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I think we owe Jagex a thanks....


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Ok ever since the 666 massacre, ive never seen a good comment about jagex, only flaming about how they didnt make pohs perfect.




Now, obviously, any update can have bugs, and pohs was a pretty big update, and ofcourse would have many unfound bugs (espechially with all the little kids going "wheres my poh!!!").




also, ofcourse, nobody is perfect enought to respond instanly. Infact, a 1 hour response is actually pretty fast, considering it was night time in the uk, notice why it was called the 666 massacre, and not 656? eventho it was still 656 for most players? Because it was already 666 in great britain, meaning it was a little past mightnight in the uk. (see also mod pauls post in official forums)




So anyway, Jagex isnt perfect, and I doubt even 1% if you would wake up in the middle of the night and go to work when you don't really have to.






So even if everyone still disagrees, I still say thank you jagex :)

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And it was a pretty BIG bug too.




I do feel sorry for those players who lost valuable items through no fault of their own.


ok i dont see how it would be my fault is someone ran up to me and killed me....

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So anyway, Jagex isnt perfect, and I doubt even 1% if you would wake up in the middle of the night and go to work when you don't really have to.




No, they really did have to. What would have happened if they let it go for another 8 hours? I'm sure i would have interrupted my beauty sleep to fix my own, or my companies, mistake that was affecting 1500+ people.




Granted though, they handled it all well, but saying that it was an extraordinary act by them to wake up and fix a bug is wrong.

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And it was a pretty BIG bug too.




I do feel sorry for those players who lost valuable items through no fault of their own.


ok i dont see how it would be my fault is someone ran up to me and killed me....





Sorry not getting your point.




Are you saying the people who were killed deserved to lose their items?








Are you saying that Jagex isn't at fault because they didn't do enough user testing prior to this release. Even though the people who were the biggest losers were paying for a service.

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And it was a pretty BIG bug too.




I do feel sorry for those players who lost valuable items through no fault of their own.


ok i dont see how it would be my fault is someone ran up to me and killed me....




He said through no fault of their own, you misread.

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So anyway, Jagex isnt perfect, and I doubt even 1% if you would wake up in the middle of the night and go to work when you don't really have to.




No, they really did have to. What would have happened if they let it go for another 8 hours? I'm sure i would have interrupted my beauty sleep to fix my own, or my companies, mistake that was affecting 1500+ people.




Granted though, they handled it all well, but saying that it was an extraordinary act by them to wake up and fix a bug is wrong.


im pretty sure jagex isnt owned by 100+ people (excluding the people buying shares at the stockmarket), and nowdays im pretty sure not many people care about whats not theirs....or is it just U.S?




And it was a pretty BIG bug too.




I do feel sorry for those players who lost valuable items through no fault of their own.


ok i dont see how it would be my fault is someone ran up to me and killed me....




He said through no fault of their own, you misread.


ah ic

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I would have expected Jagex to get a programmer out of bed to fix this major bug. After all it is a business they are running.




If they hadn't gotten staff on to fix the problem it would reflect badly on their quality of service.

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We should, we wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for them

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if i worked for jagex, i think i would make a pure account to have some fun with in the middle of the night when i'm not working ;)..




serously tho, when you work for a high income corp. like jagex, its like being a doctor...if their's an emergency in the middle of the night, by golly(nice word ;)) you wake your arse up and you get to work...




i'm sure they got overtime or special pension for helping out with that anyway.




And yea, sure, jagex can get a thank you, but they don't always deserve one. Sure, i appreciate what they do for the game, but its also something i pay for, and i would like sastifaction.




So you may say think you, but thats just out of curtosy

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ya all these people were complaining about how jagex should have suspected that this would happen or they should have stopped it earlier when it was i believe 1am or 2am in britian when it happened




It could have possibly been stopped earlier had they done more user testing prior to release.




But what is done is done and they can only implement better risk management strategies to handle/deal with a situation if it ever arises again (and it probably will).

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IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m a computer programmer, and IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve made my share of errors in programs before. So, I am not surprised that a change as big as the houses and construction skill would have a bug or two. I think Jagex did a great job getting the bug fixed so soon, and without having any downtime in the game. I work for a company where the system is being used 24 by 7, like Runescape is. So, I understand so hard their job must be.

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lol 40% percent of rs player already set there alarm clocks like 3 hours b4 school just to play :lol:




waking up and fixing a major bug that would be fun 8-)




Making up random percents only makes yourself look like an idiot.



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Good on you mate!




That is true they do soi much, they could have prefected it more if it weren't for all those children complaining. I think they've done a wonderful job, afterall no one said they HAD to come and fix things up at that time of night, they could have stayed in bed if they really wanted too.




Well Done Jagex!


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for a measely 5 bucks a month we are lucky to get 1/10th the updates we do....


I think jagex does a great job. Granted, I miss the old days when jagex was more of a family type run company and they were more on a "friend" type basis with they player....but the game is far to large to be anything close to that anymore.




I would like to see ANYONE work on an update THAT huge and not have a bug in it. How many hundreds of thousands of people have been in and out of POH since they came out and it took almost a week before that bug was discovered? How would Jagex have ever found that bug with a team of what? maby 50-100 testers tops?


Now the bug where people poisen others then boot them out of their house to die....now THAT type of bug Jagex should have caught....so i am disapointed in that.




But all in all I think for the amount of updates we get for only 5 bucks a month, no1 should complain....


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Thanks Jagex! To think you guys love us that much and sacrificed your sleep, just to make the game a friendly place!




I feel so over-whelmed!

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it wouldnt be the true 666 anyway, since wasnt the bible written in hebrew originally? if so, the 666 would really apply to the hebrew calendar, lets wait and see if anything happens then......




in fact i heard from somwhere it is supposed to be 696, not 666. it was apparently a translation error.

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