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I'm Wondering, Why are There Censors?


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Well, Jagex has made the rule (Thank god for it) that only 13+ year olds can play Runescape. So if you have to be a teenager or older, why are there censors? I'm sure EVERYONE has heard, or used cuss/curse words. Hell, even Jagex say them. If they don't want us saying '@ss' then how come they would? I'm saying that Jagex should take off the censor. If only teenagers and older could play, then why censors? Jagex is kind of stupid in some ways #-o.

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Curse and swear words are wrong in any place and any time and are very inappropriate that is why, but some of the things they censor are stupid such as 'z' and 'd' which get annoying.




For censoring foul language it is great but some things are just a idea done very badly.




No matter how old you are, mature people do not like swearng and curses it is completely unnessacery

Ex- Full time Runescape player, Lover of Castle Wars


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can you give me one good reason for having profanities in game?

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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that is not your point i believe.. that is simply a reason to upgrade the current blocker

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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can you give me one good reason for having profanities in game?




so we can use a majority of expressions? most curses arent used in an accusitive way...but merely to express oneself,




e.g, oh crap, be right back, phone.




two words censored..highly offensive..obviously.




besides..the censor just encourages all the little imaturities of runescape to have their 'inventive' spellings and doesn't force them to think of new insults...i personally tell people they have the mental capability of a baboon with AIDS that has had open brain surgery with a gnat. i get a lot of '5p34k 3ngl1sh n3rd l0034'..although one person did ask me what open brain surgery was..i told them it involved a golden spork, a pizza cutter, and a squirrel.

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Update your filter all you want Jagex you will never be able to stop kids from swearing if they feel like it. Just yesterday I saw someone succesfully say that he wanted someone else to s___ his d___. From what I've seen, it seems like an impossible task to ban all innapropriate language from the game.


The constantly updated filter doesn't really bother me, I rarely notice it. The only time I get censored is when I say words like damn, crap, and sh_t, which happen to be the only "curse" words I've ever used in this game.



and I <3 cabbage. so green, and leafy, and good.

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Runescape is supposedly for people aged 13 plus, these people are still under parental responsibilty and if jagex has labeled the game as 13+ they have to do their best to ensure the content of the game fits that age group of they could get in trouble by law.




Censoring phone, email etc is to protect their customers, sexual predators are known to go to roleplaying games to find their victims, censoring these common forms of communication outside of game gives the children some protection.

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Curse and swear words are wrong in any place and any time and are very inappropriate that is why, but some of the things they censor are stupid such as 'z' and 'd' which get annoying.




For censoring foul language it is great but some things are just a idea done very badly.




No matter how old you are, mature people do not like swearng and curses it is completely unnessacery




Argh! Nothing is wrong in and of itself or by its own nature. Please make sure you state clearly that the fact that they are wrong is not a divine ordinace by an unproved God, but only your own opinion. Such absolute statements are firstly missleading and secondly arrogant if they seek to expound the authors view as the only one worthy of adherance by unassailably enshinring thier opinion as fact. It is relative! And that is my opinion.




Sorry about the spelling, and this is not a direct attack on you at all, it's just something that annoys me.




I find the censors an uneccaray and annyoing inhibition to converstaion and play, but it does save offending some of the older members of the population. Then again, if you can't handle the tempreature, stay out of the Neuclear Reactor.



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There are certain moral absolutes that are hardwired into our genetic makeups, whether by evolution or God, it doesn't matter. Everywhere you go, no matter what the culture, there are certain things that are universal in their perceived wrongness; cheating, lying, and stealing are all considered to be wrong by nearly every culture on Earth, and can be classified as moral absolutes because of the wide-ranging prevalence of these concepts in such a variety of cultures.


Cursing is one of these absolutes; the actual curse words may vary from culture to culture, but the underlying morality of "These words are offensive" is unchanging.


Thus, common curse words in a particular language, in this case English, should be censored as an observance of common decency if nothing else. Just because you use curse words in everyday conversation and don't find them offensive doesn't mean everyone does, nor does it mean no one takes offense to hearing them. I, for one, do not appreciate when people swear profusely around me. Sure, I've been known to use curse words when I'm angry or to make a certain point, but I try not to swear in casual conversation.


There's also the image cursing projects of a person; the person who swears every other word is percieved as less intelligent or less educated than the person who doesn't, regardless of their respective IQs. Using swear words profusely sends the perception of "I can't construct a meaningful sentence with words bigger than four letters or that don't relate to some anatomical part or function." Using words that aren't overt curses to make the same point makes you appear smarter as it projects the image that your vocabulary is larger than the person who swears all the time, especially if you can use multi-syllable words correctly. If you can mamange to insult the person while making it seem like a compliment, then your perceived intelligence is increased that much more.






Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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I think swearwords should be censored, but NOT every single variation that is remotely related to that word.




If you consider profanity as everyday general English (or any other language), you require Emergency Medical Attention. I mean, do you seriously want to offer intercourse to every male and female you meet?

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Swearign is wrong anyway, it shouldn't be in any game. Even one rated for adults, it just teaches the adult to let a cuss word "slip" in front of their children, the kids start saying it, and it passes on. Get my drift?




I disagree that swearing is wrong. There isn't a difference between "crap" and "s***". Genearly, it's just more intense.




However, I among many don't want to see a bunch of 8 year old's using it, nor would I want to see everyone in all of runescape swearing.




I've played games that have and don't have filters, and it honestly doesn't matter to me. First off, I talk in vent for the most part (so I can swear all I want and it doesn't matter). Second, I can see "* you" and the actual thing and know they are the same.






You know I wish Jagex could lighten up on the 'filter'. However, they don't have the manpower to ban those who evade the filter. I would love for just the base word(s) to be filtered, and someone just getting banned for evading, however, it's just not possible with all the players in game.








Learn to live with it realy.

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hellbellz, il answer your question




because the only thing keeping 12 year olds and younger out is a queston box with the opiton of 0-12, 13-18, 18 to whatever...




its just like my_space






some question box with "i am younger than 13" sure is gonna keep thoes little children away :shame:

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Why? Have you ever been to catherby, fishing or the yew logs there? Enough said.




I can imagine going around with a censor and people spamming the chat screen with curse words for no reason at all, people do it alot just to get around the censors.



Current Goal: Fire Cape, 0-6 at the caves 0-3 agianst the Jad, Lag done me in.

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well i'd rather see: omfg **** you, you **** your dad in his ***


than: well you know


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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taken away the censor would change the game rating from teen to mature meaning u would have to be 17/18+ to play and then jagex would actuyl have to try hard to make sure u were 18 there would be no lieing to play so if u wanna ruin the game by all means take away the censor


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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Blaziken, no one's answered you yet because no one knows what's so offensive about "s". Just one of those mysteries of Jagex.




Hey, new game! Let's all replace all the letters "s" in our posts with "*"! I'll start!








Blaziken, no one'* an*wered you yet becau*e no one know* what'* *o offen*ive about "*". Ju*t one of tho*e my*terie* of Jagex.




Hey, new game! Let'* all replace all the letter* "*" in our po*t* with "*"! I'll *tart!






Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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rs now has the crappiest filter ever.


I mean come on, even NEOPETS, a site aimed at young kids, lets you say things like crap & damn.


the censor is simply way too tight. I rarely make it through a sentence w/o something being censored.


And plus, they dont even censor acronyms(sp?) with profanity. Ex. lmao (rest are censored on tip.it)


Someone needs to fix that filter.




I'll elaborate more when I get off my PSP & come on tomorrow.

Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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