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Smuggling weapons to entrana


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good question, try it

lost rights to my dark red text >:(



Barrows sets: guthan, verac, dharok, maybe ahrim eventually <- lost to a hacker whole stole everything of worth from my bank

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You can bring these weapon-like things though:


Runes, arrows, and logs to fletch into bows. You can also eventually get weapons from the greater drops, and people may even sell those drops on there if you ask around :P




You could probably also bring a rune hatchet/pickaxe, or even a dragon axe, that has been separated from the handle and then assemble it there.


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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You could probably do it by using a random "teleport elsewhere" event.




Step 1: Have a friend carry the gear that you want to bring to Entrana.




Step 2: Have your friend play until they get one of the random events that teleports you elsewhere for awhile.


That could be frog event, maze, mime event, etc. Your friend logs out while in that location.


You could have multiple friends do this for each event location. Friend then goes back to playing his main.




Step 3: You travel to Entrana and play your character until you get


the same random event as your friend. You PM your friends main.




Step 4: Friend logs in, (you are both in the same location), and trades you the items that you want.


You complete the random event and get sent back to Entrana with all of the desired items.




Step 5: Impress everyone on Entrana with all of your smuggled gear. ;)




Yes, I know that this could take weeks or months to make work, but still, it seems possible to do it.

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Has anyone tried to telegrab an item from somewhere close to the shore of the island? Is there any shore close to another map of RS?

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Yes, leesters, there are 2 spots on Entrana where you can see wepons-allowed places. One is by the hops patch; you can see the little island from Sea Slug quest. The other is by the law alter, you can see the area south of Tavelry. Not sure if you can telegrab tho.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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One way to smuggle (worked few months ago at least) weapons or armours there is to do a clue and open the reward box at entrana ,)



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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One way to smuggle (worked few months ago at least) weapons or armours there is to do a clue and open the reward box at entrana ,)




I didn't think that clue scrolls gave you reward boxes. I thought you just got the stuff from a drawer/chest/crate/etc... The only way for your idea to work is to actually get a clue scroll that ends up on Entrana. I may be wrong though. Maybe some clues do give you reward boxes...

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One way to smuggle (worked few months ago at least) weapons or armours there is to do a clue and open the reward box at entrana ,)




I didn't think that clue scrolls gave you reward boxes. I thought you just got the stuff from a drawer/chest/crate/etc... The only way for your idea to work is to actually get a clue scroll that ends up on Entrana. I may be wrong though. Maybe some clues do give you reward boxes...




Clue scrolls give chests that usualy give wepons. The monks used to never look in the chests but now they do I think.

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  • 17 years later...

You can store your magical secateurs (from Fairy Tale quest) with a leprechaun at any farming patch before you travel there, and then withdraw it from him at the farming patch there. They can be used as a weapon. Fairly effective.


I'm going to try the arrows and bow/string.

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Seriously! Arrows and a bow and string? All these years I've thought I've been clever and sneaky with my magical secateurs ... all along I could have brought arrows, unstrung bow and string, although just the string is enough, with the trees there ... And runes you say? Jeez! Such basic travel and home teleports I've done coming back from there ... grr.

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Could also bring in runes to cast magic as well. I think the only way to actually have a real melee weapon there is to have gotten one out of the mystery box that you can get from random events

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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On 1/14/2024 at 7:41 AM, BobbieK said:

You can store your magical secateurs (from Fairy Tale quest) with a leprechaun at any farming patch before you travel there, and then withdraw it from him at the farming patch there. They can be used as a weapon. Fairly effective.


I'm going to try the arrows and bow/string.

Why are you digging up a thread that's over a decade old? You could have made a new thread about this.

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Forum is more or less dead. Any kind of discussion is welcome, imho.

Except for when the bots bump decade old threads.

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Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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Yea. If we are talking about it, I never ended up joining all but one or two other RS sites, other than clan sites.

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Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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