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Will POH last?

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Well, the title says it. Do you think Player Owned Houses will eventually go die after the craze falls? I mean, will we ever see a deserted Rimmington portal on low-number worlds (the ones that are popular)? I know that eventually it'll stop and you won't be able to just look for people saying PARTY AT MY HOUSE and go in.




Jagex didn't mention anything about construction having a use in quests and other things. It's used entirely for POHs. I was thinking they could actually have it integrate with quests and maybe have new types and looks of POH (I myself would love to see obsidian-type bricks :o ) as a reward.




Right now it is VERY fun, and I suppose it will be a big part of new P2Pers' to-do list. And it will always be fun to hold drop parties there. Another good thing is that it's the only skill apart from smithing to have almost every single level have something new to do. (Right up to demonic thrones that you can make at lvl 99 construction).




However, it's also insanely expensive. ONE building crystal that is used to make crystal thrones costs 1 MILLION gp. (Actually 975k, but close). I'm also pretty sure it's about 15 building crystals to make a crystal throne. 15 million for a crystal throne that you can sit on and that will be obscured by your awesomeness armor?




Will they ever really become just a fun thing to do, or will they die out?

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Two things:




1. You don't have to buy the uber-expensive items. Just go with a reasonable look that you like and stick with it.




2. The POH will be the next Blue Party Hat. The overall worth will be much greater than that silly little paper hat and people will be able to show off their even greater wealth when they show you their Crystal throne and Iron dragon in their dungeon.




I myself am very glad for the extreme prices. I have no plan to ever get those items but I'm sure some rich merchanter does and therefore will drain some of his money and another merchanter will do the same and it will repeat like that hopefully until there's less money in circulation.




Many people are saying that it will only be temporary but look at it this way, if someone can make 10 million coins in an hour why can't they spend ten million coins in an hour? Despite Thieving and High Alching bringing in more cash the money generally ends up in the hands of a merchanter and they'll be the ones going off to put that money to their POH thus negating that added money.

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i say poh's will always be popular.


you can have parties that won't be crashed by noobs, there's the dungeon for if you want to challenge your friends, and many other cool stuff to do.


plus there are so many useful things about it, such as free items, cheaper or free to repair barrows items, and travel to other places.


really, the cost is what drives people away, but i think it doesn't detract from how much fun the whole thing looks, and hey, big enough houses can mean wild parties :P


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just a little correction its a steel not an iron dragon.



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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POH is not just a set of rune that will gradually go down in price or barrows armor that one day wont be the best. but instead its something to show off with and the best part is that you get to customize your house how you see it even have your own family crest boxing rings and so much more. its a party in its own and well worth the time. not to mention you can make money with it by making chairs tables beds and more to sell to players so its not going to be hard to get those items that you might not be able to make to show off your style =)

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Of course the excitement will die off eventually, in a couple of months. It's the same kind of excitement as new quests, the slayer and farming skills, the Tzhaar in September. The novelty of owning a player owned house will never fade, but the popularity will.

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Two things:




1. You don't have to buy the uber-expensive items. Just go with a reasonable look that you like and stick with it.




That's what I'm going to do: just a simple king sized bed will look nice in my house, no 4 poster.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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They won't die because they are functional.




It has enough useful add-ons to other skills, acts as a portal hub and has lots of other useful features, like low cost barrows repair that will mean it will become a routine part of the game, at least for higher level players.




And other people will use it for parties/clan meetins etc regardless of level.

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this is much more fun that a measly rare,




some items cost near the same of the lesser rares and the houses on the whole are gonna last alot longer




also if you die your not gonna be embarressed about losing a 100m item and quit because your house is yours it's the only game item that it's impossible to lose






rares are out houses are in



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i reckon it is a bit expensive but i dont think they will ever entirely die out since it will always be cool to have somewhere to meet your friends in i reckon theyll keep going

ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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Look at the things you can do:




Clan Meetings


Fun Things


Show Off








Clan meetings, then bam use portal walk to wilderness.

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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Yes, of course they will last.




However, several posts here have brought up an interesting point.


What happens if someone gets into your account? They could delete all of your expensive items/rooms from your house.


Should there be a PIN to enter house, or a sequence of key movements to enter your house for security?





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Yes, of course they will last.




However, several posts here have brought up an interesting point.


What happens if someone gets into your account? They could delete all of your expensive items/rooms from your house.


Should there be a PIN to enter house, or a sequence of key movements to enter your house for security?








the kb says you need to enter your bank PIN code to enter the building mode


Building a house




To start building your house, it is essential you are in Building mode. If you didn't enter your house in building mode, use the controls tab, select 'House Options' and set building mode to 'On'. If you have a bank PIN, you will be prompted to enter it here.








kbase - construction - the basics

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Yes, of course they will last.




However, several posts here have brought up an interesting point.


What happens if someone gets into your account? They could delete all of your expensive items/rooms from your house.


Should there be a PIN to enter house, or a sequence of key movements to enter your house for security?








the kb says you need to enter your bank PIN code to enter the building mode


Building a house




To start building your house, it is essential you are in Building mode. If you didn't enter your house in building mode, use the controls tab, select 'House Options' and set building mode to 'On'. If you have a bank PIN, you will be prompted to enter it here.








kbase - construction - the basics


Well at least they thought ahead again. Good job in thinking of that Jagex. Also off topic but why do alot of people not the KB. It is really informative.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Poh are the new way to show ur achievement! Every skill is linked to it in some way! It reflect who u are!




Now the new goal of any scaper (well at least skiller scapers) is to own the best poh in town!




They will ALWAY be used for things such as : Clans HQ, party places, lots of useful and uniques skill features!




They now are a MAJOR part of the game, u like it or not! :)

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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  • 1 month later...

Nice bump, now we can look at this from a different perspective. Now most people have achieved their goals (training may cost a lot, but it's fast as hell :shock: ) namely 50 Cons for most, some 65, some 75, and some freaks going for 99, so most people just have the rare party or prayer training with their house, not much else. Basically, most people have achieved their goals in POH and the hype is now over.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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