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Noobs say the funniest things!


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Well I traded with this person and he thought I was scamming him because I said


that I would not pay a full price for half the set of some armour... those were the days... ;)

What's Runescape?

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Posted a thread on some wow forums called "Runescape owns".


I am going to see how that turns out, im pretty sure i will get some great pics for this thread. :twss:




Are you suicidal? :lol:

Master of Attack ~ August 29th, 2010

Proud to have served the awesome Tip.It Crew <3





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Posted a thread on some wow forums called "Runescape owns".


I am going to see how that turns out, im pretty sure i will get some great pics for this thread. :twss:




Are you suicidal? :lol:




I would love to see what they post. I can already see their answers.




"Runescape is horrible!"


"Rs is for noobs who can't play games!"


"Worst graphics ever!"






...I will have to admit though, I honestly think WOW has a better Good-to-noob ratio then Rs. :ohnoes: :|



Rarest Drop: Obsidian Cape x3, TzHaar-Ket/Xil

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Posted a thread on some wow forums called "Runescape owns".


I am going to see how that turns out, im pretty sure i will get some great pics for this thread. :twss:




Are you suicidal? :lol:




I would love to see what they post. I can already see their answers.




"Runescape is horrible!"


"Rs is for noobs who can't play games!"


"Worst graphics ever!"






...I will have to admit though, I honestly think WOW has a better Good-to-noob ratio then Rs. :ohnoes: :|


Here is a link- http://wow.allakhazam.com/forum.html?fo ... m=1;page=1


So far only one guy posted, who doesnt know what runescape is.

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I don't know what was wrong with this guy maybe he was high or just plain stupid.








Um... what? :ohnoes:


"The greatest suggestion made by a human being."


Yeah. A dead gerbil could make a better suggestion.






This is not a suggestion now prepare for the best suggestion






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I don't know what was wrong with this guy maybe he was high or just plain stupid.








Um... what? :ohnoes:


"The greatest suggestion made by a human being."


Yeah. A dead gerbil could make a better suggestion.






The bottom part about the pirates is the best :D





"Read all b4 you post.. it's not a suggestion


Ok prepare yourself for the greatest suggestion"




^Rofl :lol:


Lol! Epic :lol:


There was actualy more to it but like just 1 suggestion more i just couldnt get it all in one screen

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Some noob was trying to get us to sing while fishing at catherby, and started mouthing off when told to stop, so he started to spam abuse, so he got warned, he mouthed of more, he got reported, then he said, What for?

Why do Level 100+ shun a person 6 lvls below them, just because they are still in the 90's? it is not cool!


Bleed Brothers Bleed

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Lol my idiot friend who had like 3M but didn't understand how rares work gave me the biggest laugh of my life today.




He wanted to buy rare, but was a few million short of the cheapest one, so he hatched a little plot. He spent all 3M on chef's hats. He told me in a PM: "Well they have to start to die out eventually, and then I'll be rich!."




I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Lol my idiot friend who had like 3M but didn't understand how rares work gave me the biggest laugh of my life today.




He wanted to buy rare, but was a few million short of the cheapest one, so he hatched a little plot. He spent all 3M on chef's hats. He told me in a PM: "Well they have to start to die out eventually, and then I'll be rich!."




I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.





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Imagination life is your creation. To bad not for this guy.






:lol: I made a mistake, this isn't the biggest quest in RS.


I will upload all my RSOF pics shortly.

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Lol my idiot friend who had like 3M but didn't understand how rares work gave me the biggest laugh of my life today.




He wanted to buy rare, but was a few million short of the cheapest one, so he hatched a little plot. He spent all 3M on chef's hats. He told me in a PM: "Well they have to start to die out eventually, and then I'll be rich!."




I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.








I don't even think the mighty Facepalm is enough to describe how horribly noobish his friend was there.




...I say we break out the Headdesk. :ohnoes:



Rarest Drop: Obsidian Cape x3, TzHaar-Ket/Xil

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I don't know what was wrong with this guy maybe he was high or just plain stupid.








Um... what? :ohnoes:


"The greatest suggestion made by a human being."


Yeah. A dead gerbil could make a better suggestion.






The bottom part about the pirates is the best :D





"Read all b4 you post.. it's not a suggestion


Ok prepare yourself for the greatest suggestion"




^Rofl :lol:


Lol! Epic :lol:


There was actualy more to it but like just 1 suggestion more i just couldnt get it all in one screen










maybe he meant : "read all b4 post, this is not a suggestion" as reading all b4 post is not a suggestion. have faith in your rsof'ers

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OMG, funny conversation between a few noobs in Varrock west bank. And if you can't tell each color is one person.








Wow, just... wow. :shock:






Should of named and shamed em' :lol:

What's Runescape?

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Lol my idiot friend who had like 3M but didn't understand how rares work gave me the biggest laugh of my life today.




He wanted to buy rare, but was a few million short of the cheapest one, so he hatched a little plot. He spent all 3M on chef's hats. He told me in a PM: "Well they have to start to die out eventually, and then I'll be rich!."




I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.








I don't even think the mighty Facepalm is enough to describe how horribly noobish his friend was there.




...I say we break out the Headdesk. :ohnoes:


Maybe this one?



Due to my epic stats, I have now started WGS (but I still hate spoilers).


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Lol my idiot friend who had like 3M but didn't understand how rares work gave me the biggest laugh of my life today.




He wanted to buy rare, but was a few million short of the cheapest one, so he hatched a little plot. He spent all 3M on chef's hats. He told me in a PM: "Well they have to start to die out eventually, and then I'll be rich!."




I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.








I don't even think the mighty Facepalm is enough to describe how horribly noobish his friend was there.




...I say we break out the Headdesk. :ohnoes:


Maybe this one?






...Yeah, that works. :shock:




Lawl, facepalming baby. :lol:



Rarest Drop: Obsidian Cape x3, TzHaar-Ket/Xil

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