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Senior Pranks


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My brother who left 2 years ago,put caemera in the teachers toilet,Got a vid of the headmaster taking a dump and got it on projector in whole school assemblley,about 2 thousand ppl saw the heaadmaster having a cabbage and whiping his but lol








thats perverted :?






yet o so funny :lol:


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My senior class had no choice but not to do one. My principal didn't really like our class due to our cutlist. He threatened to cancel prom if we did one (and no one wanted that to happen).




I did like one prank at our school though. One class locked all the teachers and faculty in the library (they were at their staff meeting) and gave them a clue. The clue was like.. a math problem that they had to solve. The answer would lead them to the next clue, and to the next clue.. until they could find the key. It was a little sweet revenge for all that homework :wink:




Senior pranks like slashing tires are really stupid. Your school has to replace those tires, and in turn, takes money out of your events and their budget. This means you'll have less money for your events, etc. :?


Retired tip.it moderator.

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We had ours the 28th of April. The evening before we snuck in, and set up all sorts of props to make our school seem like a high security compound. We had put a barricade in front of the main entrance, we had guard towers, the fences were boarded up with cardboard covered in garbage bags and we had fake metal detectors at the entrances to the building. We had several people dressed up as guards checking student passes and searching bags. We even used the school announcement system to broadcast messages like "Please follow the instructions of our security personnel, they are here for your safety" and "Access to the restricted areas is expressly forbidden and will be severely punished"




Then, well into the third hour of the day, came the liberation army. We stormed all the classrooms at once, driving the students and teachers, except for a handful of 'collaborators' which we locked away, to the area in front of the main entrance to listen to a long speech about overthrowing the teachers' oppressive regime and stuff like that. Then the team of teachers had to compete against a team of students for the freedom of those collaborators we were holding hostage.




Wow must be nice to have teachers go along with everything. If a "liberation army" busted into one of our classes they would just expel everyone and if there was a hint of resistance from the students they would call the police. :/




Our class did a prank last year. Seniors graduate 4 days before school ends for the rest of the school so we did it graduation night (so they couldn't hold our diplomas or whatever).






We had to do a prank last year because of our school's history of no pranks. 6 years ago they spay painted "Senors 2000" (yes spelt wrong) into the football field with white paint. Then in '03 someone crapped outside the front doors at night and left a post it saying "Were out of this (crap) hole!!" Janitors cleaned up the mess at 6am and fined the class $200. And that was our school's entire history of senior pranks :roll:






Then out class comes along, we were quite 'patriotic' or whatever you would call it, our class was fiercely proud of "aught five". It all started when the student council president propped a door open one evening and gave a schedule of when the janitors leave/arrive to another aught fiver that could pick locks. He went in that night, picked into the office and stole a a master key, took it back to his garage, made a professional mould of it, then went back and returned it that same night. Later the mould was used to make a dozen or so masters and for months a huge prank was being planned in a level a secrecy that would make the CIA jealous. In the end 48 people were hand picked for the job (our class was only 120 people) and no one outside of that group had the slightest clue anything was going on.




The Night


Graduation night 4 black vans drove up and dropped of 32 people at the school at 1am, they split into 4 groups each with a clear objective and a leader who had a walkie talkie. The vans also split and went to nearby parking lots waiting for the pickup signal. In addition to the infiltration teams there were 7 people in full camo with night vision goggles and cell phones lying in ditches in strategic points on nearby roads ready to warn of approaching cops that were headed towards the school, and then we had 4 cars driving in random patterns also on lookout with phones.


Finally there was a command van with 3 laptops displaying detailed maps of the school and satellite pictures of the town. On the town map/photos we plotted the up to date locations (via GPS) of all our sentries and reconnaissance cars. Then we had a bay of communication gear, including police scanners, half a dozen walkie talkies, and a cell phone labeled for each recon unit (the sentries may not be able to risk speaking out loud so they had the opportunity to just hit ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅsendÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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We had ours the 28th of April. The evening before we snuck in, and set up all sorts of props to make our school seem like a high security compound. We had put a barricade in front of the main entrance, we had guard towers, the fences were boarded up with cardboard covered in garbage bags and we had fake metal detectors at the entrances to the building. We had several people dressed up as guards checking student passes and searching bags. We even used the school announcement system to broadcast messages like "Please follow the instructions of our security personnel, they are here for your safety" and "Access to the restricted areas is expressly forbidden and will be severely punished"




Then, well into the third hour of the day, came the liberation army. We stormed all the classrooms at once, driving the students and teachers, except for a handful of 'collaborators' which we locked away, to the area in front of the main entrance to listen to a long speech about overthrowing the teachers' oppressive regime and stuff like that. Then the team of teachers had to compete against a team of students for the freedom of those collaborators we were holding hostage.




Wow must be nice to have teachers go along with everything. If a "liberation army" busted into one of our classes they would just expel everyone and if there was a hint of resistance from the students they would call the police. :/




Our class did a prank last year. Seniors graduate 4 days before school ends for the rest of the school so we did it graduation night (so they couldn't hold our diplomas or whatever).






We had to do a prank last year because of our school's history of no pranks. 6 years ago they spay painted "Senors 2000" (yes spelt wrong) into the football field with white paint. Then in '03 someone crapped outside the front doors at night and left a post it saying "Were out of this (crap) hole!!" Janitors cleaned up the mess at 6am and fined the class $200. And that was our school's entire history of senior pranks :roll:






Then out class comes along, we were quite 'patriotic' or whatever you would call it, our class was fiercely proud of "aught five". It all started when the student council president propped a door open one evening and gave a schedule of when the janitors leave/arrive to another aught fiver that could pick locks. He went in that night, picked into the office and stole a a master key, took it back to his garage, made a professional mould of it, then went back and returned it that same night. Later the mould was used to make a dozen or so masters and for months a huge prank was being planned in a level a secrecy that would make the CIA jealous. In the end 48 people were hand picked for the job (our class was only 120 people) and no one outside of that group had the slightest clue anything was going on.




The Night


Graduation night 4 black vans drove up and dropped of 32 people at the school at 1am, they split into 4 groups each with a clear objective and a leader who had a walkie talkie. The vans also split and went to nearby parking lots waiting for the pickup signal. In addition to the infiltration teams there were 7 people in full camo with night vision goggles and cell phones lying in ditches in strategic points on nearby roads ready to warn of approaching cops that were headed towards the school, and then we had 4 cars driving in random patterns also on lookout with phones.


Finally there was a command van with 3 laptops displaying detailed maps of the school and satellite pictures of the town. On the town map/photos we plotted the up to date locations (via GPS) of all our sentries and reconnaissance cars. Then we had a bay of communication gear, including police scanners, half a dozen walkie talkies, and a cell phone labeled for each recon unit (the sentries may not be able to risk speaking out loud so they had the opportunity to just hit ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅsendÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ




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@trapical, my congratulations for pulling off an operation as complex as that over night.


More to whever planned it. I hope they got a damn good job working for the military, or some criminal organization.


Both need expert stragegist like them :P

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Were there no camers in your school or were they turned off or wore masks?




Damn though, I don't trust people enough in my school to pull off that prank with them. Some of them would just rat us out right away. Props to you guys though oO

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Someone tried to do the old waterbomb trick on our head of 6th form on our last day...check this: The 6th form guy saw it, caught it with one hand, threw it up like a grenade, pulled a supersoaker from behind him and opened a can of whoop-bottom on us jabronies :shock:

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@trapical, my congratulations for pulling off an operation as complex as that over night.


More to whever planned it. I hope they got a damn good job working for the military, or some criminal organization.


Both need expert stragegist like them :P


Thanks for the congrats. Acutally nearly all our outdoor sentries and most of the team leaders were guys that were going into the military. We choose them due to their natuaral interest in that sorta thing, the training most of them already recieved, and their loyalty to the mission--we knew none of them would rat us out and we could count on them to lead clearly even in the worst case scenario.


But yea, I really get an extra kick out of movies like Ocean's 11 now. I helped plan a few parts of the Op and now whenever I see those movies I'm like "Yea, good plan... altough they should have given that guy a walkie talkie..." ^_^




Were there no camers in your school or were they turned off or wore masks?


There were 2 cameras, one on each main entrance. The first team inside wore ski masks and came in through a side entrances, they went into the office and cut the power to them. We found out before hand that lukily the cameras weren't live feed, but rather the kind that records onto a VHS tape for later review, this allowed us to shut the cameras off without alarming the police or whoever would have been watching.
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Yeah we have muck-up day too here.




This year some of the best pranks were: T


aping the school gates shut with lots and lots of masking tape. Putting a sign up directing ALL the traffic into the staff car park (it's a lot smaller).




Constructing a mock speed camera complete with road lines, very clever and realistic (my school are monitoring speed for some planning permission).




Planting a small tree in the middle of the cricket pitch. Replacing the school flag on the flagpost with a "gay pride" rainbow flag.




Sounding a fog horn in the library.




Putting a "for sale" sign up outside the school.





"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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wrote "FULLY EDJUKATED LEEVERS 05'" on our art blocks roof.




Another one the 04 leavers did was 'persuade' the boarders house bus driver to 'lend' them the keys to the schools bus, then drive down mainstreet throwing eggs, water bombs full of fish oil and god knows what, then have a huge water-pistol-filled-with-dye-fight in the local McDonalds carpark.


sounded pretty sweet



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My brother who left 2 years ago,put caemera in the teachers toilet,Got a vid of the headmaster taking a dump and got it on projector in whole school assemblley,about 2 thousand ppl saw the heaadmaster having a cabbage and whiping his but lol


pure genius


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At my school the seniors graduated last Friday and didn't do all that great of a prank (just let some crickets loose inside school.)








Two years ago however the seniors did a really good prank. Apparently there is some law in the town from many years ago that says if any student rides a horse to school it is the school's responsibility to care for it, feed it, and lodge it during the day. Well a senior found that law and get a bunch of people to ride horses to school. I have no idea where they got the horses, but somehow they did and five people (about) rode them to school. So, all of the janitors had to care for the horses during the day. Anyways, with all of the janitors busy there was nobody to stop the seniors from throwing confeti and stuff :D




And wow trapical, that is probably one of the best planned pranks I have ever heard of. It is simply amazing how so many people worked together like that - great job :D :D :D






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Hmm... I'm only 14 right now. I'm going to be a freshman in high school next year. I graduate in 2010. Anyway, I don't know of any senior pranks yet but I can tell you some stories about my middle school. They aren't really pranks and some of the stuff is serious but thats what you get when you have a bunch of kids who need to be sent to alternative school... Anyway, tomorrow is my last day and everone is talking about how kids are probably going to bring bleach balloons to school. It's kind of like water balloons but instead of water, it's bleach. Anyway, we all take this serious because they've done it before. They just throw them in the hallways. There is also a group of kids who just sucker punch random people. Finally, there are the people who figure they are gonna get in a fight on the last day of school. There is usually at least one fight every week at my school. I saw a fight one time in the cafateria where to kids started hitting each other. They ended up throwing each other on to a table and the table broke. There was blood and everything. We have some idiots in my school...

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Hmm... I'm only 14 right now. I'm going to be a freshman in high school next year. I graduate in 2010. Anyway, I don't know of any senior pranks yet but I can tell you some stories about my middle school. They aren't really pranks and some of the stuff is serious but thats what you get when you have a bunch of kids who need to be sent to alternative school... Anyway, tomorrow is my last day and everone is talking about how kids are probably going to bring bleach balloons to school. It's kind of like water balloons but instead of water, it's bleach. Anyway, we all take this serious because they've done it before. They just throw them in the hallways. There is also a group of kids who just sucker punch random people. Finally, there are the people who figure they are gonna get in a fight on the last day of school. There is usually at least one fight every week at my school. I saw a fight one time in the cafateria where to kids started hitting each other. They ended up throwing each other on to a table and the table broke. There was blood and everything. We have some idiots in my school...




Yeah, my school has quite a lot of idiots too... not too many fights though, plenty of drugs though :x




I guess it kind of depends on the nature of the prank. If the prank is well thought out and well intentioned, I like it because of all of the challenge and team work that goes into planning it, doing it, and keeping it hush-hush. Some senior pranks aren't that great though, just some idiots saying "ha ha it would be funny to punch a kid."




I also think that seniors should be allowed to do these well thoughtout pranks because of all of the things they learn in terms of planning/teamwork/etc. Yes, it will have to be cleaned up, but are they really "criminals" now? Sure, try to stop them if they are cought doing it - just adds to the challange of having to be sneaky, etc - but don't charge them, just prevent it from happening.






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Hmm... I'm only 14 right now. I'm going to be a freshman in high school next year. I graduate in 2010. Anyway, I don't know of any senior pranks yet but I can tell you some stories about my middle school. They aren't really pranks and some of the stuff is serious but thats what you get when you have a bunch of kids who need to be sent to alternative school... Anyway, tomorrow is my last day and everone is talking about how kids are probably going to bring bleach balloons to school. It's kind of like water balloons but instead of water, it's bleach. Anyway, we all take this serious because they've done it before. They just throw them in the hallways. There is also a group of kids who just sucker punch random people. Finally, there are the people who figure they are gonna get in a fight on the last day of school. There is usually at least one fight every week at my school. I saw a fight one time in the cafateria where to kids started hitting each other. They ended up throwing each other on to a table and the table broke. There was blood and everything. We have some idiots in my school...




Yeah, my school has quite a lot of idiots too... not too many fights though, plenty of drugs though :x




I guess it kind of depends on the nature of the prank. If the prank is well thought out and well intentioned, I like it because of all of the challenge and team work that goes into planning it, doing it, and keeping it hush-hush. Some senior pranks aren't that great though, just some idiots saying "ha ha it would be funny to punch a kid."




I also think that seniors should be allowed to do these well thoughtout pranks because of all of the things they learn in terms of planning/teamwork/etc. Yes, it will have to be cleaned up, but are they really "criminals" now? Sure, try to stop them if they are cought doing it - just adds to the challange of having to be sneaky, etc - but don't charge them, just prevent it from happening.








My school has some drugs... Some girl got arrested for smoking pot in the bathroom. Anyway, on top of the fights and drugs, we have pregnant people. Yes, my middle school has 14 year old girls that are pregnant. Well, I've only seen 1 and the other 2 are rumors but still... It's kind of stupid...

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My school has some drugs... Some girl got arrested for smoking pot in the bathroom. Anyway, on top of the fights and drugs, we have pregnant people. Yes, my middle school has 14 year old girls that are pregnant. Well, I've only seen 1 and the other 2 are rumors but still... It's kind of stupid...


Yeah, I've found pot inside the school, just lying on the floor :? I've also heard of some rumors of pregnant girls but maybe they are just rumors. My middle school wasn't like your's but my high school certanly is.






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Trapical that was AWESOME! Such a good read! I was amazed at the sheer complexity of your plan and i had no idea they would get so pissed that police got involved rofl! I think its awesome no one ratted on you either, it wouldve happened for sure here.

Lvl 80 construction.


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Trapical that was AWESOME! Such a good read! I was amazed at the sheer complexity of your plan and i had no idea they would get so pissed that police got involved rofl! I think its awesome no one ratted on you either, it wouldve happened for sure here.


Ha, thanks. Yea like I sort of mentioned above the only thing that made the secrecy possible was our grade extreme devotion to our class and to "aught five" We did the prank for the prestige of the entire class and we all wanted it to go flawless. In the end it all came down to luck though, I'm sure some us were hairs away from cracking under the interrogations.


And yea as for the cops, well I guess thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s what you get when you do something in Wisconsin, the state with the 2nd lowest crime in the US. Nothing ever happens here so when something does, the Police get pissed that someone dared to do something in their state and have all the time in the world to focus on it.

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Hey Trapical?... Is there a cash reward for information for the police? ;)


lol only kidding, absolutely amazing rofl!



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My brother who left 2 years ago,put caemera in the teachers toilet,Got a vid of the headmaster taking a dump and got it on projector in whole school assemblley,about 2 thousand ppl saw the heaadmaster having a cabbage and whiping his but lol




Wow, what a lie. Hidden cameras are expensive and your brother would be in jail.

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