ' omg look at this uber 1337 site' and etc. Little kid, wow congratz you have managed to obtain 1 level in the skill of stupid if you even can read by the looks of things no. I said I have a full time job ( I make rocker arms for honda) Nextly, Vet. I dont know, lets see I joined very early feb of '01 I had 3 party hats givin to me by a friend when I was in JR. High. I have bunny ears (didnt have the scythe wasnt on that day). No I dont have insanely and ungod like stats becuase I did take breaks (my last one 8 months).

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He obviously has an oppinion about the game and this forum plus since he`s quitting he is doing the same thing what Ill do: Let everyone now it.


A number of you should show some respect towards it, cuz dont forget if you would be on his place ud want respect too.




It bites when I see people lower level than me wearing things that id never dream to have. IT BITES. I myself , wil be quitting in 2 months time.




Janam, you said a lot of things i wanted too in the 1st post. You should be proud, you have a job and a life.


And i have to say that RS reflects life more and more: people scam, cheat and steal. RS shows todays society.


Its no longer about the game and at least SOME manners. For example: Why flame this post? Why is above post has to be SO STUPID. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHY HES POSTING HERE?


nubstyle, I agree with ur name. You are a noob and in the same style you posted!




Janam, as for you, I wish you farewell and good luck!




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Yeah, I have played as long as you have and am in the exact same position. No rares. Never had any, never will probally. They are always out of my reach by just a little bit. But you have to know, the people that have that stuff and those high levels actually WORK for them. They sit around for weeks at one spot to get their levels. Same for those who work for their phats. They get high levels and they use them to make money really quick.




I know, you probally don't have much patience like I don't; I completely understand. But I bet one thing, if you leave, you will probally come back. I mean, since there are updates weekly, after being gone for a few monthes, I couldn't RESIST coming back to dive into all of the new updates (and of course be dissappointed again that carpentry STILL isn't out :roll:. I was all excited that they had lots of new D items when i was gone for awhile like d legs and chain, but just rolled my eyes when I found out they still don't have POHs)

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