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A friend in need?.... I am a jerk..


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I feel guilty, so guilty.




I reported him.. and he got only a 2 day ban, but he is very angry at me.




Cursing me from left to right..




No more membership for me now...




And whoever said the reporting thingy was annoymous, you are wrong, he got the transcrips and everthing




I feel stupid, so stupid.




so basically ur "friend" got mad at u over pixels


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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although ive never gone behind a mates back, it would be wise to report him, if you let him continue, he'll think he can do whatever he wants and soon land in big trouble. besides, hes rich in life, y waste it all on rs for junk like infinity robes, power isnt everything...wish i learned in time

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and remember: REAL GUYS WEAR PURPLE!

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I feel guilty, so guilty.




I reported him.. and he got only a 2 day ban, but he is very angry at me.




Cursing me from left to right..




No more membership for me now...




And whoever said the reporting thingy was annoymous, you are wrong, he got the transcrips and everthing




I feel stupid, so stupid.

Let me get this straight: He buys over $600 worth of rs gold and only gets a 2 day ban when Duke, a pmod and well-known man of high status, sells some gold on ebay and gets an immediant perm ban?? #-o






strange :? probably as JaGex takes the sellers more seriously compared to the buyers..like irl with drugs.


drug dealers get sent to jail for longer than someone who got caught buying them or with them on him


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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Dont report him, he's your friend. What is most important to you? Moral in game or moral in real life.. :roll:






Edit: Oops, didnt read the whole thing, well you deserve not to get members.

I quit RS.

Dude the past is past. Don't work yourself too much...it'll only make it worse.

Don't think about what could be, make it so.


P.S This kinda stuff also works with girls :wink:

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I never would report a friend, even some mods I know don't report me when i dont behave, they realize that its just a little anger spout or whatever and usually they go along with it. :/




P.S. if you have enough money to buy stuff on rs, more power to ya.


(never have, never will)

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I am glad you reported your friend. Better they learn their lesson now before they spend more money on just a game. It was the best thing you could do as a friend. A true friend watches out for you and protects you.




And, 5 bucks a month really isn't that much(for most people).


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Give him another chance, let him come to his senses.




IF he doesn't again, report him for it. At least he'll learn a lesson. And it is his fault for not listening to you... You're probably one of his most trusted friends, people make mistakes. But, then again, he might come to his senses...







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kick him in the nuts and tell him to give you 600 dollars next time




and dont report him since u can show him what you could buy with 600 dollars






EDIT: woops it was 600 even better

Just an average player with a horrible name...

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sorry about the caps but...








For his own sake, find out his password (im sure you can somehow) and clean out his bank for him. Buy blue phats wiht it and drop them on the gorund somewhere -.-

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Totally up to you.




Best of luck.

Does anyone happen to know death_siren? She stole a green mask from me, and I think I found my way into her ignore list. If you know anything, please, don't hesitate to give me a pm.

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Transcript...? :-s Whats that? I thought reports were supposed to be anonymous?
Nope. When you report someone, from what I've heard, a "snapshot" of the last 60 seconds (?) of conversation is attached to the report. Jagex looks at what was said, decides if a rule was violated and what they are going to do. When they notify the punished person on their message centre, they include the transcript so the person knows what they said and where Jagex thinks they broke the rules.




That means, if it was just you and your friend in the area, he will jolly well know who reported him.




Someone else I know was joking with a close friend about being "hacked" and "giving away his password". A pmod was nearby and evidently reported him. He got a temp ban, and then a PERMA BAN. He appealed and lost. He is devastated.




They tell you not to joke about violence in airports. Don't joke about rules violations in the game, either. Mmmkay?




Kejixu, sorry you lost your friend. And sorry that a forum user misled you about anonymity. :(


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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he would know it's you.




heres what happens:






(your name here): hey whats up?


(his name here): nm.


him: i just bought 100mil for 500 rl dollars


(your name here): omfg!


(your name here): you cant keep doing that!


(your name here): you'll get banned!


(his name here): no i wont.


(his name here): they'll never know


(*you shake as you report him*)


(your name here): i hope you dont get caught.


(your name here): you would loose like $1100












*trys to log in*


"your account has been disabled. Please check your inbox from jagex."










"breaking rule #(insert rule here)"




"view evedence"












****: hey whats up?


(his name here): nm.


(his name here): i just bought 100mil for 500 rl dollars


****: omfg!


****: you cant keep doing that!


****: you'll get banned!


(his name here): no i wont.


(his name here): they'll never know


****: i hope you dont get caught.


****: you would loose like $1100




*remembers conversation and realises it was you*






he would know. Thats what it is like. It shows the conversation, buy just stars out everyone elses names.

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Transcript...? :-s Whats that? I thought reports were supposed to be anonymous?
Nope. When you report someone, from what I've heard, a "snapshot" of the last 60 seconds (?) of conversation is attached to the report. Jagex looks at what was said, decides if a rule was violated and what they are going to do. When they notify the punished person on their message centre, they include the transcript so the person knows what they said and where Jagex thinks they broke the rules.




That means, if it was just you and your friend in the area, he will jolly well know who reported him.




Someone else I know was joking with a close friend about being "hacked" and "giving away his password". A pmod was nearby and evidently reported him. He got a temp ban, and then a PERMA BAN. He appealed and lost. He is devastated.




They tell you not to joke about violence in airports. Don't joke about rules violations in the game, either. Mmmkay?




Kejixu, sorry you lost your friend. And sorry that a forum user misled you about anonymity. :(






Oooh I see, thanks for clearing that up.

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Wow, that's rough. report him, it's anonymous, and trading rl items for rs gp against the rules, he'll think that JAGex just cought him at it and cry for a week and get on with it #-o




You'd report a friend in real life?




Wow. Life called. He wants to talk.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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It is annoynamous in the fact that your name would be censored, however they would probably let him see the conversation as evidence.




Jagex don't do 2 day bans though......its 1, 3, 7 or perm

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Report him......that is the only thing you should do. He will understand why you did it. Also whats better, $1800 reported by you or $5000 and band by Jagex? The difference in money $3200. The difference to his life 0.000000000000000001% He will get over it and if he's a good guy then he will definately understand.

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Personally I would mind my own business, I'd accutally like it if the rule on real life trading was removed to be quite honest. Less people doing it as a scam, if people are willing to put up their own money they gain they should use it as they see fit.




Reporting your friend is basically screwing 600 usd out of him, if you feel the need to do something talk to him, don't go behind a friends back.

r u on crack or somethin?oh wait nvm......now we know who real item trades......... :shame: rs would b insane if that rule got removed.....p hats would b like 1 bil........autoing would pretty much become legal....because most people auto for real money....not just for stats....but man if u were doin that would u want ur friend to report ya now or would u rather spend 10,000 dollars then jagex catches ya... :wall: just think hard about it and it might find some way through ur extremely thick head...




Thick head? Dude atleast I can spell decently. Seriously if you want to accuse me of real life trading you'd better have some better evidence than me just saying I didn't think it was wrong. Your a nice...i'm going to guess 12 year old...for trying your best to flame me, but i'd take it somewhere else unless you feel like you can make a better arguement than "R u on crack". I've never so much as had a warning, been muted, or anything else on Rs to be quite honest.

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Personally I would mind my own business, I'd accutally like it if the rule on real life trading was removed to be quite honest. Less people doing it as a scam, if people are willing to put up their own money they gain they should use it as they see fit.




Reporting your friend is basically screwing 600 usd out of him, if you feel the need to do something talk to him, don't go behind a friends back.

r u on crack or somethin?oh wait nvm......now we know who real item trades......... :shame: rs would b insane if that rule got removed.....p hats would b like 1 bil........autoing would pretty much become legal....because most people auto for real money....not just for stats....but man if u were doin that would u want ur friend to report ya now or would u rather spend 10,000 dollars then jagex catches ya... :wall: just think hard about it and it might find some way through ur extremely thick head...




Thick head? Dude atleast I can spell decently. Seriously if you want to accuse me of real life trading you'd better have some better evidence than me just saying I didn't think it was wrong. Your a nice...i'm going to guess 12 year old...for trying your best to flame me, but i'd take it somewhere else unless you feel like you can make a better arguement than "R u on crack". I've never so much as had a warning, been muted, or anything else on Rs to be quite honest.

ok...............i just really disagree with the fact that real world item tradin should b legal.........because thats what funds autoers...........and you dont like them do ya?
I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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