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Autoer/macroer discussion- please post here!


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You know I don't think these are macroers were dealing with. This might go off-topic here, but it will explain what's really going on with the "macroer" problem.




The whole majority of these macroers, are actually real people: under-paid chinese workers (I'm not being racist btw) that live in so called "sweat shops". I saw the news yesterday on TV about this growing problem in China. These workers get paid very little or nothing at all while the people that run these sweatshops get the money by selling off items/gp that the workers obtain to the people that want them.




This actualy explains why these "macroers" have chinese names. Also I've seen some of the chinese slave characters wear mimi clothing and lederhosen, those random events require visual attention to do. I don't think a normal macro could do that...








have to be one of the funnyest things i ever have seen lmao!




It's not funny I heard they go on 18 hour shifts :shock:












rofl!!! i bet i can do better

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There are so many yew and oak autoers in Draynor and Lumbridge forest place! I was cutting some normals to get cash and every like 5 seconds a random lvl 3 with a rubbish username passed. Occasionally i would say 'hi'. No reply. I mean jeez lots of people dont know the rules round here!



Yeah, well. Definately not me! LOL!

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hey i was wondering if a random event happens or the person dies does it ruin there pattern thing?








kill all autoers especially the miners and woddcutters to hell with them for stealing my logs and ores

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omg I actually got a conversation with one of these autoers but they are really mandarin chinese! help what do i do?












I said hi in mandarin (someone posted how to do that) and they started talking to me :S

I is a genius!

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It seems like these "autoers" are actually people :o




As I posted above, I had a "conversation" with one in mandarin chinese. A couple hours later I found another one and I asked, how are you, in mandarin chinese, and they actually replied!(in chinese)




so maybe a good majority of these level 3 woodcutters aren't really autoers?

I is a genius!

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Was trading my air running profits for arrows at Brian's.








There was a level 3 standing there, Rii00__ (where the two underlines are a number).








After several runs, hadn't moved, challenged him for auto buying in public chat, set as friend (showed up as online) and repeated challenge in PM, reported.








Next day, a different numbered Rii was there, level 3, same outfit.








Time for some randoms for people staying indefinitely in store view, i think!








I've seen that one too many times whenever I cut willows at Rimmington. Although the one's I see in w7 are called ui##...








anthony, i think it'd be cool to see chinese on runescape. i can read chinese, but i've never seen it before on runescape, although i have seen different languages, especially european languages...


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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Ever thought the other miners/yew cutters might be chinese sweat workers and not autoers?






Half of you are reporting random people just because they can't speak English.


how do they play? if theyre german they will be on a german server...other than that they must know english to play

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ive heard about another kind of autoers. the green dragon autoers


basically they are in wildy and they kill green drags to get d hide and bones


their uniform is


head=addy or rune helm


body=rune chain or pl8


legs=rune legs




shield=anti drag shield




they are usually lvl 91 or higher


ive seen some before

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I want to say this




autos can be stopped by the most simpliest thing, barricades from castlewars. If I found out a castle wars bug of being able to take barricades outside cw I would run over to whole runescape world and place the barricades around yews!

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Runescape, believe it or not, has a lot less macroers than other popular online games (Eg. Silk Road)




I have not seen a macroer for a long time since i am a member, but on the odd occasion where i do see one, i report them to JaGeX.

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my biggest tipoff is when i try to get their attn, they don't respond.




Also, they keep getting hit by the tree spirits is a biggie.


I keep an eye out at the draynor bank for a macro to die in the bank and drop loads of yews. THAT is hilarious, since i've made 5k off of it before. Also, I call in a mod when there are 15 ppl at a yew, all lvl 3...


Since mods can get ppls attn when they have their chat off, they can check to see if someone is a mod.




But mostly, it's just me asking them, trying to trade them is my method.

My MOD Queue and MODs - StarTrekGuide


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LOL a macroer died and dropped black flowers. He came back and bought them back off me for 80k. He equipped them again. He died shortly after to dark wizards and i sold them back to him again. This happened one more time before he finally decided to bank the black flowers.

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I sent a message to jagex about macroers and they told me they have "a massive Jagex Army of JMods poised to pounce and remove a huge chunk of the macroers from the game." (taken directly from the letter I got back.) who knows mabye something is actually about to be done? I would paste the whole letter but its about 30% really written about and 70% automated. :(






Only thing I know is that since I lost membership I see why so many complain about this. I really counted about 20 last night.

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The amount of lvl 3 autoers chopping yews in Rimmington has to be seen to be believed.




One easy solution has to be 'Runescape Police' - or the mods, or players specifically authorised to track down and deal with such suspicious activity.




Maybe a night spent in jail having rotten tomatoes thrown at them would teach them a unforgettable lesson?


World 7, Lumby Forest, Rimmington, Port Sarim yew, and behind Varrock Castle.


In all, there are about 50 macroers, on one tree alone in Lumbridge forest, I saw 38 options.

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I sent a message to jagex about macroers and they told me they have "a massive Jagex Army of JMods poised to pounce and remove a huge chunk of the macroers from the game." (taken directly from the letter I got back.)





Good to hear, but I'll believe it when I see it. And it shouldn't be a "special event" -- there should be Jmods in the game all the time dealing with these and other issues.





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

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that will get rid of em




the problem is macros respond to coulers so events where you just have to click dont work however freaky forister drill demon evil sister the box do but these events rarely happen

20 old men in one place? Sounds like an internet chat room! :D


...Anyone? Anyone?


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