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Noobs say the funniest things!


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Yeah... *goes and kills self* Remind me again why want to get 12.5 million experience for forum posting privileges?





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

loo = 100

vo = broken ice cream cone = sad children = sad babies = dead babies


bluehooloovo = sadwho100deadbabies = Who is sad about 100 dead babies?


I've cracked the code!

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Yeah... *goes and kills self* Remind me again why want to get 12.5 million experience for forum posting privileges?




So we can reply to hilarious threads such as that one, of course.

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Yeah... *goes and kills self* Remind me again why want to get 12.5 million experience for forum posting privileges?


remind me why rsof is used at all? :|


Because then you've got a slight chance of a Jmod reading your idea/whatever

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One day when playing around with my holiday items I saw a guy chasing a dog.







Homer: So if we don't all vote the same way we'll be "deadlocked" and be "sequestered" at the Springfield Hotel, where we'll get Free Room, Free TV, Free Food, Free HBO. OOH! Free Willy!

Skinner: Homer I think this has something more to do than a disobedient whale.

Homer: Okay, how are the rest of you voting.

Every member of the Jury: Guilty.

Homer: How many "S'" in innocent?

*Jury groans*

Homer: I'm only doing what I think is right. I believe Freddy Quimby should walk out of here a free hotel.

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I love f2p.




So some guy is following me around. Asks: "Are you nice"? Well right there I knew he wanted my account or at least one of them, and I was bored from training attack, so I had a little fun. I dub this noob "Eggy", who had decent grammar and spelling, actually.




Eggy: Do you have any other accounts?


Zaaps: Yes, 3


Eggy: Are they good?


Zaaps: You could say so.


Eggy: Levels?


Zaaps: Nothing about 25.


Eggy: Do they have a lot of money?


Zaaps: I think one of them has 2m [i checked after, turns out this is a lie, oops]


Eggy: Can I have?


Zaaps: And why would I give a complete stranger my hard earned work?


Eggy: I need it


Zaaps: "Need"?


Eggy: Because if I don't my brother will kick my [wagon]


Zaaps: Ok, um why?


Eggy: Because he needs an account


Zaaps: Tell him to make his own


Eggy: He can't


Zaaps: Why?


Eggy: Our mom won't let us have more than 1 account [...Pretty omniscient mom they got there]


Zaaps: Are one of you over 18? [Does this count as asking for personal details? I know a lot of people who get reported and no blackmarks for it.]


Eggy: Yeah my brother is


Zaaps: Good, then according to Jagex rules he is allowed to make an account without parental consent.


Eggy: But my mom won't let.


Zaaps: Doesn't matter, she doesn't have to anymore


Eggy: But then she'll kick his [wagon]


Zaaps: If he's 18, he's also a legal adult and is not bound to his parents anymore. Also by Jagex rules he doesn't need parental consent to make one [Pretty sure that first law code is correct, right?]


Eggy: But he can't make one he needs your's


Zaaps: Oh, so he can't make his own account but is allowed to steal someone else's


Eggy: No you give it to him


Zaaps: He doesn't need to follow your mom's rules anymore though, he's 18.


Eggy: He's not 18


Zaaps: Oh, so now he found a time machine and shed a few years in the last couple of minutes? My parents would buy that from you guys for a lot of money [That's probably true of anyone though]


Eggy: He's 18 and a half


Zaaps: Still over 18, what's the difference?


Eggy: Please just give me the account, your parents give you a lot of money [i said that when?]


Zaaps: Nope, just tell your bro to make one himself


Eggy: But then he'll kick my [wagon]


Zaaps: Yeah?


Eggy: He's 18 and a half and lives in Cali but he's coming down


Zaaps: So if he lives in Cali, he'll just make an account there and your parents will never know, and it won't even matter if they do


Eggy: Yes it will my mom will kick his [wagon]


Zaaps: Ok, I think he can fight for himself


Eggy: Then he'll kick my [wagon]


Zaaps: For what a week?


Eggy: Yes


Zaaps: Oh know, you're in mortal danger, call the UN


Eggy: I can't my mom won't let me touch the phone until I'm 18 [That's on satanist mother]


Zaaps: Yeah ok, well nice try getting my account, better than most. Have a nice day. [Removed from list and private -> friends at this point]

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The title of this thread is correct, because a lot of people who post here (the noobs) think they're funny by posting made up stuff and conversations that aren't funny at all!




Although Bruno is pro with his ags.



Dutchy angel2w.gif

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Offensive or just stupid stuff I heard on World 4 in Lumby (I'm P2P but went to a free world to look for n00bs)




N00b: Lookin for some naughty talk with a hot girl press 1234


Thank-you, your abuse report has been recieved.




N00b2: Im on mi lil bros profile he left to smoke weed




N00b3: Hoo knows where i can mine gold??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????




N00b2: Help!!!Wat the [place where people are punished eternally] is tha point of this game




N00b4: Press 321 if you wnt to have cyber


Thank-you, your abuse report has been recieved.




Me: Reported offensive chatters


N00b5: Ill bet youve never even kissed a girl [offensive abbreviation]


N00b6: Hes a looser?


N00b7: Press 1234 if u think im hot!




No one asked n00by ?s about my Easter Carrot though.




P.S. First post here at Tip.it so HYT Y'ALL! :D




This just happened. I was on world 7 in Lumby in my Red&Blue Castle Wars armor.




*Nub chub frub starts following me. I go up a ladder at the castle gate.*


Me: Wat u want


Me: Do u want my armor


Nub chub frub: Ya


Me: Its untradeable


Nub Chub Frub keeps following me


Nub Chub Frub: U R Hot


Me: Wth


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Me: Im not


I attempt to get rid of Nub Chub Frub by acting like another nub chub frub


Me: Phr33 st0f plaz


Me: Stop now


Nub Chub Frub: Yessswssssss U R


Me: You cant get this from me


Me: You must become a mem and go to castle wars


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Me: Its a mem minigame


Nub Chub Frub: Okkkkkk


Nub Chub Frub keeps following


Me: Bye now


Nub Chub Frub keeps following


Me: Ploz leave


Me: Go away


Me: Go away you annoying n4rb


Nub Chub Frub: =[


Me: Ty


Nub Chub Frub leaves, then reappears once, then leaves. I log out to post this.

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Offensive or just stupid stuff I heard on World 4 in Lumby (I'm P2P but went to a free world to look for n00bs)




N00b: Lookin for some naughty talk with a hot girl press 1234




Thank-you, your abuse report has been recieved.




N00b2: Im on mi lil bros profile he left to smoke weed




Missed this one until I was referencing the screenie for the previous




N00b3: Hoo knows where i can mine gold??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????




See above for when I found it. I'm not sure I got the number of ?s right.




N00b2: Help!!!Wat the [place where people are punished eternally] is tha point of this game




Same guy who said his bro smoked weed




N00b4: Press 321 if you wnt to have cyber




Thank-you, your abuse report has been recieved.




Me: Reported offensive chatters


N00b5: Ill bet youve never even kissed a girl [offensive abbreviation]


N00b6: Hes a looser?


N00b7: Press 1234 if u think im hot!




N00b7 was the main focus of this one. It was too close to the previous so I couldn't report N00b7.




No one asked n00by ?s about my Easter Carrot though.




P.S. First post here at Tip.it so HYT Y'ALL! :D




This just happened. I was on world 7 in Lumby in my Red&Blue Castle Wars armor.




*Nub chub frub starts following me. I go up a ladder at the castle gate.*




Me: Wat u want


Me: Do u want my armor


Nub chub frub (after some time): Ya


Me: Its untradeable




*Nub Chub Frub keeps following me. Finally, s/he posts again.*




Nub Chub Frub: U R Hot


Me: Wth


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Me: Im not


Me (In an attempt to get rid of Nub Chub Frub): Phr33 st0f plaz


Me: Stop now


Nub Chub Frub: Yessswssssss U R


Me: You cant get this from me


Me: You must become a mem and go to castle wars


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Nub Chub Frub: ?


Me: Its a mem minigame


Nub Chub Frub: Okkkkkk




*Nub Chub Frub keeps following*




Me: Bye now




*Nub Chub Frub keeps following*




Me: Ploz leave


Me: Go away


Me: Go away you annoying n4rb


Nub Chub Frub: =[


Me: Ty




*Nub Chub Frub leaves, then reappears once, then leaves. I log out to post this.*






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This is all 100% correct n00bisms delivered fresh from RuneScape! This one is from Varrock West Bank, W1.




Idiot: Gimmie your pass noobs - breaking a rule


Idiot: Im a hacker - report me plzzzz


*Irrelevant chatter*


Idiot: Selling gp 5$ for 1M!!!!! Im breakign rules!!


Another idiot: Dude come on for the 18 time i want yor acc




:o :shock: :roll: :lol: :wall:




I negelcted to report the first one and completely missed the second one until I referenced the screenie for this post.

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This is all 100% correct n00bisms delivered fresh from RuneScape! This one is from Varrock West Bank, W1.




Idiot: Gimmie your pass noobs - breaking a rule


Idiot: Im a hacker - report me plzzzz


*Irrelevant chatter*


Idiot: Selling gp 5$ for 1M!!!!! Im breakign rules!!


Another idiot: Dude come on for the 18 time i want yor acc




:o :shock: :roll: :lol: :wall:




I negelcted to report the first one and completely missed the second one until I referenced the screenie for this post.




Although the majority of world 1 says things similar to this, I have never seen anyone wanting to be reported. Only time I've seen saying report me please was when I went to the lumbridge home teleport location. Don't know if its still like this but, this is what i saw:




Level 3s: press 321 for gf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some poor player mods that hang out in lumb f2p: Please do not ask for girlfriends or boyfriends, it is against rs rules.


Level 3s: $#@& u!!!!! mute me plz!!1!


Level 3s continue to spam swears in hope of a mute.


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Just found out how to take screenshots! A tip for people who post fake conversations here: take a screenshot.


Here is a guide on how to take a screenshot for those who do not know how.




Guide to taking screenshots.


1. Find a nub.


2. Press print screen key (key actually says Prnt Scrn) on your keyboard.


3. Open up paint.


4. Press control+v. (Ctrl+v)


5. Edit the pic then post here.




I have one from earlier today. Some lvl 98 pure wannabe. This was before I learned to take a screenie lol.




Me: Owning pures


The lvl 98: rofl kid. (yes he types with periods, what a wbm)


Me: challenging another person, notices chatbox.


Lvl 98: Spams: Own this.


He says some offensive things during when I am challenging a level 90.


I fight him, 2 hitted with dds


Lvl 98: Friends? You are about as strong as me. (in private chat)


Me in private chat: L...


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