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Post intelligent opinions on "emo" and "goth


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Lol better music?? wtf is that? Every has their own opinion on what is good music and i like scremaing, just cause u listen to ghetto crap or hobo country doesn't mean i heave to fricken listen to it. You are just like the government, restrictions, and propaganda. Pathetic.

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Lol better music?? * is that? Every has their own opinion on what is good music and i like scremaing, just cause u listen to ghetto crap or hobo country doesn't mean i heave to fricken listen to it. You are just like the government, restrictions, and propaganda. Pathetic.




I listen to rap?! Wow..way to put words in my mouth. Many of my favorite bands have screaming in them (Cob, Skyfire, etc.) Difference is, they have the talent to back it up, period. Emos are hated for a reason, and that will never change until this fad ends.

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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I don't want to flame, but obviously your intellectual power is not permiting yourself to understand that opinions are different. I may not be emo, but i listen to alot of hardcore and emo, because music is a huge part of my life. You are ust like alot of people i know, who lsiten to screamo just to be "cool". You seem not to understand what a quality band is and what a nonquality band is. I am talking about facts, not opinions. Some abnds may sound good to you and bad to others, but a quality band has good, non greedy people who care. Hawthorne heights recently split from victory records for that exact reason. Oh yea and Anesthesia, ANARCHY ROX!

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emos are homosapians that cut the wrists of themselfs because their daddy beat them when they were older




Good job captain knowledge.




Go jump off a bridge.




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Goodness, Mad needs to get back in here and "spread the love." :P




Seriously, what's with you people? I don't care what age you are, what "scene" you claim to be, what music you listen to - you're all acting horribly. How about y'all shape up and act as if you have a bit of maturity? Even if no one else does, take the high road and stop bashing everyone. Just cut it out before you get this thread locked.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I don't want to flame, but obviously your intellectual power is not permiting yourself to understand that opinions are different. I may not be emo, but i listen to alot of hardcore and emo, because music is a huge part of my life. You are ust like alot of people i know, who lsiten to screamo just to be "cool". You seem not to understand what a quality band is and what a nonquality band is. I am talking about facts, not opinions. Some abnds may sound good to you and bad to others, but a quality band has good, non greedy people who care. Hawthorne heights recently split from victory records for that exact reason. Oh yea and Anesthesia, ANARCHY ROX!




To each his own, you're bashing my opinion, so I will return the same favor. Hypocrites are not welcome here.




Furthermore, saying that I don't know quality music is flat-out heresy! Emo music is hated by MOST of society for a reason, we aren't all just "wrong" because you say so. :roll:

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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Poopingman and 74gto can you please just drop it, I dont want this topic locked.




Poopingman, he can listen to whatever music he wants.


74gto, Just because you listen to that kind of music, doesn't mean everyone else has to like it.




If you still have a problem with each other, or anyone else then use PMs.



Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid it will never begin.

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Guest GhostRanger
I don't see what's so hard about letting other people listen to the music they want without making fun of them.




It's that whole making yourself feel better about yourself by putting other people down. It's almost funny how angry different musical tastes can make people...

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I don't see what's so hard about letting other people listen to the music they want without making fun of them.




it's not about the music, it's about stupid fads that make boys look like girls and girls look like suffragettes

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Wow, i just realized my music is all emo. It depends, P!ATD is not very emo...more like




Anyhow, I believe these people who wear black just do it for trend now-a-days. Those who cut wrists shoujld seek help, and lack intelligence to do with their own brain..




if that made sense. :-w



Legendary F2P Skiller

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yha korn,HIM,and the other band he said are as far away from emo as u can get, i heard that most punk rock used to be emo :ohnoes:




you take that back :shame: :D us punks aren't emo, we like stuff to be loud and dangerous, not depressive. uh, well maybe sid vicious did go over the top on self harming, carving "gimme a fix" into your chest isn't really clever but it wasn't emo but i cant think of anyone else who did anything like that :-w

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i love the music that many consider to be gothic or emo, and my friends and my girl friend often call me emo or goth because of it, but in truth im not ether of those things, emo or goth is a lifestyle choice which is sterotyped to people that listen to hard rock music, it is true that most or possibly all emo's listen to that kind of music but that does not mean all of them do, in fact most (90%+) do not cut themselves or dress in black clothes, this is merely a lifestyle choice which goes hand in hand with hard rock music, saying this i do not mean that emos or goths are created because of the music they listen to, it is more thier lifestyle choice and many goths or emos choose to be and do not do it bacuse of the music they listen to

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To everyone saying to stop worrying about emos and goths because 'their lifestyle doesn't affect yours': stop making assumptions.




I lost half my friends to the so-called 'emo' culture. Call me shallow, but when they started talking about their depressing lives and lamenting in shoddily-worded poetry that nobody could possibly understand their inner pain (now mind you, this was a group movement and completely unrelated to any actual psychological distress), I found myself standing on the outside. Why? Because I truly fail to understand why a group of girls with loving families, comfortable middle-upper class lifestyles, ample food, unlimited spending money, secure jobs, and adorable faces would actively choose to be unhappy and feel 'misunderstood.'




Seriously, if anyone understands this mentality, please enlighten me. I'd sincerely like to know what it is about the emo culture that draws people with everything in the world to be happy about like moths to a flame. All I can see is that it's damaged a whole lot of people who were once really close to me, and that I therefore have no wish to get caught up in any part of it.

It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite.

~Sam Levenson

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Emo and Gothic originated in the UK. Everyone knows that. And it's weird to, I mean, I would've never thought so myself at first either.




O rly?




In its original incarnation, the term emo was used to describe the music of the mid-1980s Washington, DC scene and its associated bands. In later years, the term emocore, short for "emotional hardcore", was also used to describe the DC scene and some of the regional scenes that spawned from it.




From Wikipedia ^

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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