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Tip.It Times Presents: How Official Are You?


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good article that was quite original actually, didnt know about the air running world though, maybe im unofficial? :roll: lol

hows the weather up there. where the rich people live. currently, in the poor area its -1.
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Perhaps it was because of the fact that the majority of this article was nothing more than random rambling, but this seems like a very off job. What I see is an introduction to the worlds of runescape, a list of 7 worlds commonly used for team tasks -- with a few key worlds (and uses) missing, and 5 painful paragraphs hilighting the pros and cons of jagex acknowledging said worlds.




I definately don't see a

good article
Good guide
Good article - Great title and such




Having a week to come up with a topic and properly educate yourself in related information, I would've expected better.

My Journey Through Barrows (BlogScape :D)


Come say hi/barrow with me anytime on w91 :)

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this guys sence of humor seems 'Odd'ly familiar.




lol... I have no sense of humor.




And I do happen to talk to the editor, you know. I get to rub off on the poor sap :P



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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But that said, doing it to make me wrong would make me right about them doing it to make me wrong, so I'd still be right, right?


im confused :? :!: so many wrongs and rights in 1 scentence




But another great article i always look forwards to reading them






Dam you Editor i just looked up from after making this post im logged off so i logged back in click on an iron rock to mine it: "you need a pickaxe which you have the minninbg lvl to use" great i think my pick axe is broke ill have to fix it so i go to un wield it and realise ive lost its head and its no where on the minimap!

ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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World 68 became official law rune running because of sal's realm of runescape, if you go there they have a "free fast laws" guide and it says how it was made and how to do it.



Currently saving for 92 gp.

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I was thinking about this recently, very interesting read.


Nice idea about JaGex making some official worlds, but to be honest the combat one wouldn't go down too well I don't think.


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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Yeah as you said worlds 1 and 2 have been around for a looong time, but they've never been made official. But also, let me remind everyone of onetime when world 2 was down. After they fixed it jagex made some comment like "Happy trading!"




And of the 2 possiblilites I think that the first one, although it may take more effort, would be easier. Although you'd have to wonder about possible pking (the abyss for law runners) and where they would go if Lumbridge was taken out...




So I pretty much think that while this things would be nice to be recognized (like fansites such as Tip.It) Jagex won't do it because of complications, laziness to fix those complications, or just reluctance to accept that the players can actually behave themselves.




EDIT: The major law running world is 66 (branched out to 99 also). And its a forum based player run opperation. Although now its just word of mouth :( (too many people come without reading rules, or even knowing what to do).

91 RC!!! #332 to get it!


"D'you wear a black armband

When they shot the man

Who said 'Peace could last forever'" Guns N' Roses

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yeah, those are official. i didnt know about the PKing world however. and the rune running worlds, they started by just one company. then, since people saw runners, more crafters came who weren't in the compny. then since they saw crafters, more runners came. so basically laws and airs dont really have anyone in control now, and are just great worlds for rune running

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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Um....I remember on a news post long time ago, when they were making the bank notes, they mentioned that bank to bank trade would be very difficult on world 1, they recognize that it's the trading world, just not officially, hehe xP



Porygon 64

Black Charlizard

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There Should be more Official Worlds Out there, although too many official worlds would make the game boring, as only a certain skill of people would go there




P.S is world 9 really tip.it official world, no wonder why it was getting busy :P



~R.I.P~ Old Nite. Your Generosity will NEVER be forgotten ~R.I.P~

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a month or so ago, i noticed that my home worlds, new york (89, etc.) were getting crowded. they seem to be down now, but im not sure if it has anything to do with 'offical' worlds

Any fool can write a rule, but any fool will mind it




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Then again, Jagex could do it just to make me wrong now. But that said, doing it to make me wrong would make me right about them doing it to make me wrong, so IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢d still be right, right?


:lol: :lol: owned :D




This could either be done by making a small world that only includes specified areas, or by declaring one of the main worlds to be ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅofficialÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ




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Theres One Problem With World 1 & 2 official worlds. They just get too overcrowded and you cant hear what anyone is saying! Also I dont kind of agree with the Pking World as world 1 & 2 are popular for that too



~R.I.P~ Old Nite. Your Generosity will NEVER be forgotten ~R.I.P~

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"Wen i'm dreaming"




Marthin luther king ftw? :P




Anyway you made some good points there..But if they would make wolds for cb lvls,pures would have many problems..




Otherwize great article!


How many 'scapers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


1 to screw it in and 49 to complain how better it was before.

Was signed,Kioh Twan

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What if Official worlds were like, members only kind of things, so more people would be members.




ALso, official worlds would have 3000 people instead of 2k. THis means bigger and faster servers for that world. WOrld 78 with 3k people..just think of it.




This is a good artical, as always.




ANother thing on my mind: Make official worlds in the future only include the area of interest. So world 66 would only include the fally and shipyard area.

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I am very official :D I always use world 2 to trade (except world 1 to sell god armor clue rewards), am usually on world 9, and on the rare occasion that I play pest control, it's always on world 78.

99 Slayer since August 2007.

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"Official" worlds are not needed - just "unofficial", but well known.




I'd love to an unofficial worlds for Mort'ton, without having to fight to get into world 2.


An unofficial world for the Blast Furnace would presumably also be useful, and possibly Fishing Trawler and Rat Pits.




All new unofficial worlds should (in my humble :P opinion!) be quiet worlds that will make it easy for ppl to get in.

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Pretty nice article. I liked the idea about making CW worlds or dueling worlds only... that would be pretty crazy.




About the rune running worlds, I've actually talked to the main person who created "Fast free laws" on world 66 about making a nature world. She said though that she didn't think that natures were ready for something like an "official" world. I didn't quite get what she meant by that, but I guess she's right.




I still think that nature world would be pretty cool though.

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The one problem i can find with the idea of offical worlds is that on the popular worlds (law running, pest controll, trading) lag is greatly increased. I already find it hard enough to go on a world that is not my local area server without having massive amounts of lag, and surely this would only increase with more people on specific worlds?


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I think Official worlds for minigames would be a good idea. Instead of each worl having it's own version of castle wars, for example, there would be 4 or 5 different dedicated servers just running castle wars and people in worlds 1-25 (for example) would go to castle wars world one, people from worlds 26-50 would go to castle wars world 2.


Same for things like the blast furnace. Would ensure that there are always people there when you go, and by having them on a dedicated server reduces lag when lots of people are there and takes away lag from the rest of the world.

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Maybe instead of having guilds, having whole worlds dedicated to guild members.




Like a fishing world that is like a huge island with fishing spots all over the place and banks near the spots and ranges.




And a legends world with umm... legendary stuff in it.

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i must have ESP. I was actually just wondering about this. I didn't know much about official worlds, but i do know about the air crafting on world 16 and the trading on world 1. I was just thinking about posting to find out if anyone knew more worlds with special activities. Yes, tip.it needs to make a sticky about all the non combat companies so they're easier to find.




plus, i just came up with the idea of worlds for people with certain total levels/combat lvls. i didnt realize this idea was already brought up and considered.




Just a sidenote: world 1 is always full, so ores, trees, etc respawn much faster. Since most people are busy trading, the training spots arent very busy. So i use this world for faster mining, wcing, and some other skills :wink:



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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