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So how often do you think you get followed?


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Every once in a while, I'd find a lvl3 (sometimes a little higher) following me, sometimes silently, other times asking me questions, and not very often, saying annoying stuff.




1. How many people follow you per login? I count getting disconnected, reconnected, and logged back in as 0 logins. For me, that varies from one person to three different people.




2 What's the most impressive record of following that you've seen?




For me, that would be a certain person following me for over three hours. It went like this: I'd go from the Al-Kharid bank with 28 pieces of essence and this person would follow me all the way to the gem trader. I'd make fire runes, mine what I can mine until I've 27 ores, and as I walk to the furnace, this person would start following me again, from furnace to bank and from bank to store, if I take that detour. Then I'd go back to the bank and this person would follow me back. I'd get my ess, store my money, go back to the ruins, and this'd start all over again. It went on for several hours, between getting logged out, runecrafting, smithing, mining, and other stuff. I don't think I can ever forget this kind of impressive perserverance, especially since I don't consider myself to be an interesting person to follow around.




So what's your record?

"People are idiots. Some just like to say they reported you to see your reaction, others are just spastic losers that believe everything is reportable, and others got banned and end up reporting everyone because they are mentally disturbed"
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When i walk in full ghosty some times people ask me to buy my cloths :shame: Also when i walk buy f2p worlds some people follow me but not to long \' maybe for 3 mins at most


so liek i know this dude name foxtrot and he luvs me

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Party Hat (or any rare) + F2P + Varrock, Lumbridge or any busy, monster-free place = Chaos




Yep, about 2 people every half-hour or so. Dont want to explain what happens at the weekends :wall:

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too many to count. I went to world 1 varrock wearing a red phat and full dragon :lol:




I then proceeded to enjoy a nice game of "flee from the n00bs!" in which I ran around varrock with ppl chasing me, its entertaining :D

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i am lucky in that i am a randon anonymous person in the game. i usually dont get people following me. that might change now that i got a dragon skirt and am planning on getting torags platemail though. :P



The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI.

First Dragon Drop 5/6/2006 -Dragon Med from Bronze Dragon :D

First Barrows Item From Chest 2/20/2007 - Verac's Brassard :D

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i might get one or 2 followers a week. Usually they want me to take them somewhere and being the nice person i am \' i will point them in the general direction. Other than that not too many. But when i get full zammy i might get more

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Funnily enough ... someone followed me today. Although they just needed me to take them to Melzar's maze. The most expensive stuff I ever walk around in is full rune though lol. Never draws more than 1-2 followers a week.

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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I have noticed that you have to have a fashionable outfit to make people stalk you. The price doesn't neccessarily matter, I used to wear full Saradomin with a green mask and I looked really cool, but now I only wear a Red mask. No one seems to notice me...

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I find it rare to get followed in p2p probably only 4 or 5 times since ive been playing, im level 106 at the mo so a red to a lot of people.




I normally only go to fally world 1 to buy coal and iron so most people are used to high level members there.




I did have a few followers in varock when I was in the early stages of fire lighting, but when I fire light there I go to the shop buy whatever logs they have and go and burn them, I do not see the world around me as it is so boring my mind just switches off, but I have noticed on occasion a player moving a few squares with me stopping and moving on again with me, I never notice if they speak.




I tend not to read f2p speach because I do not need my Torag trimming.

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I had a noob on my tail yesterday when I logged into f2p to meet a friend. I politely asked him to go away, which he didn't, so I walked all the way from Varrock to south of Rimmington, making sure I did some detours. Upon arival in the middle of nowhere I teled back to Varrock :twisted:




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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