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If u could have 1 super abilty what would it be


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If u had 1 super abilty what would it be eg. super fast running, super strong




mine would probly be the ability to fly




and if u had 3 super abilitys what would they be






ability to fly


super fast running


be able to read minds (not control just read)




what about u???


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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As long as we're not being too serious here, I'd probably go for




The ability to stop/start time (yet still be able to do what I wanted, such as move things about for comic effect).




Invulnerability (to a reasonable extent -- I suppose I could suffer to have a weakness like cryptonite, or whatever).




...don't know. Not particularly inventive today. I don't want to be able to read people's minds... so maybe... hehe, as Martin Prince put it "a million hit points and maximum charisma!"

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To speak to animals - That would rock the casbah. I could ask what gerbils find so amusing about us humans that they wet themselves everytime we hold them




To play any instrument in the world perfectly - Not only would that be a moneymaker, but being able to recreate all different cultures of music would be brilliant.




To stop time - Like Pete the viscous said, preferably with a pocket watch - Ala Bernard :P

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Invisibilty would be a good one, endless possibilities.




The ability to read minds would be awesome too, i'd finally be able to understand women and would never need to ask them what's wrong again. Plus i'd know if i was wasting my time trying to chat someone up.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Invisibilty would be a good one, endless possibilities.




The ability to read minds would be awesome too, i'd finally be able to understand women and would never need to ask them what's wrong again. Plus i'd know if i was wasting my time trying to chat someone up.




You're always wasting your time mate. :P








Flight, invisibility, being able to stop time.


Dreaming of that face again

It's bright, and blue, and shimmering

Grinning wide

And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes

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1.control time (including its effects e.g. ageing)


2. fly



ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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manipulation and creation of energy.




i get hungry...generate energy in my cells. i get cut or get a broken bone, give all the cells there energy for super fast healing rate (due to cell reproduction). i can strengthen my body simply by reproducy more muscle cells or bone cells. i can grow to whateve height i want. some one's my enemy? stop their molecules from moving by taking the energy out, effectively freezing them. Or, i can heat em up till thet explode. the ultimate power.


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invisibility ftw!




although i think the coolest thing ever would be having the ability to control the "True Source" ala wheel of time books. i dont know how often i think about that, at least an hour a day at work.






heh, thats always the first thing i think of :P



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Perfect hand-eye coordination would be great, ala ping pong (already my favortie sport which i'm ok at, but it'd be cool to have even better hand-eye coordination), and the ability to remember everything i ever learned at any point in my life would be really great too. Also the ability to know how every machine in the world worked (including computer systems and stuff like that)...those would be my top three. :)


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Most possibly invisibility. Who knows what a kid could get up to at a school.


*coughnotsneakingintogirlslockerroomscough* ;)




The sheer brilliance! :shock:




Mankind can finally answer the deepest mystery of all!

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Most possibly invisibility. Who knows what a kid could get up to at a school.


*coughnotsneakingintogirlslockerroomscough* ;)




The sheer brilliance! :shock:




Mankind can finally answer the deepest mystery of all!




Mankind could have possibly just asked Womankind :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Most possibly invisibility. Who knows what a kid could get up to at a school.


*coughnotsneakingintogirlslockerroomscough* ;)




The sheer brilliance! :shock:




Mankind can finally answer the deepest mystery of all!




Mankind could have possibly just asked Womankind :P




If thats the case, I want the power to understand women!





The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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i just thought of another one that would be cool, the ability to remember everything perfectly. like you remember 5 minutes ago the same as 20 years ago, every single bit of information. and of course the ability of your brain to cope with that, so insanity does not ensue :lol:



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Immortality would beat Bernard's ability big time. So I'd stick with it.


Along with Immortality, I'd have time to create all sorts of neat objects, such as invisibility capes, I'd have time to learn everything I wanted and get all the money I wanted. And of course, I'd be able to achieve world domination.


Then, just as a plus, I'd like to be able to teleport and to do all those wicked things with my mind :D


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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1. Control over time and space (this trumps everything else-you can control things (telekinesis), you can move rediculously fast (stop/slow time, move, repeat), you can be invisible (same as super speed really, stop time, move to where you want to be invisible, repeat).




2. Assuming that that's cheating, which it probably is, and if I can't choose just control over time (which would be my number 2), then I'd choose super speed. Like, super-dooper speed, like, so fast you can't see the person move (like DBZ, see...), and if you need, move across galaxies in seconds.




3. Flying would be kinda cool, just to show off.




4. Infinite knowledge/wisdom would be tight. Who needs a super-power when you can make a machine do bio-enhance yourself with? Liek, create a rocketship 100x faster than light...Liek see the edge of the universe plx?




5. Matter-control...i.e. snap fingers and create a car out of thin air. That would blow anyone away. The possibilities are incredible.




Notice: Every thing I've said but flying would allow you to take over the universe...But that's not what I was aiming for...Or was it?

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dude this is pretty hard hmm...




Aha! here is some:








2. The abliit to create thing with mind.




3. and two more powers




4. Teleportation




5. And destroy physics by making energy come out of nowhere




THat would be my powers

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