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Taxes - what do you think?


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In response a previous posting about the idea of a Casino I suggested that RS should have a taxation policy as a psooible way of controlling the RS economy.




What do you think about this idea and what taxes do you think would be appropriate and workable?




If I get a good idea of peoples thoughts I might even raise the suggestion of taxes to Jagex

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But what about the newbs who struggle to make enough cash for full mith. Taxes would hurt the low levels. If anything they should wait until an account is 6 months old before they start taxing it.




it should be income based then. when the taxation day is nigh, jagex takes 5% or whatever.


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if everyone were taxed say 5% of thier money, everything would just go up 5% because less money in the game. NPC prices wouldnt change, but so little of your money is given to NPCs it wouldnt matter much...






not to mention how many people it would piss off

RSN: Bantam222 [105 combat] [1578 total level]


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But what about the newbs who struggle to make enough cash for full mith. Taxes would hurt the low levels. If anything they should wait until an account is 6 months old before they start taxing it.




it should be income based then. when the taxation day is nigh, jagex takes 5% or whatever.




I dont have a fixed income.

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So, would it be a progressive taxing, similar tax percent to everyone or what? Would it only be counted from your gp or would items also count?




Personally I give a big no; first of all, if it was only taken from your gp, people would invest on raw materials (coal, lobs, rune ores, rune items, runes, etc) and cause a huge rise to their price. Of course if suddenly some raw material's demand skyrocketted, it wouldn't take even 12 hours to see that spot polluted with autoers.




If your items were also taxed, that could cause a lot of price changes. If phats were taxed by their general store price, they would go up even to higher prices as people invested on them. Well, if they went by "market prices", Jagex should update the taxing system all the time. Also, taxing items would make it unfair for skillers. I wouldn't want to pay some extra taxes after buying materials to get 1-2m xp in certain skill.




It would have far too many cons (affect to the prices on items, raw materials, etc) that the pros (inflation) couldn't really match them.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Do you enjoy having half your earnings stolen by the government and given to the dudes who are too lazy to get a job? Lern2RL. The tax idea would just enrage the players off. Badly




A bit off topic, but I happy pay my taxes, even tho we have the 2nd highest taxes in Europe after Denmark. All schools from the 1st grade to the last university classes are free, haven't paid for the dentist (good thing I got my teeth of wisdom removed before the age of 18, would have cost few euros after that :P ) and I have gotten good threatment at public hospitals. Only used private if I have had an insurance and gotten it for free that way. And yea, I've visited hospitals quite a few times with my broken bones or something :P



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Do you enjoy having half your earnings stolen by the government and given to the dudes who are too lazy to get a job? Lern2RL. The tax idea would just enrage the players off. Badly




A bit off topic, but I happy pay my taxes, even tho we have the 2nd highest taxes in Europe after Denmark. All schools from the 1st grade to the last university classes are free, haven't paid for the dentist (good thing I got my teeth of wisdom removed before the age of 18, would have cost few euros after that :P ) and I have gotten good threatment at public hospitals. Only used private if I have had an insurance and gotten it for free that way. And yea, I've visited hospitals quite a few times with my broken bones or something :P




but for rs, the money is going straight down the drain. In rl people can't make money as that is called counterfeiting, but in rs its called "training magic". In RL the tax get used for the benefit of the society whereas with rs thatll be pretty much like burning money taxed.

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but for rs, the money is going straight down the drain. In rl people can't make money as that is called counterfeiting, but in rs its called "training magic". In RL the tax get used for the benefit of the society whereas with rs thatll be pretty much like burning money taxed.




Yep, and you for some reason started to talk about the goverment there :P



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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5%? lmao




This newb has 100 gp, he loses 5 gp


This guy has the max out gp cap of 2.1 bil. he loses 105 mil.



"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Worst idea. Ever.




The whole idea of "I have a few amount of money, he got lot's, that's unfair! Let's take some of him!! Grab your forks and torches!" is stupid and hurts the concept of capitalism. There's no point in collecting taxes from citizens unless you're offering them some services for the common wealth such as education or hospitals(ation).




And why do you want so much to control the economy? Ever hear of the free market concept? Leave the prices to be set by the products. Let the rares be expensive and their owners be rich.




You dam comunists!




:D First post.... almost.

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In response a previous posting about the idea of a Casino I suggested that RS should have a taxation policy as a psooible way of controlling the RS economy.




What do you think about this idea and what taxes do you think would be appropriate and workable?




If I get a good idea of peoples thoughts I might even raise the suggestion of taxes to Jagex




I dont' see a point to this,it's not going to control the economy.

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I already pay taxes, along with paying my "tax" of 7 dollars a month for this game. I'd rather not start paying taxes in a game, even though it would have no pratical purpose.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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Taxes aren't well implemented outside a society with at least a bit of socialism in it. In Runescape you don't recieve any services at all, so you shouldn't pay taxes at all.

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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5%? lmao




This newb has 100 gp, he loses 5 gp


This guy has the max out gp cap of 2.1 bil. he loses 105 mil.






darn... real life lessons stink, eh?




the lower class family that stuggles to make payments makes lets say... 20k a year. they pay 30% taxes. they pay about 6k in taxes. The family that lives in the rich part of town makes about 150k a year. they pay about $45k in taxes.




life sucks. sorry if you dont realize it, but you will have to pay taxes sooner or later. Oh, and in response to the guy who has 2.1gp cap. dont you think he can make that money back pretty fast? i mean.. he does have 2.1b in his bank now. it took him a max of 5 years to make it. im sure, he would be able to get his $ back pretty fast.










cons of this idea-




*people are retired with millions in bank. what would they do?


*people buy rares to avoid having to pay taxes on $ in bank, how would jagex confront that?


*would jagex just decided to delete 5% of your $ per year? or would you have to fill out a form at the new tax center in varrock?


*people would stop buying members because who would want to pay to get taxed on what they make?






its a game, leave it be.

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oh yay i can struggle for ages to earn enough money for [insert item here] and then jagex can come along and say ill just take x% of that money thank you

ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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