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Guest mmortalone

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I used to mine iron myself when I was f2p and poor. I didn't mine a lot but I could do at least 4k a day all with my wittle finger. It wasn't so terrible. Those lazy autoers.

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First of all, let me say, that I am not a person who is saying "pmfg, lookee at all the preety autoeers! they are horrible!"




I do not know what side to go on, for two reasons, and they are almost the same reasons that the immigrants to the US are using at this same point in time:




1. Autoers are technically breaking the rules and because of this, they should all be banned




2. Seriously, where do you think you get your 20k iron ore to get 85 smithing? did someone legitimately mine ALL of it? do you know how long that would take? Autoers are running the economy, so we cannot ban them without screwing up the economy.




When you get your 40k yews to get to 99 fletching from one person specifically, are you actually supporting the autoing community?




Your thoughts?




Point 1 is so obvious is shouldn't even be mentioned.




Point 2 has no leverage since all resources go through a vast number of merchanters and players trying to play the market. Either a f2p player did honestly mine 20k iron which many do and isn't hard to accomplish, or people baught their stock from player to player. Now i'm not turning a blind eye and stating that none of my resources could possibly come from an autoer, but, i don't think the autoers play that great of a role in our economy.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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Well, I don't think that most materials are from auto-ers. Maybe certain things such as yews have a higher chance. But most things aren't anyway. With the amount of people playing, it's normal there is a lot of raw materials being created. Also, most bulk sellers are merchants. They 'gather' the loots from different people, resulting in a high amount. It would be wrong to think that those particular sellers have gathered all those by themselves.

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I think you use marco equipment yourself....




Don't point fingers just because you don't agree with him.




Perhaps autoers are the reason why people have levelled skills like smithing and fletching so fast. However, think of members struggling to make money in RS. They would be easily discouraged if a bot is hindering their money making. Think of all the people that struggle to make money.

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uhmm..yes? yes, yes! most my resources are PROBABLY legit, my eccense from rs2 probbaly arent, my seeds are, my smithing bars probably are because autoMINING was never really popular in rs2




no one person mined them all, and yes, ive known many people whove mined 40k iron

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idk about others but i mined 23k iron ores to get to 80 mining by myself and my friend got 85 mining by herself too but of course i m sure there are autoers who would take advantage of macroing and ruin the rs game.but i m sure there are still people who would mine or cut or do others bythemself

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And some people actually do not buy their skills. That's why I am not interested in 99 fletching.




Maybe it is the people who want to buy skills that are ruining the game and economy???




is it the same category of people that buy gp for real money?




Forgot that it is a game?




WRONG. You cannot say that all people that buy skills also buy money, that's very short sighted. And even though you can buy a skill doesn't mean you have to.


I have 99 fletching, but I never bought a single gp. I even selected the sellers of magics I bought from. I would get regular offers from people with <50cb and their only highscore skill wc, trying to sell me up to 6k magics at once. All these traded I declined and reported. I bough my magics from people with a decent combat levels and usually at lower quantities (less then 200 usually). Only once did I buy a large amount of magics and that was from someone I had been chopping magics with for almost an hour.


Besides the magics I handpicked my flax, all of it, for every bowstring since lvl 70 fletching. I personally made it into bowstrings or had a trusted friend help me out.


All the needed natures? Crafted them myself when I needed them. The essence was bought from some f2p friends, at 40 each. I still have to craft some 12k natures to alch my leftovers from 99 fletching, but I will craft them, not buy them.




On the original topic: In runescape some of the same processes happen as in real society, but you can't compare them. Runescape is played by people who can afford a computer and internet connection, and have the free time to play a game (which is actually a bigger luxury then most people realize). Illegal aliens attempting to cross the border usually do so because they have a hard time feeding their families. There is just no way you can compare this.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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Honestly, I don't care they ruin the economy in banning all autoers.


They will not ruin it, they will re-model it.


That will make me richer with my skills.


Probably iron, ruens, yews, mage will be more expensive. Good deal!




At least, the ones rescpecting the rules will get what they owe.

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Personally, I think the economy needs a shake up. I have 50+ in all skills, and so I do MOST of my stuff in small quanities, or by myself. For instance, I MADE 4k iron knives instead of buying them...




I think that if the economy were ruined by banning SEVERAL macroers, that would be a GOOD thing. We have too many nats, which leads to too much highalching, which leads to too much cash.




What we need is a fast way to remove TONS of cash from the game, and thereby returning to days when gold was worth more.




I remember back in RSC when 50k was ALOT of cash, and a rune dagger sold for 20k! Before that, Addy Kites were the MOST expensive item in the game, and NOBODY bought skills, they just worked and worked and worked and worked to get high skills.

Maxed since Sunday, January 9th, 2014
Completionist since Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

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This would make training and experience matter. Everyone's obsessed with money, not earning stuff nowadays. With the autoers banned, people who are smart will actually be cutting their own logs, instead of just buying loads of em.

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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I hope jagex does find a way to stop autoers then the economy will crash, well actually explode because everything will cost so much, then I'll laugh because I've always gotten all my own supplies besides bowstrings but I wouldn't mind spending twice as much on them because I'd still be getting profit.

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First of all, let me say, that I am not a person who is saying "pmfg, lookee at all the preety autoeers! they are horrible!"




I do not know what side to go on, for two reasons, and they are almost the same reasons that the immigrants to the US are using at this same point in time:




1. Autoers are technically breaking the rules and because of this, they should all be banned




2. Seriously, where do you think you get your 20k iron ore to get 85 smithing? did someone legitimately mine ALL of it? do you know how long that would take? Autoers are running the economy, so we cannot ban them without screwing up the economy.




When you get your 40k yews to get to 99 fletching from one person specifically, are you actually supporting the autoing community?




Your thoughts?




HEY! I didn't auto and I got my 85 mining by mining iron at the hobgoblin mine...yes a lot of people with high stats did auto at some point and time, but some of us don't alright...we just don't have much of a life in terms of romance.

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I hope jagex does find a way to stop autoers then the economy will crash, well actually explode because everything will cost so much, then I'll laugh because I've always gotten all my own supplies besides bowstrings but I wouldn't mind spending twice as much on them because I'd still be getting profit.




i will be joining you in laught since i can be independent from market :) i kinda wanna see the day when gp will be worthless.

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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Woah, Woah. Think. There's a huge difference between illegal immigrants and autoers. Illelal immigrants often come from poor countries, literally with nothing. Often in an attempt to feed their families, they sneak past the border.




I just say get leagel and welcome to America.




On topic now: Face it, autoers really are the suppliers. Think of it like everybody is a small company, whereas the autoers are a huge company. They get goods through means of ways which we do not know of. They earn major money through us, which we use. They get rich and keep producing and keep up with supply and demand. One word: economy. For the conomy to work good we need autoers.

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I've always had those thoughts in the back of my mind while reading all of the complaints about ess autoers. I was able to buy 30k ess for roughly 30gp each because of those bots. I wasn't upset to see them go, but I wasn't ecstatic, either.




Although I would never risk my own account by autoing, might as well take advantage of the idiots who try.




Actually, it's them that take advantage of you. By paying something for nothing, you pretty much pay them to go about their daily lives. Think of it like this: they set their program, they leave. They come back, sell you some stuff, sell the gp on Ebay, make real hard cash. 30M runs about $300 USD. That's pretty easy to get while macroing.

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You really can't compare immigration issues with autoing.




Agreed. I was wondering how he could've compared autoing to immigration.






Illegal Immagrants, work in the fields, say they do jobs that the average american won't.




Autoers, same thing.




I mention "say" because really everyone can work in the fields or cut Yew Trees in RS. But the truth is, they are doing it for less then avearage people would. Ok, go out and chop 10k Yews, or pay the non-macroers a lot more for 10k Yews. Or, buy them from a macroer, cheap, and make money.




F.Y.I. I don't support them I was just saying how they might be similar.

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ill laugh so hard when jagex bans all the autoers and the game goes down the toilet cause no one can get anything so andrew is panicing and trying to un-ban all the autoers just to keep his game alive :lol:

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I don't auto in the classic sense, but I will leave RS running in the background while I browse the internet or work on papers. Tasks such as fishing and woodcutting allow this. since you only have to click once then come back and move the camera every 2 mins or so. Leaving the sound on helps alot so I know if I get a troll or other randome event.

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Nah, you think!? Of course they're running the economy, but I still hate them. I think you use marco equipment yourself....


Do you have to spam every post ? if hes ranting about autoers why would he be one? almost all your 800 posts are something spamming the topic and negative criticism.


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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illigal immagrants and autors are both illigal and bad but autors do help the econmy more than illigal alliens do.




you sure about that?






think of it like this, if there is no way to get 40k yews except for an autoer to get them since nobody is going to stand at the tree cutting 40k yews because it would take a lifetime, they are allowing us to get our skills up easily.




dont get me wrong, im still neutral, because im against a few special people who get billions of GP by making about 300 level 3s with a name of zh000, zh001 etc.




it's morally wrong, but we profit off of it. its the modern business principle




Its not because you didnt do it, that nobody does it.




How do you think somebody got his 99 woodcutting? How do you think somebody got his 99 mining (i mined over 15k iron myself). How do you think somebody got his 99 fishing?




Your argumentation was badly build. You sum up a few CONSUMING skills, and forget the productive ones.




Of course, autoers do have an impact. But you are acting as if every single iron ore is from an autoer. You forgot to facture in the so called "noobs", and the people who are self-sufficient.

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