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The future of rares


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5 years from now (assuming runescape is still running)




About how many phats will there be left? If the number is in the low hundreds..I think the prices will be unbelivable. 5 years from now, im sure the account population will triple as of what it is now, so I think population would play a major role in the price.






What do you think?

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Hmm... how is it that you think the number will be in the low hundreds? (I don't get how they can magically dissappear...)




Well, anyways, 5 years from now, the prices of the phats will soar so high, that anyone who can afford it will be crowned "Bill Gates of RuneScape" or "[Whoever is the richest person in the world right now] of RuneScape."




And... I agree with you that population would play a major role in the price. :wink:


^ Blog.


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What about the people that already have a few phats lyin around in their banks...and i know you guys must have seen pics of those banks that have like 20 or 30 of each phat. And think about it if Jagex finally makes player houses, they could probably buy varrock castle or somethin :P


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jagex wont make rares untradable. it would cause such an upset in the rs economy. there is only one place for rare prices to go: up. as accounts with rares in them get banned, eggs/pumpkins get eaten, rares alched/dropped and lost or people stop playing, rares will be taken out of the market, and prices will rise. theres no doubt about it.

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jagex wont make rares untradable. it would cause such an upset in the rs economy. there is only one place for rare prices to go: up. as accounts with rares in them get banned, eggs/pumpkins get eaten, rares alched/dropped and lost or people stop playing, rares will be taken out of the market, and prices will rise. theres no doubt about it.




And as it has already been hinted towards, supply and demand will take effect as the start to fade away from the runescape world.

(now some1 quote me and add me to ur sig)
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What about the people that already have a few phats lyin around in their banks...and i know you guys must have seen pics of those banks that have like 20 or 30 of each phat. And think about it if Jagex finally makes player houses, they could probably buy varrock castle or somethin :P


No about the houses and no about the pics, most of them are false!

Currently hunting for clues. Any advice? PM me please =)

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What about the people that already have a few phats lyin around in their banks...and i know you guys must have seen pics of those banks that have like 20 or 30 of each phat. And think about it if Jagex finally makes player houses, they could probably buy varrock castle or somethin :P


No about the houses and no about the pics, most of them are false!


He did say 5 years from now and player houses have been in discussion for a pretty long time now so how do you know they wont be around by then, btw i was just jokin about buyin varrock castle...


And i do realize it is pretty easy to photoshop bank pics but im sure at least one of those pics out there has to be real.


Check out my Pocket Slot idea!

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Statistically following the rates they've been going at, all of the party hats would have been sitting at the money cap for awhile five years from now. There won't be much trading going on, the hats would have massive price ranges, and most deals would be one hat and cash for another hat, since their gp value would be at the 2.1b money cap, unless jagex changes it by then.

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If the money cap is the same:


"Selling blue p-hat! 2 bil and 10 d-chains (or plates, who knows lol)"


That, or Jagex changes the money cap and phats will cost BIG numbers gp.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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If the money cap is the same:


"Selling blue p-hat! 2 bil and 10 d-chains (or plates, who knows lol)"


That, or Jagex changes the money cap and phats will cost BIG numbers gp.




by then chains will be bout 500k ea, so, more like, selling blue p hat 2.1 billion d chains...i think a new kind of currency would be adept to the market, ie ppl will start trading everything in rune, rune would have a set price of 50k ea, and so someone with way more then 2.1b would instead have 42k rune plates, which would be equal to one price cap!

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- i doubt there going to crash... basically people that will be able to buy and sell them then are people that already have them or people that stake.




- Jagex will never make them untrabale seeing as if they did they would lose thousands of players... therefore losing thousands of dollars




- but it really is unpredicable but price can go on forever pretty much... say selling blue party hat for 2bill and 5 santas, or some other item.

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If the money cap is the same:


"Selling blue p-hat! 2 bil and 10 d-chains (or plates, who knows lol)"


That, or Jagex changes the money cap and phats will cost BIG numbers gp.




by then chains will be bout 500k ea, so, more like, selling blue p hat 2.1 billion d chains...i think a new kind of currency would be adept to the market, ie ppl will start trading everything in rune, rune would have a set price of 50k ea, and so someone with way more then 2.1b would instead have 42k rune plates, which would be equal to one price cap!




You know, thats an interesting concept. Personally it sounds a lot like in Diablo II how Stones of Jordan were a standard for a while. This actually might work out...

RSN: Mutashi

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It's pretty impossible to predict rares 5 years from now... Rares don't even exist for 5 years yet and there are tons of factors involved that influence the prices on such a long-term. ^^




Fact is that the money cap doesn't really limit their price.

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Within the next 4-5 years I expect Jagex will release RS3. :lol: I agree with Chewy, I have been waiting for another dupe to come along and ruin the market. It won't affect me as I never trade/sell rares although I have a few which I luckily picked up during the holiday drops and kept. :)

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