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my new car!!!!!!!!! (pic)


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Interesting looking car... :-s




But a good intersting looking car. :D

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Drive carefully , Fiero's were known as the death-traps of the 80's

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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Cars suck! But I'm happy that you're happy with your car. :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Awesome. I think that I'm getting a car soon too. :D




I love the car. Don't speed, or drive without a license... and be smart with it. ^_^




you forgot dont drink, always where your seatbelt, and always take your little siblings somewhere

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The car looks kinda cool.




but it has poor ground clearance... I once owned a car with poor ground clearance... bad mistake. Hit every rock, stick, rubbish, small forest creature on the road.




I finally drove it into a river bed, where I got stones stuck in it, (had to do a high speed jump/drive over a patch of loose stones to prevent getting stuck, moments before I watched a Toyota Hilux struggle through), the stuck stones gave it a deep rumbling sound at low speeds.... Although was heaps of fun to drive on the open road.

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Bad news - It's one of the ugliest cars ever made.




Good news - With a few thousand dollars in body work, you can make them LOOK like Ferarri's. :P




(I've seen the body work done on one and they can look just like them, but it takes lots of foam and what not and a talented body artist. I'll see if I can find the pictures...It's pretty cool when it's done.)

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Good news - With a few thousand dollars in body work, you can make them LOOK like Ferarri's. :P


Tip: Do NOT become a ricer like this.




People who make crap cars look "good" (IMO, they make them worse) are idiots. You could save the money you'd waste in getting a new car. Just what benefit is putting a bodykit on, say, a Nissan Micra? None, that's what. You'll only succeed in making yourself look like a twonk, and the people you'd look to impress will shun you for doing so.

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Gratz on getting a car. I'd personally make it look like a lamborghini...


@ Bubsa: I've seen some pretty nice looking kit cars.. And as far as I know if you do a good enough job you can make money on them :wink:






I'm praying for a 2006 Ford Mustang for my 16th birthday (Just a few months away \' ) but I haven't taken drivers ed yet and won't be able to until fall...

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Good news - With a few thousand dollars in body work, you can make them LOOK like Ferarri's. :P


Tip: Do NOT become a ricer like this.




People who make crap cars look "good" (IMO, they make them worse) are idiots. You could save the money you'd waste in getting a new car. Just what benefit is putting a bodykit on, say, a Nissan Micra? None, that's what. You'll only succeed in making yourself look like a twonk, and the people you'd look to impress will shun you for doing so.




I'm not talking about body kits, you small-minded fool!




I'm talking about actual body work. You know...Foam...Fiberglass...Hand-crafting. An eye for detail. Art. Something anyone who slaps a body kit on their car has none of.




A quick check of Ebay tells me that I can buy one of these cars for around $1000. Plus $2000 in body work can make it look like a $100,000 car. Give or take 400 horse power. :lol:




Hey, I never claimed it would BE a Ferarri. Just LOOK like one.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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