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worst sunburn ever


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Wow, your skin are pretty sensitive




That's because we stay inside, infront of a computer clicking away. We're vampires :P




umm, i do have sensitive skin, but its not because i sit in front of a computer all day. in fact, the longest ive ever been on a computer in a day was 3 hours, that was during summer when it was raining and all my friends were out of town... on average i spend 7-10 hours a week on the computer... we're not all rs addicts here :shame:




one last thing i need to say... its been 5 days since my sunburn and now my skin is starting to bubble. i just know my skin is just going to come off in sheets... well, back to work on the patio \'

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My skin isn't as sensitive as my sister's. She once had sunburn all over her face and arms (she looked kinda like a lobster)...Anyways, she got it from a one week stay in Houston Texas.




And just a week ago, she got it again but this time, only on her arms.


.: Gallery :.

Away :( -cheers all!

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I got really funny goggles tan from snowboarding. The tip of my nose and my cheeks are tanned, but above that is still fairly white.

Lvl 80 construction.


Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h)


God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1

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Gah.. I got meh worst sun burn at the beginning of this summer. I went to the pool with a few friends, and we ended up staying about 5 hours. I didn't use any sunscreen, and I ended up getting my feet sunburned as well as the rest of my body. I had blisters on my shoulders and nose and my feet are STILL peeling. :oops:

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I have only ever been really sun-burnt about 2 times in my life. Thats with peeling and bleeding. I get the occasional red patch but not much more. Sunstroke on the other hand. Boy do I suffer from that. If I lie out in the Sun for an hour and a half on a hot day, I spend the rest of the week holding my head and feeling like death. Sunstroke is not fun.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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On the first day during a summer vacation in Belgium. After helping my dad put up my parents' tent and putting up my own tent, I had finally gotten around to putting up my hammock. Being as tired as I was, I immediately crawled in and fell asleep pretty much instantly. When I woke up two hours later my lower legs were completely sunburnt, from the top of my feet up to just above my kneecaps, where my pants began. My legs pretty much went straight from white to bright red.

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only sunburn I got was in florida on the beach. It was my 1st and only time I ever went to the beach. I applied sunblock on everywhere but my shoulders. Afterwards it peeled, which is nasty. Most people got sunburn in my class cause they went swimming and washed away the sunblock.

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my worst ever one was when i went to hurricane harbor with friends. i completely forgot to put sunscreen on and we were there for like 6 hours.... when i got back from it. it started kicking in.




horrible pain it was. it was on my back, my legs, and my neck. and it was glowing red. when i get sunburns on my back. i go hysterical. it get's really itchy and painful at the same time. but i can't itch it because it hurts too much. its some of the worst pain for me i think.

signatures are for chumps!

friends and aim are my life.

i love aim more than friends.ha friends...ha!

lol jk i love ya'll.

im bored its just who i am.

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argh sunlight it burns it burns!


its true im like a vampire i burn so easily, that doesnt stop me tho.


worst burn? dunno there have been a few, but 1 i remember was at the beach we went waterskiing oooh dam i got burnt bad that time

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

check out my thread


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I go fishing for hours on end every weekend and i never get sunburned.


last big catch was yesterday, check the link in my sig!


i once saw ruby and ash in the wildy, thought it was a santa hat.

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I've been fortunate. I've never gotten sunburnt, though I do spend 10+ hours a day outside. WOOT FOR ME!




wtf? are you like a bear? christ if i spent 10+ hours outside id probably turn green or something strange. im not against going outside, just when its 10+ hours a day you are either a bear, on camp or camp. lame...




P.S. i have a social life but i still play rs...like alot of people i know, its just i can see how he playes rs in like...a tree or something.


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Final Fantasy


Currently Listening To ~ Hotel California / The Eagles

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I got my worst yesterday.




My friend has a boat (it OWNS) and invited me to go boating with him. Naturally i accepted. I had sunscreen on, but i guess it must have come off in the water from wipeouts on the tubes...hurts but so much FUN! We stayed out for a good 7-8 hours. I noticed i was slightly pink, so i slapped some more on...Well it came off also. Now, as i type this, my shoulders are bright red, and my back is constantly raining skin... It hurts but the boating was worth it.



Ahrim has huge thighs?
Lego's would be a nice addition to Construction. ^_^



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omg...... well 1 time i went campen with my friend for 3 days. ok so i was outside most of the time. and well i am a red head so i have fair skin. so i like packed on the sun screen. yea well used a whole container. yea thats alot so its the last day and we decicde to stay 1 last day ok so i wake up in the mornen and well i was really soar yea. so when i go to take a shower i look at my back in the mirror and i have all these boils. it hurt like hell. ok then i look at m y face my face and back and arms were reder than my hair and a coke can. and my bros well they have almost no sun burn and well they used like no sun screen. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: i mean omg that so unfair am i right or wat. i dont think the sun likes me ....................lol

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omg...... well 1 time i went campen with my friend for 3 days. ok so i was outside most of the time. and well i am a red head so i have fair skin. so i like packed on the sun screen. yea well used a whole container. yea thats alot so its the last day and we decicde to stay 1 last day ok so i wake up in the mornen and well i was really soar yea. so when i go to take a shower i look at my back in the mirror and i have all these boils. it hurt like hell. ok then i look at m y face my face and back and arms were reder than my hair and a coke can. and my bros well they have almost no sun burn and well they used like no sun screen. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: i mean omg that so unfair am i right or wat. i dont think the sun likes me ....................lol




You need to use 'like', 'well', 'ok', and other words that are used in the same way a little less. I know some people talk that way, but do we honestly type like me talk?




Also if you were sweating a lot or swimming it might have worn off. Btw the sun hates us all and is trying to destroy us... By giving us skin cancer :shock:

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