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African or European?








When you (personally) allow toilet paper to kinda hang over the roll, is the sheet closer to the toilet or closer to the wall/counter/whatever the roll is mounted on?

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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Some new-age Hippy BS about not offending anyone by saying "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" even though 90% of people here are either Christian, or couldn't care less. I mean, people, come on! By buying into this, we're giving the power to make us feel bad to a whiny 10% of the population, which is what they really want! Don't even get me stared on affirmative action, ok? Just don't.








What is the proper answer to this question?




A.) Choice B




B.) Choice A




C.) All of the below




D.) All of the above




E.) Both C and D









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To create another incentive for f2p'ers who want to gain fast levels to show off to their friends. And because most of the higher level items require the same hunting level to both make and use them, meaning that there isn't really that much direct profit in the skill.








Could fire technically be considered a disinfectant? (Kids, don't try this at home :roll: )

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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Laughter is the brain's response to humor. When we laugh, the brain pressures us to conduct both those activities simultaneously. When we laugh heartily, changes occur in many parts of the body, even the arm, leg and trunk muscles.












Googled :P








Why do people play online games?

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Because the online game makes them forget, however temporarily, the whirling torrent of pain and misery that is their life, and to share with other people what they have virtually accoplished which produces an artificial "high" that lasts as long as they can trap people in listening.








On an entirely unrelated note, check out my sig! 90 wc!!! Be impressed, please? :cry:








Why aren't you impressed?!? :evil:

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Because, using algebraic thoughts, u can't mix two different variable to equal the same variable qualities. e.g 1a + 1b cannot be added, for the younger readers out there, an apple plus a banana cannot be added!








Why do laptops close, but computers dont?


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The people who invented the first desktop didn't really care about portability...what was important was the fact that the computer didn't take up the entire room -.- . Then people invented the laptop and realized that if they could make the screen fold down, then the computer would take up even less room :shock: . So basically, the reason is that laptops are more highly developed that desktops.








Why does the space-time continuum bend as you approach the speed of light?

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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From Einstein's equation E = mc^2 we know that to travel at the speed of light you need an object of infinite mass.




As a object of such mass would have so much gravity, it causes the space time continuum to bend (often depicted as a bowling ball on a rubber sheet)








P.S Light can travel at the speed of light as it has no mass. So is not affected by the above rule.








Why does chicken taste like everything?

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chicken doesnt taste like everything, everything tastes lke chicken, the reason is because the particles in a chicken are trapped from a galaxy sever light years away, possibly the location of the beginning of the universe. These flavour particles spread to foods that aren't commonly eaten (eg. human, crocodile and snake) because the creater of food couldn't be bothered thinking of a new flavour.








Whats a brain?


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1. Anatomy, Zoology. the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of humans and other vertebrates, consisting of a soft, convoluted mass of gray and white matter and serving to control and coordinate the mental and physical actions.




2. Zoology. (in many invertebrates) a part of the nervous system more or less corresponding to the brain of vertebrates.




3. Sometimes, brains. (used with a plural verb) understanding; intellectual power; intelligence.




4. the brain as the center of thought, understanding, etc.; mind; intellect.




5. brains, Slang. a member of a group who is regarded as its intellectual leader or planner: The junior partner is the brains of the firm.




6. Informal. a very intelligent or brilliant person.




7. Informal. a. the controlling or guiding mechanism in a computer, robot, pacemaker, etc.




b. the part of a computer system for coordination or guidance, as of a missile.








ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâverb (used with object) 8. to smash the skull of.




9. Slang. to hit or bang (someone) on the head.





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Because you are what you eat :D








Which annoys you more: people who refer to themselves in the plural or people who refer to themselves in the third person? Noname713 finds the plural people to be confusing, but he sees those who refer to themselves in the third person to be entertaining for short periods of time.

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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