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Ancient Magic are so Loved...


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I've been playing Castle Wars a lot more recently, and discovered how much people love Ancient Magiks. When ever they here the ring of a Blitz coming their way it's;




1. Insta-Pray


2. Call me a noob


3. Scream for help




Quite sad really, I can't use my Magic level to it's best without being flamed -.-




I'm a noob if I'm weak (my newbie pure) and a noob if I'm too strong for them :-k




I was wondering, does anybody else get this? Or is it just the nubs on W23 Castle Wars?




^^ Support it or get confused by pixel-mess :D

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I get the same thing, when I blitz a group of people, they call me a noob as they all die... And when I get 20 people attacking me, I get called a noob as I die... It's just how the game is, too many immature boys

Tugrul88 ---> Perm Banned because Jagex can't distinguish the difference between Trust-trading and RW trading.



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All is fair in love and (Castle) war/s. :P

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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I like standing on the enemies wall and killing one person over and over again, I stop when they do more than 3 swears at a time and move on to someone else :D




I'm that kind of noob




(Offtopic, just noticed the new smiley -.- )

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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Calling you a noob makes them feel better about themselves. They're just upset at the moment because they're being owned. :P


+10000000000000000 \'




Mod Edit: Posts like these do not contribute to a discussion, I suggest you stop spamming

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I like standing on the enemies wall and killing one person over and over again, I stop when they do more than 3 swears at a time and move on to someone else :D




I'm that kind of noob




(Offtopic, just noticed the new smiley -.- )






Lol, I love doing that. Half the time they have their Private chat on so I just add them and hunt them down. When they start swearing I just report and move on :twisted: :shock: :twisted:




^^ Support it or get confused by pixel-mess :D

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People just like to whine when something they can't control happens. They died, it's their fault. If they want to, once they get the right magic level, they can do the same to other people...




It's life.

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Well, all the ice spells are horribly overpowered. (and to those who are going to say "they pay more", would a spell that costed 500k per cast but is a one hit ko + a skull be fair? I don't think so.)


(Offtopic, just noticed the new smiley -.- )
I made it! :D http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=496896


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I was [bleep]zing a lvl 96 noob and he threw black hides on and prayed mage and ran away with his own flag....




LAter i still had mystic on and hit a 21. He went around tell everyone after he did a "27" on me i put my rockshell on and prayed melee..which i didn't and i used mystic the whole time only using smite....






poor guys..

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See, when you blitz them they get ticked and tell you you're a noob. When you Barrage them, they just shut up :twisted: (the pots are worth it :P ).

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I love ice burst at CW. its mostly just "noob" wich i dont care about, but when they are serious offends. One step closer to modness 8-)


Sure call me a wanabe mod, way better then be called noob :twisted:


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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dude thats the best part of c warz pwning noobs while they call you noobs :mrgreen:




off topic: has anyone ever been alching on the wall near c warz then a low lvl comes up and calls you a noob because of alching? happend 2x for me and i had to grab my whip and go in game to own them

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You gotta admit that most cw players are horribly prepared, I mean 90% comes in in full rune and expect to own everyone :? I love ice spells at cw, I sometimes even go in with entangles. It's pretty funny to hold your own flag and only be able to hold an enemy for 15 seconds without hurting him. Especially if you're the highest level on the game and everyone else is running around like headless chickens instead of defending me holding the flag :roll:




Anyways, you don't expect your military to still fight wars with wooden sticks just because tanks and stealth bombers are a little overpowered, do you? It's a matter of preparing correctly for battle, they fail in that one game after another so all they got left is swear at you.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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Well, all the ice spells are horribly overpowered. (and to those who are going to say "they pay more", would a spell that costed 500k per cast but is a one hit ko + a skull be fair? I don't think so.)





Actually disagree with you blood...




The ice spells were a great way to even out the triangle.. Before Ancients Mage was over looked in most cases due to Ranger/Mellee..




With the intro of the dds, mellee simply owned...


Then they nerfed the Short bow special..


Mellee was well over balanced.




Ice burst gives mages the advantage of the triangle they deserve.


Mages > Mellee


Ranger > Mages


Mellee > Ranger




Just bring crystal bow to CW and get your revenge on the mage.. Simple

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2 Mages lvl 90+ using ice burst and potting for ice barrage standing just outside the respawn room, other team don't stand a chance, I don't care what anyone say's ancient own castle wars, and if you have 2 or more ancients with serious cash you are not getting the flag :)




When I ancient in CW normally lower lvls keep me healed nicely, and we always win 4 - 0+




Obviously castle wars is a team based game, and the lvl 100+ go for the flag and the lower lvls put up cades and help out, but you need ancients to win.....




Ancients should be respected in castle wars, they help defend the flag and spend 100k + per game just for 2 poxy tickets which you exchange for some real nooby armour :)

Quit Runescape 10 jan 2007 - Playing again 2012



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It's not the ancients I hate. It does add more of a challenge to the game, and if I die, I can come back for more.




What I do hate, however, is when you NEED ancients. You know, like when a guy in full barrows (no wep, didn't see which type) goes and holds his own flag and runs around in circles whilst being defended by about 6 level 70-90 players.




Then again, I guess I'm complaining more of the fact that the flag doesn't get returned to its original place when dropped and that a team can horde its own flag. :wall:

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Trouble with CW is, A level 120+ is basiclly god when he's playing, he can be wearing Dharoks or Dragon and stand there with 10 lvl <100 hitting him and he is laughing, just eating now and again but he can last for 5 min + and more with prayer, untill an ancient walks in the room, ancient mage doesnt care about your lvl, you can be cb lvl 90 with a mage lvl of 90 and he will die very fast, even if he puts on black dhide and protect from mage he wont last 1min( and I really don't mind that it just cost me 60k to kill you)




This is why ancients are loved, they rebalance the game so all levels can enjoy it, and being an ancient gives you the power you need, this is why I am going for 94 mage, mainly for CW because I don't really PK, but like to spend my money killing people :)

Quit Runescape 10 jan 2007 - Playing again 2012



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Trouble with CW is, A level 120+ is basiclly god when he's playing, he can be wearing Dharoks or Dragon and stand there with 10 lvl <100 hitting him and he is laughing, just eating now and again but he can last for 5 min + and more with prayer, untill an ancient walks in the room, ancient mage doesnt care about your lvl, you can be cb lvl 90 with a mage lvl of 90 and he will die very fast, even if he puts on black dhide and protect from mage he wont last 1min( and I really don't mind that it just cost me 60k to kill you)




This is why ancients are loved, they rebalance the game so all levels can enjoy it, and being an ancient gives you the power you need, this is why I am going for 94 mage, mainly for CW because I don't really PK, but like to spend my money killing people :)


Me too :D . I hate pkin', but in 4 Mage lvls I'll be Ice Barraging at Cw (and by then I will have collected the 10k Bloods for 2500 Ice Barrages from Barrows, currently half way there :P .)

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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