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Pay To Play - Too Expensive?


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Pay To Play


About a year ago I became a member. Being a member was enjoyable, with many quests added regularly, and new places to explore every time I played the game. But I stopped playing on a P2P basis because all the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5.00 were adding up. I had spent ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã40. I could have bought a game for that, and I would never have had to pay again (such as Guildwars). I decided to stop paying to be a member. So anyway, I began to debate the price of membership and I think that firstly, there should be a 'One Month Free Trial' and secondly, a 'Life-Long One-Off Payment' of about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã30-ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã40. What does everybody else think? Maybe we could e-mail the Runescape Moderators or set up a petition if a few agree with my idea. Please tell me your opinions!


Scotty +lordspyx+

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To much? Are you joking.




Most games are well over 5 a month, yeah they have better graphics but the amount of content of runescape is starting to compete with them.




If anything it should be more, 5 a month is change that you can get from getting cans. :roll:

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no, because heres the reason:


the average game for a console is 50 bucks (american). youll play the average console game for 1-3 months, then stop


runescape is 60 bucks (american) for 1 year. cut that in half its 30 bucks for half a year, which is 20 dollars less for twice the amount of playing time.




in other words, youll play rs for alot longer than a console game, so you save money because console games are more expensive AND you play for a shorter time.

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I can see where you are all coming from... the price in the USA is quite significantly cheaper than in the United Kingdom. I admire your opinions, but in my opinion I would prefer to pay a larger sum of money as a one off than smaller payments here and there. Thanks for letting me know what you're thinking!


Scotty +lordspyx+

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I think that runescape should make it that you pay per day... as i only play every Saturday and Sunday, but more through the holidays...


I'm not saying pay pre hour or anything, but surely it's more fair to pay per day than for a whole month, of which you might only be on for an hour every saturday or so...






Also it's ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5 if you're paying on your mobile phone

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I think that runescape should make it that you pay per day... as i only play every Saturday and Sunday, but more through the holidays...


I'm not saying pay pre hour or anything, but surely it's more fair to pay per day than for a whole month, of which you might only be on for an hour every saturday or so...



Then don't buy members then :roll:


$5 is pretty cheap for a game, as all yomom1919 said.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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If you think $5 is a lot, its rather sad.


To be honest, when you said this I was rather insulted, I am not exactly a wealthy person and to me ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5.00 seems rather a lot when it is compared to my monthly income. In comparison to your income it may seem like nothing. As I enjoy playing this game, I am rather dissapointed that the price makes it almost impossible for me to stay a member and if you find the fact that ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5.00 to me is quite expensive 'rather sad' then please do not voice your insulting opinions on a topic that I created out of interest.


In a rather bemused situation,


Scotty +lordspyx+

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If you think $5 is a lot, its rather sad.


To be honest, when you said this I was rather insulted, I am not exactly a wealthy person and to me ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5.00 seems rather a lot when it is compared to my monthly income. In comparison to your income it may seem like nothing. As I enjoy playing this game, I am rather dissapointed that the price makes it almost impossible for me to stay a member and if you find the fact that ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5.00 to me is quite expensive 'rather sad' then please do not voice your insulting opinions on a topic that I created out of interest.


In a rather bemused situation,


Scotty +lordspyx+




I'm sorry to here that runescape is to expensive for you. But at the end of the day it is quite a good deal, the amount of stuff you can do etc for it's price. Plus compared to other games it is quite cheap. So unlucky.

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If you think its too expensive i have a pretty simple solution for you, dont become a member. I dont see the price goin down in the near future considering thousands of people out there find the price reasonable enough to pay on a regular basis. If jagex were to lower the price to your suggested levels im sure the quality as well as the quantity of updates would significantly decrease.


Check out my Pocket Slot idea!

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Please, all runescapers,


I did not set up this topic for a bit of an argument, merely to find our other people's views on this matter. I appreciate the fact that for many, Runescape is quite a good deal.


Sorry if I have offended anyone, but this was not intended...


Scotty +lordspyx+

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RuneScape already offers an extremely large free trial with F2P. Furthermore they already offer extremely low subscription of $5 / month, while most of these type of games cost $10-15 / month and with some of them you still have to 'buy' the game first for $50 as well.

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I never asked for them to lower the price, and i don't get members unless it's during the school holidays... otherwise id' be wasting my money spending ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5 phone top-up on about 1 hour a week for 4 weeks

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Hm i totally disagree because i remember when i havent play runescape yet, i was playing video games. Games after games i play spending 49.99 for good releases game, even though i really like it but i seem to spend alot. I buy it everytime i beat a game or a new releases comes out. I think 5 bucks for membership is really cheap and last really long also. Maybe i will stil play it when my max out everything. Anyways Hope you rethink and become member again. :)

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nope... its just fun to stay f2p...




being 1 of the best... :lol: (not the top 100... but probemly the top 500)


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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True, $5/mo is very cheap. But the topic starter has a point. When you are a member for a very long time, it all adds up. Especially for those with more than one memebrs account.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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