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Sureal Experience - DK Trip


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I wake up this morning, and am promptly requested at Dags. I'm low on cash, very low, and am all for the idea. We depart and it's a decent trip, Trojann gets a zerker and warrior (again!) and Lee gets a seers. Not bad, but we were ALL hungry for more later.




After a few barrows trips and learning a whole new meleeing technique, it's back to smithing. But I'd barely get 1,000 bars in before it was back to good ol' Dagannoth Pigeons. :D




This time, we had a visitor. Rather, a companion to help Lee and I range. Said companion was QueenValerie, and she did GREAT for her first time. Well, relatively. And certainly better than Lee and I did our first time. This quote ring any bells: "Ffs! You can't click to open a door?"




Things went VERY smoothly in the beginning, we took down Sup with little to no problems. The trip progressed, and we were well, dropless. Needless to say, I was pretty tweaked. And the fact that even the godly Lee was a bit a fault wasn't helping. He'd gone out a bit far and *boom*, Sup and Prime on us both, the entrance all over again. We snapped out of it, and the trip continued on smoothly.




The trip wasn't bad, it was simply unlucky. So with our heads hanging low, and my mind flying high, we tellied out one by one. Lee first, quickly followed by Trojann (Val had already tellied, but stayed quite long considering her gear). I'm about to telly when I spot a solo-er enter the room. He runs past Sup, past Rex, past Prime and falls at my feet. I don't know whether he lagged, or was his first time. But either way I see a big fat "Guthan's Helm 0" and "Guthan's Spear 0" sitting in front of me.




With Supreme in my face I'm in a panic grabbing the items and tellying to Cammy.




I'm truly a wreck now, looking around frantically and running around blazing. I grab Lee and Val, rip them off eachother, and pull them to behind Cammy bank. The words were barely coming out, and the chat box was filled with incoherent messages entitled (for the most part) Cdub Foo: omgdofg!!11.




I feel horrible about this guy's loss. I am DESPERATELY trying to find his name, but all that was said was "Hiya" by yours truly. Finally, Lee and Val talk me down and somehow convince me there was nothing I could do.




But I wouldn't rest at that, I camped out at the Camelot Teleportation spot for a few minutes, and lo and behold he comes. I trade him the helm, the spear, and lag out before I can accept. I log back in and the following happens. I'll write it in dialogue to spare you all the reading. The dead solo-er will be called X for these purposes. [-] Means there's a naughty word.




X- Give me my [-] stuff back you dead noob [-]!




These aren't so much swears, but mostly sexual-preference slurs. If you know me you'd know I have NO tolerance for this. But I figure he's razzed, I'd be too. So I put up the spear and, oh my, lag [bleep]e. It's happened to us all, just not like this. I see the spear sitting there, and can't offer the helm. I glance down to the chat box and see,




X- My [-]ing helm too!




This is it. My kindness and my patience are both LONG expired. I hand out the harshess scolding I have ... Ever (that's right Troj., your stuff times 1,000,000). In short, there was NO way this guy's getting his stuff back now. And I have the most sureal experience. I realize some people don't deserve my kindness. And this jerk was one of them. He will NEVER see these again. EVER. If he traded me in World 2 for 100M, I would gladly decline.




I'm off to sell these right now. And to think I almost had an ulcer over this guy.




Thanks for reading, hope you all enjoyed.

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+1 on friendly's comment. you tried to be nice, that's the best that can be asked for. when i lost my dharok helm at ape atoll (lagged out), i wish the guy that picked it up would have been half as nice. i woulda bought it back. instead, i got a pm "hahaha noob." and then, BAM, ignored. yeah... as i've said, you tried.


give it a week prices down to 10m easy... month down to 5... :-k

sum1 quote me on that and see in a month lol :ohnoes:

-December 6.


I never lost any spears to ppl i went with. My internet providers are backstabbing pixel huggers though.
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How did just one person get down there anyway? Wouldn't he need a partner for the doors?


Actually, didn't the master of the kings, odd(I think) point out that if you use a rune thrownaxe on the doors with special, you can open them yourself

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He deserved it. Jerk. Didn't even reply your "Hiya"! :evil:


Chewy, from the point i saw those asterixes from him...








As coherent as your post is, I don't think you really realised what I said. If somebody taunted you with items they had looted from you, you would be pissed as well. From his viewpoint thats what it probably would have looked like. I am not saying cdub should have given the stuff back, I am just saying that I would have. I think its pretty pathetic that nobody looks at the other side of the story (maybe this isn't such a good example, but a lot of the time people on these boards just don't take into account anything thats going on and just post nonsense).

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hah, good job man, even if he was angry over it he couldhave at least asked nicely FIRST:P




naw chewy to me it didnt look like he was taunting him, if he lagged out AFEW times ok, but i understand it happens, and considering that guy probably lagged out himself the server probably wasnt actin too happy

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When we went' just before you i think me and Buddy were last to tele and saw a soloer. Maybe the same dude if you were on the same world.




I agree he didn't deserve that back, however to him it would look like taunting. Does not give him any right to start swearing. Free 10 mill please? :lol:


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Tip.it's community is the best!! You would have given him back over 7 mill. You people are actually teaching me to be nice to people :D thanks




p.s. Nice story, and in most of the Dk stories i hear...Trojann is always there :roll: And enjoy the Guth spear and Guth helm. That jerk deserved it.




(double) p.s. If only he was carring full mystic and whip :wink: hehe




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Well you tried to be nice and profitted nicely I might add due to his rudeness :D. It's funny really I haven't been a member for a month...just no desire to play the game besides pking, but I suppose that I could pay again just to visit the 3 kings.

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p.s. Nice story, and in most of the Dk stories i hear...Trojann is always there :roll:




You gunna roll your eyes at me kid! I don't think so! They wouldn't of went if I wasn't there. They need a mage, and I'm an ok one, Got it?




Btw Cdub, Share Please? :P

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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I can't believe I was panicing over this guy ... I couldn't think straight.




Lord Soultar, he could of used a rune thrown axe, but he was a mage. It is also possible (him being a mage) that he had entered before his team. But with all 3 Kings on me, I wasn't sticking around to find out.




And Chewy, I tried to give him a chance. Why on earth would you cuss at someone whom's giving you all of your stuff back? It is not his right to have that back, he was abusing my generosity. If he is going to be nasty to me, then he doesn't deserve that priviledge.

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